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This is the kind of close game that we needed to win to demonstrate that we have turned a corner.  The way we looked on offense today didn't allay any of the concerns that I've had about our broken-winged offense.  Cam to Smitty. Cam to Olsen.  Now, we did have a D-Will sighting, but nothing spectacular.  Basically: The more things change, the more things stay the same.  


G-man fixed the interior of the D-line and got us under the cap. Great! But nothing else has really changed.


I applaud you for being optimistic, but I am flat out disappointed. At this point in our organization's history, and our team's development, there are no moral victories.  

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Dude quit smoking that dank. Apparently you are the one that "needs to get in the know" either that or you got some reeeaally crappy seats watching a completely different game then I do. Straight up I completely agree with TCF here we executed our gameplan and practically dominated them. If you couldn't see how badly they were rattled then you probably were experiencing sun poisoning. Seriously though the only thing that gave them life or we would've put them away was Josh Thomas making a bone headed move and botching that punt return up for us that gave them the ball back. That's what gave those boys life again and what's more ridiculous is we still came out and man handled them on defense!!! You honestly have to give props for that hit on D lo that forced the ball out and essentially and luckily won the game for them. It wasn't because of bad play calling because it really was a very well called game on Shulas part even though I hate to admit it and Rivera made the right call to punt the ball because our defense was shutting them the f down and I dunno if ya really noticed but uhm when we actually showed them hey we are running the ball what are you going to do about it? They stepped up to the plate n put our dicks in the dirt. But hey! Shula turned right around and started to spread them out and instead of running to open the pass we passed to open up the run. It was a great game for the team and no I really am not making excuses for them. Russell Wilson pulled some passes straight out of his arse and was lucky as hell. Dude was running for his life out there ! Josh Thomas had a really bad game marred by 3 big mistakes along with armond smith. I really am impressed by what I saw out of the boys today and just like the rest of the teams Carolina has always started off slow and then started to gel as the season progresses. And then insert Stewart. .. pffft are you f'ing kidding me? You guys may doubt this team and you know granted the last few years I get it. But open up your eyes because I'll be damned if we didn't open up the seahawks eyes up. I garauntee you this is the last team those guys want to see come January. I was hesitant before but after witnessing that game today put my arse on the train! I'm swimming in the koolaid!


Make your excuses and accusations, all of which are unfounded. I don't smoke dank, whatever the hell thats is.  My seats were upper row club corners with a perfect viewpoint, not to mention the jumbo and feeds on my iPhone.  I know what I saw, and it stunk up BoA stadium.  I may, relatively speaking, not know jack poo about football, but I know a lot about strategy, winning, and attacking opponents. That game was winnable, and poor play, and play calling, blew it for us.  I'll save the three grand I had set aside for premium clubs this year for something else.  Can RR, Shula, et al (except maybe McDermott). renegotiate a few ludicrous vet K's if we keep them at all, and play far more aggressive ball.  Until then, I'll watch it on the tube.  That exhibition today, after all the talk of how much improved the team was, and how pumped/prepared they were, was a damn joke.  Seattle, is simply not nearly as good as they cracked ed up to be.  On the other hand, at best, the Panthers grossly underperformed.  Make all the excuses you want.  Just be prepared to line up with the rest of those soon to be unemployed if their performance today is indicative of the rest of the season.  That game today was a  fiasco and should have been a home blowout if half of what the Panthers team and coaches would have had us believe over the past few weeks contained a modicum of truth.  I spend plenty of money on Panthers tickets, in the store, and have even sprung for some private club gatherings.  I'm a rabid fan...since '95, but I'm no blind homer, and t I will not accept mediocrity, much less ineptitude...which was fully on display today.

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Yeah I understand the skepticism in the offense. At first and I really do believe that's what made me lose my voice I was yelling wtf are you doing Shula wtf is up with all the 2 te sets and then as the game progressed I realized. Damn dudes protecting cam and that o line because they were literally manning up pressing the receivers and putting 8 in the box. With that defense its a very good strategy. It was an extruciatingly hot day so he was doing this to keep the defense fresh and to wear them down while also giving the o line confidence as well as cam. Let's be honest here bro man has looked shaky at best and more so like he's been trying to NOT make that big mistake instead of simply going out there and making the plays that we're used to seeing him make ala Brett farve like. Once the seahawks thought they had us is right when he made the ::gasp:: adjustment on the fly and started to spread them out to run. Seriously guys when's the last time we saw a game time adjustment here in the Carolinas. . Fug I can't even remember that far back. Here's the main thing we need to look for out of Rivera. . How does this team bounce back next week. That's what I'll be grading and should really tell you guys what we have this year because right now. . Im shockingly suprised at what I saw. The big men of the o line made me proud today and we all know the true place these games are won and lost is in the trenches. And dammit soneone needs to smack Thomas in the back of the head for getting burnt not once but twice in a row on the same frigging play call!!! Mikell wasn't out there on those 2 plays either. I was like the fug is Dockery out there for? Any news on Gary williams btw?

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Lol man the over reaction game is redikulus


Not if you consider it was another exhibition of our offense's abilities shown  throughout the preseason.  Everyone said it would change when it got real.  It didn't.  SOSDG.


PS - Is that the lousy keyboard on a smartphone, or was learning how to spell via hooked on phonics that bad?

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Good teams find a way to win, bad teams find a way to lose..... We had too many fumbles, stupid penalties, and passes dropped to expect to win. It's that simple......whether it's the coaching, the players, the talent level, the attitude, or team mindset - something has got to change. We have to be more disciplined and play before we can ever expect a consistently winning team. Let's face it....we don't play smart football.

