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Seattle shouldn't forget DeAngelo Williams (article)


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i still believe in Williams, hes my flex option this week in fantasy(over Smitty).... he must get 20+ carries if we are going to beat Seattle

none of this shotgun draw/ read option crap either.... Williams was never meant for that , we need to line him up behind tolb in the IForm and pound the rock

if we abandon the running game Seattle will crush us, their secondary is too good

Tolbert isn't Hoov....lead blocking isn't his thing. He can do it but he is basically a RB. He wasnt brought here to lead block.

Instead of that, might as well just line Tolbert up without a lead blocker and use that freed up man to help draw defenders away.

Williams' biggest strength was always popping stuff outside... Seattle is too fast for that. Gotta go straight. Williams doesn't do that and contact well....no matter how much we wish it so

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Tolbert isn't Hoov....lead blocking isn't his thing. He can do it but he is basically a RB. He wasnt brought here to lead block.

Instead of that, might as well just line Tolbert up without a lead blocker and use that freed up man to help draw defenders away.

Williams' biggest strength was always popping stuff outside... Seattle is too fast for that. Gotta go straight. Williams doesn't do that and contact well....no matter how much we wish it so

I disagree, Williams had more success when lining up in the I and running between the tackles early in his career. sure he had success bouncing outside when it wasnt there, but thats not the only thing he can do.


and it really doesnt matter who is at fullback.... its fullback... go hit someone, not complicated

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I love the guy, but D-Lo sure sounds confident for a man who looked like complete ass in the preseason (and 90% of last season).  It's good that he's confident, just hoping that hopefully he knows something we don't.


Sorry, but I just don't have any faith in this run game this year.  Considering that we're supposedly focused so much on the run this year it's got me kind of cautious.  If we make any noise this year it's probably going to be because of Cam's arm and his miracle scrambles.

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I disagree, Williams had more success when lining up in the I and running between the tackles early in his career. sure he had success bouncing outside when it wasnt there, but thats not the only thing he can do.

and it really doesnt matter who is at fullback.... its fullback... go hit someone, not complicated

Yes, when he had one of the best lead blockers in the game paving his path through the mess.

see, you aren't giving Hoov near enough credit for the great work he did. A lead blocker isn't just a warm body. Hoov was top 2 back around 2008....

all that aside, it doesn't help Williams goes down virtually with almost all contact now.

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supposedly we are going to a more pro style offensive scheme, so thats an upgrade. jury is still out on the offensive line play though. I like our tackles and C , guard play will be the big question


Williams will have more opportunites this year, and hopefully in a more suitable offense for him...so we will be able to gauge what he has left in the tank. 

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Most of williams long runs are up the middle.

It's nice that so many fans don't know this as well as they should.

Tolbert has lead blocked for 1000 yard rushers, so

Once again, our fans don't seem to know our own players.



you're right pantherclaw, most fans don't know information as well as they should, most of all you who has consistently put your unique mark of complete idiocy into practically every single thread you've touched.


Here for example. Any knowledgeable poster would know most of Deangelo's long runs have been from cutbacks to the outside, as evidenced here:





As you can see, of all the runs over 20+ yards, a very small percentage came up the middle.


Furthermore, Mike Tolbert has only been a FB for a 1000 yard rusher one time in his career, where he played a whopping 7 games at the position for all time great LT. The starting FB job was given to jacob hester in 2011, the only other time Tolbert was on a roster with a 1000 yard rusher.


Let me know if you need help reading all that, but I'd prefer it even more if you didn't make any of us suffer through your retard level posts anymore, and stopped signing in to the Huddle and saved yourself the embarrassment that you create for yourself every single time you say something.



What were you thinking when you made that post? That every other poster here was just as stupid as you are?

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