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Re: A Cause for a GREAT Cause...... "Thanks from Ryan enclosed"


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I will be purchasing one upon my return home this afternoon. Dont have the cash right now at all but that pic was heartbreaking. Cant let that boy go fatherless. I didnt have one for the majority if my teenage years and needless to say it didnt have a positive impact on my life...

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I'll pin this for the day, being its a game day and all.

Hope your friends family has good luck with this AK.

Thanks for the support kurb

Anyone interested in other players and more info just pm me and I can get you info.

He is charging $15 each on eBay. I'm sure he is going to be struck by the support from you guys.

Happy game day!! Goooo Panthers!!!!

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Ok Folks;


I spoke with Ryan a little bit ago and he is deeply moved by all the support.


He is having issues with e-bay right now (which I am going to help him with later) but he said to let anyone who has a special request  know he can do whoever you want just e-mail him @ [email protected] and tell him what you want.


Thank you everyone for all the support. As always the Huddle shines.


My last post on the issue, but look on e-bay as well (http://www.ebay.com/...d=181199933326


 the link to the one I bought- just look for sellers other items) to see more if you don't have a special request








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Guys this is a great forum, I'm glad Joe turned me on to it.


I am Ryan, and I am the friend that Joe is referring to in this post.  My brother is only 37, and full of energy, so needless to say this was a complete shock to the entire family.  If you are someone who is at a high risk of cancer (family history, age,ect) please get checked out.  Cancer is the silent killer, and when you start feeling the symptoms it may be too late. 


I want to thank Joe for spreading the word. Instead of just asking people for donations, I figured I could make some money by using one of my talents, which is graphic design. Most of you have seen the Cam pic, and per request I have just completed a Kuechly print.  You can visit my ebay store at: http://www.ebay.com/itm/181201749960?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649


I have seen some of you asking about straight donations.  If those offers still stand, you can find Rusty's fundraising campaign here: http://www.donationrocket.com/rustys-fight-cancer-fund   At this sight you can donate via credit card, bank account or "wepay"


If you are interested in learning a little bit about Rusty, I made a tribute to him. It came be seen here.  


I know most of you cannot donate or purchase the art, so just spreading Rusty's story and offering prayers is a blessing in its own.  If you guys have any request for artwork, please email me at [email protected].


Thank you guys so much for the support. You guys give the Panthers fan base a good name.


- Ryan



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Would love to help out. Considering my grandfather has just recently went through 2 rounds of chemo for leukemia and its been so rough. Now he's headed to duke for bone marrow treatment. I know how tough it can be seeing a loved one go through this. And any way I can help out for him your pal I will. Just gotta keep hope and keep pounding. Hope and pray your bud gets through this and gets to celebrate some playoff wins this year.

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My mom died May 31st of this year, she died from colon cancer.



my family has not been the same since and will never be, she was the center of our lives.  Watching your mom die from colon cancer is like being punched in the heart every day.



I hope they found it quick enough for your brother, my prayers will be with you.



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