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This Franchise is on the right track


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Isn't this thread, the point of your earlier thread?

Why make 2? Oh yeah...

Similar yes, but this one is all encompassing. Plus everyone thought that I was such an idiot, that I thought I should continue gloating over being right that this Organization is making the right moves.

Furthermore, everyone that seems to think I'm all about getting attention is dead wrong. I'd actually much rather someone else make a thread and pie it and give it some rep. The sad thing is that nobody has created much of anything positive today. So, I took it upon myself. I'm not a good thread starter, mostly because I don't care to put too much work into them. I have put together some good ones in the past that have been "featured articles" but I've lost my desire to try and change minds. Instead I'm sticking to my opinions, and if they're wrong... It wouldn't be the first time. If I'm right, it wouldn't be the first time....

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I don't beat my wife, so that was a little awkwardly placed sentence

I'll see if I need to address anything else later.

What I meant by the "beating your wife" statement was that I was possibly baiting you into defending a position you didn't actually hold which was not my intention hence my request to ignore that possible situation of misconstruing the purpose of my question.

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Why do you think Shula was the best hire out there? Considering his record as an OC in the NFL I am wary of him being my favorite team's OC. What do you think about his record and why are you not wary of it as well? That question is kind of a when did you stop beating your wife so please ignore that aspect.

On a completely positive note though I am also very interested in the Panthers bringing back Jim Skipper and I wonder if it will have a positive effect on our running backs from a production standpoint. My suspicion is that it will. What are your thoughts on this?

PS: Totally not kidding. I beg you to persuade me to your point of view. Negativity sucks.

I'm not TCF, but I will say what I have to say.

The deeper you dig, the more you realize that Jackson has some Manti Te'o in him...something just isn't right. Shurmer...hell to the no, WCO down here...with Cam? NO.

Shula knows Cam, Cam knows Shula. Reports are the relationship is very good and who does not want what is possibly the best young QB in the league comfortable?. Shula has never been given the talent he now has at his disposal, at any time, at any level and during his college career the NCAA tied his hands behind his back but they still went 10-2 in 3rd year and won the Cotton Bowl.

I am too busy perusing the other messages to spend all nite researching this, but my opinion is he has NEVER been surrounded with the talent as an OC as he is now.

Let me ask you a question in all honesty...did Brady make Belichick or did Belichick make Brady? Did Walsh make Montana or did Montana make Walsh? Did Jake make Fox or did Fox make Jake? I realize I am using head coaches, but my point is, being in the right place at the right time sometimes is all that it takes.

I want to get along with all of you, but I thought being a fan was more of the RAH RAH thing <WE LOVE OUR TEAM!!> but (not talking to you KRAL just a general statement) this place has turned into the biggest pile of Debbie Downers I have ever seen.

If you hate JR and Rivera and Gettleman and the FO and Shula and Cam and whatever so much go pull for the Falcons. Why would you guys come here with so much vitriol, repeatedly? I have never been divorced but if it got to the point of no return and I did get divorced, I sure as hell would not visit my ex-wife's facebook page to see what is going on or critique her life.


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Belichick is the best HC in the NFL....he was poo before he got to NE. Shula sucked at Tampa bc his QBs were poo.

Chud isn't good. When Shula has a top O....people here will soon realize it is about the Jimmy's and Joes that make these guys look good or not

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But Shula is the OC...prmoted FROM the QB coach...so why is "Shula Cam this and Shula Cam that" matter so much? We already knew he was working well with Cam. We already know this. However, what we know from his OC history, since after all he is...now...the OC...which involves more than Cam, is not very good. He has to prove it to me before I'll be on board.


working well with cam is great, but that just qualifies him to be cam's QB coach. what makes him qualified to run an offense? what had anyone seen that says he'd be good at it. being good at one job doesn't make you good at every job.

and we still have a staff thats bumbling around in the dark.

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I'm glad you did. I will say though my opinion is that those players and coaches made each other. It's called synergy and that poo is amazing.

I will COMPLETELY agree with you on that. You can't have one without the other.

