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Panther Talk - Beason/Harris


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Just something to talk about rather than the negative. Jon and Chris were at Panther Talk tonight and I was very impressed with their demeanor. Both well dressed and well spoken. Chris Harris was rather quiet and Jon seemed to be very personable and approachable. (not anyone that would kick a douche's arse :))

I got 3 Beason rookies signed and 1 Harris rookie signed. Unfortunately, Jon's were kind of blotchy because of the film on the card. Oh well, it is what it is.


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LOL..."well spoken". Only a white person would say this about a black man.

Way to play the race card when it was not warranted.

Do you and KT troll the MB's to try and find places to throw out your racist crap?

There was nothing derogatory or racist about his statement. Most athletes sound like idiots when you get them in interviews. he said he was very impressed with them.

Had nothing to do with race.

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Way to play the race card when it was not warranted.

Do you and KT troll the MB's to try and find places to throw out your racist crap?

There was nothing derogatory or racist about his statement. Most athletes sound like idiots when you get them in interviews. he said he was very impressed with them.

Had nothing to do with race.

Let me ask you this, if he has met Ryan Kalil...would he have said he was "well spoken"? Chris Rock wouldn't joke about it if people wouldn't say it.

EDIT: And if you'd like to reply to this, take it to my PM box so we don't waste everyone's time with what could be endless debate, MadHatter.

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Let me ask you this, if he has met Ryan Kalil...would he have said he was "well spoken"? Chris Rock wouldn't joke about it if people wouldn't say it.

EDIT: And if you'd like to reply to this, take it to my PM box so we don't waste everyone's time with what could be endless debate, MadHatter.

dude if you use what chris rock says (race filled comedy) as a base for reality then your a dumbass...

intelligent people notice when ANYONE is well spoken, it says a lot about who they are..

how the hell do u think obama got to be president???

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Let me ask you this, if he has met Ryan Kalil...would he have said he was "well spoken"? Chris Rock wouldn't joke about it if people wouldn't say it.

EDIT: And if you'd like to reply to this, take it to my PM box so we don't waste everyone's time with what could be endless debate, MadHatter.

Actually, I would make the same comment if Kalil was "well spoken".

Most athletes (not all) come across as complete idiots. I do notice and am often surprised when they actually sound like college educated people.

I know this is stereotyping, but it has absolutely nothing to do with race.

I will not argue with you that racism is an issue in our society...because it is.

However, I do not go around trying ot find places where I can get on my soaopbox and incorrectly accuse people of being racist.

I will leave that task to you and KT.

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Nothing to do with race, in england people are always shocked when a white soccer player sounds coherent and intelligent in an interview. But then none of them have to go to college to become pro athletes.

That's because they get scouted at 7 years old over there.

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Sorry guys, didn't know the 'race card' would be thrown out for expressing my thoughts on two outstanding young athletes. I am a very dedicated panther fan, even through these tough times. The comments I made are based solely on a comparison to most athletes that make millions of dollars and are very arrogant, lack communication skills, and are not very personable.

I am very impressed that players such as Beason and Harris, that are some of the best players in the league would still be down to earth, like they are.

I do agree that racism is a huge issue nowadays, but I think it is driven mainly by people like yourself Uptown Bully.

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