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Marc Ross on the move


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I have no problem with hiring a logistics guy. However he would have to defer to his scouts on players. Therefore he would have to hire good scouts that he trusts.

And how exactly would he know who's a good scout and who isn't?

They have a chance to hire a true football guy, and they have at least two fantastic candidates to pick from.

If they pick a 'logistics guy' over guys that are infinitely more qualified, they deserve the results they get. And frankly, they deserve the fan desertions too.

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I want Marc Ross too but the GB Packers (just one of many examples) won 1 playoff game between 1968 and 1992 and only appeared in the playoffs during that span twice, TWICE in 25 years.

We are not as bad as some of you think we are. If the Panthers were a stock, I would be emptying my savings account buying every share I could.

Regardless of who is at the helm, it seems impossible for us to not be successful over the next 10 years with the talent we have that is 28 and under.

Paint me a homer and pass the plate of shlt, I am riding this train until it runs out of track. I will bltch and complain and hate and second-guess with the rest of the fans, but Ross or no Ross, I WILL NEVER FORSAKE THIS TEAM.

Happy New Year. B)

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Don't be a fan when things are good again then. I hate this type of attitude from people.

So you hate logic in favor of masochism?

I'll never understand how a dumbass football team got into the "unconditional love" category with children and family.

If you don't enjoy it, move on. If there comes a time when you enjoy it again, come back.

Who are you trying to impress? Life is too short.

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So you hate logic in favor of masochism?

I'll never understand how a dumbass football team got into the "unconditional love" category with children and family.

If you don't enjoy it, move on. If there comes a time when you enjoy it again, come back.

Who are you trying to impress? Life is too short.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of these "die-hard fans" have family members they haven't talked to for years

as a matter of fact, I'll go on record and say there probably are some amongst us

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So you hate logic in favor of masochism?

I'll never understand how a dumbass football team got into the "unconditional love" category with children and family.

If you don't enjoy it, move on. If there comes a time when you enjoy it again, come back.

Who are you trying to impress? Life is too short.

I'm certainly not trying to impress you for sure. You, to me, are nothing but another one of those internet tough guys that seems to get his rocks off by doing the same thing you're basically calling me out for. Asinine much?

Being a fan of a football team is about loyalty. This is a marriage, get the fug out if you don't like it. The hell type of logic is that, that you are only going to be here through the good times but not stick through the bad? The fug out of here with that logic. You ride or die with the team. If you can't take it get the fug out. That damn simple.

Also, logic? We don't know what Beane is capable of, he could turn out to be something for all we know, at the same time he could be a mistake. I'm not Pro-beane but if that's the decision that is made, so be it. I mean in the end all these posts make the difference in what the team does right? lol.

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Tag me and my friends made when I was 13. Just stuck around.

I'm actually a huge fan of sex, beer, and videogames, so you are awesome in my book.

Unfortunately, I play a lot more videogames and drink a lot more beer than I get sex, which is obviously shitty.

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