Maybe Shula and Cam get lucky and have success. Who would have predicted Gregg Roman and Colin Kaepernick before this year started?

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Meh, this was the easy hire. In house guy, continuity (we assume) in the system, the hire is not worried about Rivera being a lame duck. This hire was about geting poo done prior to the all star games and draft to minimize damage in 2013. It could certainly work out though but this hire screams "audition year". Meanwhile year 3 of our fantasic young QBs career is being gambled away.

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As much as it pains me to participate in one of .... these threads....

1. Wanting the most qualified person for the job does not equate just wanting a big name. Hue Jackson was not a big name. Norv Turner was a big name. And besides, usually big names get big for a reason....

2. Some of us that have finally had our backs broken by this decision are usually some of the more positive people here. It's not like it's just brooklynbully and rocknrolla and grits and trd talking their same old negative trolling poo, rayzor, mr. scot, ivan and myself (among others, I'm sure, that aren't coming to mind at the moment) are usually some of the more positive and level headed people around. Just speaking for myself, I supported fox until the 2-14 dontgiveafug season, I mostly defended hurney until this year, I defended jake until the Arizona game, I even supported clausen beyond his first game! I consider myself a pretty positive fuging guy but this exercise in lazy, content, bullshit mediocrity is e-fuging-nuff. I can't defend this in good conscience.

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working well with cam is great, but that just qualifies him to be cam's QB coach. what makes him qualified to run an offense? what had anyone seen that says he'd be good at it. being good at one job doesn't make you good at every job.

and we still have a staff thats bumbling around in the dark.


What makes you qualified to pass judgement? It must be the 1st amendment right? It's gotta be, because that's why I share my opinions. The point is that no one persons opinion is necessarily right or wrong. It's just an opinion. Some opinions have more weight than others based on what they do and how close they are to the situation.

Having said all of that... Who the fug do you think you are? How do you know what Shula is capable of? How would you know what he's incapable of? Are you Don Shula? Did you raise Mike? Because if you did, your opinion would carry more weight than anything else I've seen on the subject up until this point. I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you're not though (let's play it safe here right sport?)

You think that our staff is "bumbling around in the dark" and "you don't see how a good QB coach transitions to a good OC" because I'm lazy I'm not gonna even bother looking up the very long list of good QB coaches turned OC's/HC's... But somebody here will undoubtedly. And it's a nice list I can assure you.

I'm just curious as to why we all should listen to your opinion? How does it have any weight at all based on what you've said? I can't find any reason to believe you... Do you sit in on the staff meetings for the Panthers? Does Shula pick his boogers and eat them? Why is this such a bad hire? Does he look confused and drool all over himself while trying to give Cam advice?

You must know... I mean you just must know. You're probably in the scouting department right? Maybe he's pissed you off by snubbing you on a guy that you really liked? Nope probably not that either... My guess is that like the 97% (maybe higher) of people here you have no ties to the Panthers, no inside info, and you damned sure aren't in charge of personnel... Hiring or firing...

So my question to you, and to everyone else on this Forum is who the hell do you think you are to question an owner who has been so successful in life and who has more money today than probably all of us will have combined in our lives? Who are you to question people that have been in the NFL for upwards of 30+ years? Are you better qualified than they are?


are you just a fan that tries to know as much about their favorite sports team as possible? Are you just a normal guy that WANTED the next biggest name? Did you think that Hue Jackson would have swooped in and saved this franchise? If your answer to that last question is yes, then it's kind of odd how 8 other teams didn't have OC's and he hasn't been interviewed by NOT EVEN ONE of them. I wonder why that is? It's not because he's black... Hell that would have actually got him a few interviews due to the Rooney rule, and still no calls.... Guess he's not that good after all! Somebody here mentioned his name and suddenly everyone wanted him.

Shula was the best call... And I didn't even want Shula... I've been begging for Norv Turner since week 6 of the regular season. It's not like I even got what I wanted out of this deal... The only thing I got was Chud being gone, and he wasn't even fired, like I thought he would be... Ah hell... What's the use? Why do I even try on here? Somebody's gonna take one sentence and turn it into what they wanted my sentence to say anyways... FUG it

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