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Election Day/Night Coverage thread


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I may be speaking for myself, but as a member of the youth (aged 22) in this country, I just feel extremely disconnected to American politics...and this is coming from a political science student and someone pursuing his master's degree to hopefully work for the federal government one day.

Not sure what it is, I just have never felt like my voice or anyone else's for that matter really makes any bit of difference in the grand scheme of things. Not sure if it is a faulty political system or something entirely different or a combination of things, but as an educated and driven individual from an upper-middle class family I have just lost all hope in the United States and that is hard to stomach.

Sometimes I just can't understand how people think that government is so necessary in their daily lives. What happened to doing things for yourself? People just have so much blind faith in this political system and power that they cannot think for themselves.

Just need to vent, disappointed in myself that no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to rally behind any candidate or party and think we are headed down a path of much of the same.

Any advice from the older members in here? Did you experience such feelings when growing up at all?

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If everyone read what the Libertarian party was about, they'd see it's pretty much what everyone wants. But no one wants to give them a chance or care to look outside of their box.

Yeah the message I got today was "if you want your libertarian ideals to move forward you HAVE to stay within the republican party." Someone actually said this to me.

Garbage. The GOP has no desire to move toward liberalism and many of their ideals fly in the face of fiscal conservatism and social liberalism.

GJ only got 1% and is the best candidate the party will get for a long time. I no longer have any vested interest in politics and can only sit back and hope the two major parties don't destroy everything. Or at least do it slowly.

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Yes it is. Check out the airlines first thing they do is cut salaries and benefits. Another thing I have learned over the years accountants usually have no clue how to run a operation. They just look at numbers.

That's the most retarded comment I have ever read... COO office is across from me for a reason...

Regarding Airlines... that's the most touchy industry in the world... completely dependant on fuel costs. Terrible example.

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If everyone read what the Libertarian party was about, they'd see it's pretty much what everyone wants. But no one wants to give them a chance or care to look outside of their box.

I know what the libertarian party is about and would still vote green. Sweeping generalizations like this are not intelligent.

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I know what the libertarian party is about and would still vote green. Sweeping generalizations like this are not intelligent.

speaking more of the 2 main parties, republican and democrat, since there are only 3 recognized parties and is the main subject of this thread.

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