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This Franchise is on the right track


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I for one appreciate the positive approach. We all get negative at times. On paper, Shula was the least qualfied of the three. I wanted Jackson too, based on his resume. But there is a statement being made here that is beneath the paper, and I think Cam's development has everything to do with it. Rivera is keeping the system and the coach who worked with Cam. Sure Jackson's system is very similar, but he does not have that rapport. Rivera has 1 year to make this work; there is not time for an adjustment period.

Shula was 33 years old when he was the OC for the Bucs and Shawn King was his QB. He is now 47 and has Cam Newton. If we get a stud RG, this offense is ready to roll. Shula knows where Cam's insecurities are, where he misses reads, and which plays and coverages cause confusion. He knows Cam newton like the back of his hand. Maybe he is not the best candidate on paper, but the others cannot say that.

This offense will have a solid line by August, a scaled-down backfield featurning Tolbert, Cam, Stewie with Smith Olsen Lafell etc. out wide. Imagine improved Silatolu, Adams, and Gettis. Throw in Gross and Kalil, and I think we have a pretty darn good offense--a G and maybe a stud WR away. We have a top 10 offense. Shula knows the team. Rivera knows that he will not last through another slow start. His job is on the line and he went with Shula. That is good enough for me.

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And it has the right personnel in place as well.

Big ups to JR and Gettleman, and Coach Rivera.

I'm totally on board with the internal promotions of Shula and Proehl.

I think that this Franchise has turned a corner today. It seems as though this place is still split with the "we wanted Rivera gone" crew and the "We wanted Rivera to stay" crew.

Some don't like the fact that we have promoted Shula to OC, but I think that was probably the best hire of the entire offseason thus far. Hopefully I'm wrong and Gettleman turns out to be an even better hire than we all have imagined he would be.

Very excited about the return of Jim Skipper!!! If he thought he had an awesome backfield during his last tenure here, then he must be foaming at the mouth this time with Double Trouble still in tact, and the addition of FB/RB Mike Tolbert.

I don't know how anybody isn't excited by the news today, but they are out there... People here seem to think that Big Names and success are synonymous when in fact, it's the furthest from the truth. Big names don't mean instant success. In order for you to get a big name, you have to start somewhere.

We have all of the pieces in place now... From this point fwd it's on Gettleman and company to unscrew our current cap conundrum and prepare for the draft. No one knows what will come of some of our players but rest assured there will be highly volatile debates about every single player that comes and or goes from this point fwd.

Today is a GREAT day to be a Panthers fan!!!

EDIT: At least when we are successful this year, I can actually prove that I was one of the very few who felt this way from day 1

FieryProphet has already started for me but I will add more:

First question: Shula is the best hire because as I've previously stated, he has a vested interest in Cam, and will protect Cam, he's been by Cam's side since day 1. Cam has very publicly stated how much he respects and loves working with Shula. Shula knows Cam's tendencies based off of a look or body language at this point. He knows what he's comfortable with and what he's not. He knows when Cam has been pissed on the sidelines due t Chuds play calling. He's been through the growing pains WITH this team, he's not an outsider coming in to change things. With the addition of Skipper our offense should be* (and I put the star in there because of what we thought it was gonna be last year) Unstoppable. I got sidetracked there.

No I'm not concerned whatsoever as to what his record was 10 yrs ago while with the Bucs. It's irrelevant!

I don't beat my wife, so that was a little awkwardly placed sentence

Skipper coming back a HUGE! It tells me that Ron and Gettleman (and of course) Shula realize that they need to actually feature our Highly talented backfield. Notice how much better Cam was the ladder part of the season when DeAngelo was actually allowed to run down hill? It definitely makes me feel good about our running game. We don't really know if we will retain all 3 guys but that's been debated and will continue to be debated over the next several months.

If you're tired of reading negative things about the Panthers you probably shouldn't read too much on this site. Most people here think they know more than they actually do. It shows with the way poo flows from their mouths. When you are constantly proven right time and time again... These people feel the need to attack you because they feel vulnerable and exploited. Instead of giving props, they attack... And why not? They're not held accountable for anything. They won't even put mods out there that are willing to do what needs to be done by the book. Obviously it's their choice to do what they want. If my name were tied to something like this, I'd damned sure do a better job of keeping it a respectable forum.

Back to the Panthers though... I think we will be successful next year. We have the right pieces at the right spots. Our schedule is going to be tough (but what else is new) if we wanna be the best, then we're gonna have to beat the best! There will be no SB predictions this year, just a lot of hard work and determination. There's no doubt in my mind that barring a major injury ( I refuse to even tie a name to that statement) we'll be in the PlAyoffs.

