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The Football armpit of the year is upon us.....


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This is it folks.

This is the time of year that absolutely nothing in football happens. The best we can hope for is for julius to sign his tender, stewart get better, we sign some rooks, and no one else end up in jail....

So go out, BBQ, fish, play with your kids and enjoy your summer.

This is the calm before the storm! Get ready!

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July is the worst when it comes to sports.




MLB-All star break

No college sports... but it's funny to see ESPN try to grasp for stories. Remember Favre watch from last year?

July is the worst when it comes to a lot of other things as well. All the good movies are already out, TV is in reruns except for horrible reality shows, most outdoor events take place in June and August, and to top it all off what little sports media there is generally sucks (more than normal in some cases).

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Do you consider NASCAR a sport....I dont think its a "sport" but can be entertaining...

I don't care for NASCAR, but if you don't think it's a sport and the drivers are athletes then you're not thinking. Think about driving 200 miles an hour for several hours surrounded by inches with other drivers trying to pass you and you trying to pass them. All of us have been up to 70 mph, now imagine 3X that speed with traffic closer than on the interstate. Imagine pissing or shitting your pants because of course you can't pull over for something so trivial as bodily functions. Oh, and don't forget to turn your air conditioner off while simulating...

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