Add to that I have no idea what our coach is doing...... Josh Thomas was targeted for abuse at the end of the game. He was actually beaten badly the play before he gave up the winning touchdown but the Seahawks receiver just dropped the ball. I know Rivera knows more about football than me but I have no clue how anybody thinks Thomas outplayed Norman in the preseason. When we cut Florence, I immediately thought it was because Norman played so well.

Losing like this makes me sick because it's becoming predictable.

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Make your excuses and accusations, all of which are unfounded. I don't smoke dank, whatever the hell thats is. My seats were upper row club corners with a perfect viewpoint, not to mention the jumbo and feeds on my iPhone. I know what I saw, and it stunk up BoA stadium. I may, relatively speaking, not know jack poo about football, but I know a lot about strategy, winning, and attacking opponents. That game was winnable, and poor play, and play calling, blew it for us. I'll save the three grand I had set aside for premium clubs this year for something else. Can RR, Shula, et al (except maybe McDermott). renegotiate a few ludicrous vet K's if we keep them at all, and play far more aggressive ball. Until then, I'll watch it on the tube. That exhibition today, after all the talk of how much improved the team was, and how pumped/prepared they were, was a damn joke. Seattle, is simply not nearly as good as they cracked ed up to be. On the other hand, at best, the Panthers grossly underperformed. Make all the excuses you want. Just be prepared to line up with the rest of those soon to be unemployed if their performance today is indicative of the rest of the season. That game today was a fiasco and should have been a home blowout if half of what the Panthers team and coaches would have had us believe over the past few weeks contained a modicum of truth. I spend plenty of money on Panthers tickets, in the store, and have even sprung for some private club gatherings. I'm a rabid fan...since '95, but I'm no blind homer, and t I will not accept mediocrity, much less ineptitude...which was fully on display today.

First off thanks for your contributuons to the team and your support throughout the years. No homo. However where hsve you been getting all this info from because everything I've seen up to today has been very humble and that we are working on getting better one day at a time... So if you have that insiinfo hook me up! Hopefully all of it wasn't based off what the guys on this board have been saying because lets be honest.. have ya looked around at some of the poo that's posted on here?! It can get a bit ridiculous at times. It's hilarious and entertaining but a little off the rocker as all boards can be. Look man you don't have to take my word for it but the last time I've posted anything like I've done in this thread was the beginning of the season 2003.. my boss at the time who I made listen to what I saw decided to make a vegas bet on us going to the super bowl that year because of the odds and what I was saying made sense.. I'm sure you know how that turned out for his punk ass.

Listen. Go back to 2008 for a second and ask yourself after the first few games did you really see us completely annihilating teams and just plain making them look a fool on national television? Probably not because it just wasn't there yet but once that line gelled and had more real time action together stew and D lo went bonkers. I can see that happening here. And so long as the injury bug doesn't hit us... again. That defense is better and can be better then honestoy any panthers defense we have witnessed to date. Mikell made me a believer in his abilities to round out the top of our secondary and if beason can continue to improve and get back to the form we once saw him in.. which I saw flashes of both the good and the bad beast but more of the good. I have absolutely no problems saying this team can truly be a contender. Especially if today was our baseline.. Thibgs can only improve from here man. Stick around a little longer.. im not saying go spend all of your hard earned money but I really think we are going to see something special this year. Maybe I'm just a homer though. Who knows but I'm not going to miss it for the world

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Not if you consider it was another exhibition of our offense's abilities shown throughout the preseason. Everyone said it would change when it got real. It didn't. SOSDG.

PS - Is that the lousy keyboard on a smartphone, or was learning how to spell via hooked on phonics that bad?

Lol man your reactions are high quality laugh material.

As for redikulus its spelled that way for humorous effect.

Maybe your hard fought attempt to be an internet dickcheese will get you what your looking for in life.

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I've found what I am looking for in life, I know how to spell sans excuses, and my private parts have no cheese.  And the point is, like the last two seasons, despite the promises and hype, we came out flat and demonstrated nothing to give one hope this season will be any different.  Grow up and learn how to argue without resorting to terms that require consulting the Urban Dictionary.

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Fun fact: Groundhog Day is actually a floating date every September coinciding with the Panthers season opener. It lasts for approximately 5-8 weeks thereafter.

The more you know...

Now that was funny.8-) LOL. Thanks for making me laugh on this pos opening Sunday.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using CarolinaHuddle mobile app

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Bumping my old thread cause I can't make my own threads. I do have a very interesting point to bring up though.

Come week 3, we will likely be a facing a good Giants team that will be 0-2. (I don't see them beating Denver.) This is going to make week 3 a really tough game for us. There should be plenty of motivation for our guys to really WANT this win based off of the embarrassment we endured last year in prime time.

I also don't see us losing to Buffalo but stranger things have happened. (See Chiefs game last year)

My point is this... It's not gonna get any easier for us. Obviously we need to actually start winning games against quality opponents. 4 out of our last 5 opponents are Division games, the Jets being the exception. We set the tone these next two weeks, win over the nation and media during a large chunk of the season, and then we win the Division and catapult ourselves into the playoffs those last 5 weeks.

As bad as this schedule looked upon its release, we can really use it to our advantage. No more excuses this year... It's Go time.

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I think we should have won.  PERIOD.  They had a few key injuries and were 3-5 on the road last year.   We botched it.  Good teams don't botch.


I cannot decide who should feel worse, because execution was terrible--Our goats screwed up in pairs--


Greg Olsen (2 key drops cost us possible points)

Armond Smith (rule book, schmule book 2 key penalties on special teams that cost us 30 yards of field position)

DeAngelo Williams (2 fumbles on about 22 carries--I have held onto greased pigs better, but I digress).


I feel good with you, though, because I think we will get past the coaching and the mistakes. 

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