I think I answered everything u asked


What makes you qualified to pass judgement? It must be the 1st amendment right? It's gotta be, because that's why I share my opinions. The point is that no one persons opinion is necessarily right or wrong. It's just an opinion. Some opinions have more weight than others based on what they do and how close they are to the situation.

Having said all of that... Who the fug do you think you are? How do you know what Shula is capable of? How would you know what he's incapable of? Are you Don Shula? Did you raise Mike? Because if you did, your opinion would carry more weight than anything else I've seen on the subject up until this point. I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you're not though (let's play it safe here right sport?)

You think that our staff is "bumbling around in the dark" and "you don't see how a good QB coach transitions to a good OC" because I'm lazy I'm not gonna even bother looking up the very long list of good QB coaches turned OC's/HC's... But somebody here will undoubtedly. And it's a nice list I can assure you.

I'm just curious as to why we all should listen to your opinion? How does it have any weight at all based on what you've said? I can't find any reason to believe you... Do you sit in on the staff meetings for the Panthers? Does Shula pick his boogers and eat them? Why is this such a bad hire? Does he look confused and drool all over himself while trying to give Cam advice?

You must know... I mean you just must know. You're probably in the scouting department right? Maybe he's pissed you off by snubbing you on a guy that you really liked? Nope probably not that either... My guess is that like the 97% (maybe higher) of people here you have no ties to the Panthers, no inside info, and you damned sure aren't in charge of personnel... Hiring or firing...

So my question to you, and to everyone else on this Forum is who the hell do you think you are to question an owner who has been so successful in life and who has more money today than probably all of us will have combined in our lives? Who are you to question people that have been in the NFL for upwards of 30+ years? Are you better qualified than they are?


are you just a fan that tries to know as much about their favorite sports team as possible? Are you just a normal guy that WANTED the next biggest name? Did you think that Hue Jackson would have swooped in and saved this franchise? If your answer to that last question is yes, then it's kind of odd how 8 other teams didn't have OC's and he hasn't been interviewed by NOT EVEN ONE of them. I wonder why that is? It's not because he's black... Hell that would have actually got him a few interviews due to the Rooney rule, and still no calls.... Guess he's not that good after all! Somebody here mentioned his name and suddenly everyone wanted him.

Shula was the best call... And I didn't even want Shula... I've been begging for Norv Turner since week 6 of the regular season. It's not like I even got what I wanted out of this deal... The only thing I got was Chud being gone, and he wasn't even fired, like I thought he would be... Ah hell... What's the use? Why do I even try on here? Somebody's gonna take one sentence and turn it into what they wanted my sentence to say anyways... FUG it



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Meh, this was the easy hire. In house guy, continuity (we assume) in the system, the hire is not worried about Rivera being a lame duck. This hire was about geting poo done prior to the all star games and draft to minimize damage in 2013. It could certainly work out though but this hire screams "audition year". Meanwhile year 3 of our fantasic young QBs career is being gambled away.


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Thanks for contributing, all that you contribute. You are so awesome and things. I wish I could be cool like you. Should we all call you ace, or slick? Maybe boss. Damn you're good. So awesome. Thanks. No really, thanks. I don't know what to say. If I knew how to choke masturbate I would right now. You really know your stuff. Damn. I thank God for you. You are the wind beneath our wings. How do you do it? I mean time, after time? Nuff said, right? Peace brah. Peace.

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shula might do a do a decent job

That's what I'm afraid of. I DO think he'll do a decent job. With the players we have it would take a pretty terrible coach to not do a decent job. I'm pissed off because we didn't get someone who will do a good or (heaven forbid I aspire even higher) a great job. I think Turner, Whisenhunt or Jackson would have done at minimum a good job. But we settled for decent...

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Thanks for contributing, all that you contribute. You are so awesome and things. I wish I could be cool like you. Should we all call you ace, or slick? Maybe boss. Damn you're good. So awesome. Thanks. No really, thanks. I don't know what to say. If I knew how to choke masturbate I would right now. You really know your stuff. Damn. I thank God for you. You are the wind beneath our wings. How do you do it? I mean time, after time? Nuff said, right? Peace brah. Peace.

lol you shoehorned a shitty Lennay Kekua joke that nobody in their right mind would even crack a grin at and you're going to talk to me about what is funny

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lol i done been preached at by the REAL panther fan.

tooo funny. "what gives you the right to disagree with these guys who have been in the league for a million years? who are you to say anything bad about them? who are you to have an opinion?"


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lol you shoehorned a shitty Lennay Kakua joke that nobody in their right mind would even crack a grin at and you're going to talk to me about what is funny

Nice sig, you come up with that yourself? You are original, I'll give you that <laughs off stage right>

Your line is next, try to be original.

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