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NFL Network: Franchise QB, Wilson or Cam?


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Baldy and Ladanian Tomlinson discuss and both pick Cam.  They astutely point out that Cam had more responsibility and did more with less than Wilson.  They both love Wilson, but basically think Cam is on a different level.


About time (though I didn't watch/read the clip yet, to know what extent they're aware of Cam's responsibility)! Lol


I usually try to stay away  from those sort of things, cause I find the broadcasters are usually sorely lacking in the analysis and information department. Note: I don't care if they ultimately disagree with me, when they do....Just show you actually know something about the QB or the team. 


Okay, I just watched the video. And even though I can tell they didn't watch every Panther game (or Cam throw via tape). They knew enough to still come away with their feelings on general principle, the games/tape they did see, and what they're aware of with Cam vs Wilson and their respective teams. 

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but wilson won more games

But but Russell Wilson is a leader of men.

Make that 2-0 panthers over Seahawks. The Seahawks fans whine when there players named aren't HOF candidates already. Luke beat bobby and they cried and now they are crying cam is being called better then Wilson. But to be fair we also whine but we are better then them in my eyes as fans so whatever. Wilson would have been cams back up given one more round and would have never saw the field. That says something.

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I think they are both great.  I am a big fan of Russell, but Cam has more talent than any QB I can remember in a long time. 


I am biased, but I think that Cam is still just scratching the surface of his potential, whereas I think guys like Luck, Dalton, and Russell are about as good as they are going to be.  I mean they all have room to grow, but I think Cam has more talent and more room to grow than any of the big 6 (Luck, Russell, Kap, Dalton, RG3, and Cam)

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