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I'm sick and tired of hearing about RG3


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And I'm ready for Cam to play lights out tomorrow! I hope we win In a landslide. I hope that our D stifles RG3, and exposes him. I just really want us to go into Washington and impose our will offensively! I'd love to hear ALL of the talking heads HAVE to give Cam his due because he puts on an offensive clinic...

I just can't imagine next weeks news cycle if we lose this game. Not only will be be an abysmal 1-7, but they will eat Cam alive all week if we lose this game. This isn't one that we can honestly afford to lose. If we only get one more win for the rest of the season, I would like for it to be tomorrow..If the football Gods could give us a bounce here and there and reverse our unfortunate luck as of late, it would be a beautiful thing.

I would love nothing more than a Panthers Victory tomorrow, just so I can go back to calling the kid Bob again.

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They always want to say Cam is fake, but RG3 seems more fake than Cam.to me. Cam keeps it real no matter what his emotions are.

I agree man, I really do. He doesn't always say what he should, but he does keep it real 100% of the time. I hope that never changes either.

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i'm sick and tired of threads about him in the panthers forum.

And I'm sick and tired of seeing 20+ comments from you in every single thread ever created on this site.

Joined: 24 Nov 2008

Posts: 20,790

That's more than 15 posts per day over the course of the last 4 years... Kicker? Hasn't even been 4 years yet!

You sit here and regurgitate ESPN analysts' opinions and try to pass it off as your own expertise. Nothing original ever.

You are a joke... Now please counter this post by calling me an idiot, moron, psychological midget, or the next thing that you've read on here. I know you have nothing original.

You are lame, and I just put you on BLAST!!!!

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