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Players' Twitter reactions to Hurney being Fired


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Uh... Cam is the team. Get with it. I've been following this team since 95, and it's pretty clear that less than 24 hrs after he says something needs to change and fast... The GM gets fired.

Go back to wherever u came from at the Jets or wherever... It's BS that that dude is copying your posts... But coming back with that mentality is Bogus. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way back out

In that one sentence and post you just proved everything that is wrong with the team, franchise and current fan base. I rest my case.

He's not. He was an overhyped rookie, who hasn't accomplished poo in this league followed by a bunch of crybaby immature fans who do nothing but cry foul when anyone speaks up.

I pointed it out last year. By game 7 I was sure of his inability to close out games in the 4th quarter, and pointed out how he is unlikely to ever overcome his inability to deal with pressure...whatever the case may be. A trait that clearly spills into the die hard Cam Newton fans who have the same problem dealing with criticism.

23 games later, you are still looking at a quarterback with 1 4th quarter comeback, and still have the same fans who simply don't want to acknowledge it but find every other person on this team to blame.

You don't give an immature kid the keys to the franchise and undermine everyone else for him. You just don't do it, and Richardson, is as much to blame as everyone else for the public statements he made guaranteed his place.

And unless Richardson has the balls to hire a GM who will stand up to him, we're not going to see a whole lot of changes here.

You don't give kids this type of leeway. You make them earn it. We failed at doing that.

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So Cam is "an overhyped rookie who hasn't accomplished poo In this League"

I believe that he broke every single record that a rookie QB could break... I'm not saying he is without faults, because he has plenty of them.

His relapse this year has more to do with the scheme that the coaching staff has implemented than anything... And oh btw, even though his #'s per game haven't been quite as eye popping this year, statistically speaking he's on the same pace as he was last year...

So is he really slumping? Or is this Read Option making this team and him look worse than they are?

You're intelligent, so ill let u figure that one out on your own.

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The players know what they're talking about, none of you do, considering we are all just FANS. If the players don't think it was a good move then it wasn't a good move. We need more players like CJ to put the "fans" in their place.

Absurdly retarded statement.

Hey you didn't pay me what I wanted Mr. GM that wasn't a good move! I should know I'm a player

- Mr. O'Hara

You over paid me and I suck that was a great move!

You gave up the 33rd pick for me, what a solid selection!

Man said it's up to the players to decide what moves are good or not rofl, seriously ROFL

Some players like McNabb don't even know the rules of the PROFESSIONAL sport they play. (overtime anyone)

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So Cam is "an overhyped rookie who hasn't accomplished poo In this League"

I believe that he broke every single record that a rookie QB could break... I'm not saying he is without faults, because he has plenty of them.

His relapse this year has more to do with the scheme that the coaching staff has implemented than anything... And oh btw, even though his #'s per game haven't been quite as eye popping this year, statistically speaking he's on the same pace as he was last year...

So is he really slumping? Or is this Read Option making this team and him look worse than they are?

You're intelligent, so ill let u figure that one out on your own.

Forget his relapse. I don't give a poo about the numbers. That's the least of my worries. I care about wins. Team wins led by a quarterback. Not quarterback wins and stats supported by a talented team. We didn't get to a SuperBowl and 3 playoff appearances with Jake Delhomme by setting record breaking numbers.

We did it with solid game management, leadership, beginning withe the coach, and clutch performance late in the game. Jake Delhomme was NOT the Carolina Panthers. He was our quarterback. He was the guy that kept to himself and as a true leader does, made everyone around him stars. Smith, Muhammad, Davis, Peppers, Deangelo...it was about THEM. Not Jake. It was about the team. It was about the fans.

That's what Cam and his fans don't get. You put the spotlight on them, and the criticism on yourself.

And I don't care how good your team is, how good your coaching is, how good your game plan is. You WILL find yourself in your share of games where you are down late in the game, and it requires you step up and take on the leadership role to put the game away.

You cannot be a winning team or winning quarterback in this league without those qualities. You have to win your share of close games under pressure. So far, after 1 and a half years, Cam Newton has not shown me that he possesses the ability to do those things. I repeat: 1 4th quarter comeback out of 23 games with PLENTY of opportunities. Huge red flag is an understatement.

A new GM is not going to fix that. A new offensive scheme is not going to fix that. And please stop bitching about this because everyone here knows we brought in Rivera and Chud created this scheme in order to SUIT Cam Newton and make it easy for HIM to transition to the NFL. They have done nothing but coddled him and kissed his ass! And a new coach is unlikely to fix that when Cam is already pointing fingers at the coaching staff in press conferences. He's in no position to do that and I'm sorry but I feel it's only going to get uglier from here. Cam is going to undermine his rookie coaching staff because Richardson gave him the backing to do that.

And even for that, I don't blame him. I still blame Richardson. He created a monster, and picked a rookie head coach, yes man, who doesn't have the power nor the resume to have the respect of the team and keep his superstar rookie in check.


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Thank you...I just have a problem with the idea that players criticize their organization in public period...

CJ pretty much epitomizes Hurney's career in my opinion. CJ would not start on most teams, let alone get a fat contract

Don't be hyperbolic. CJ is a solid DE that would start on almost every team (Not the ones who have two really good DEs like the Giants) even if he is overpaid.

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The players know what they're talking about, none of you do, considering we are all just FANS. If the players don't think it was a good move then it wasn't a good move. We need more players like CJ to put the "fans" in their place.

As it has been stated plenty of times, the players don't like it because Hurney was loyal to them and their job was safe with him. We all know the whole coaching staff and many players will be gone after the season, but something had to be done right now to send a message and let fans know that the organization is not going to put up with this. Hurney had to go. He was a huge part of the problem. That's just a fact.

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@idiot who should have stayed gone. Cam has taken late 4th quarter leads quite a few times. Why should a QB be blamed when what should be a game winning drive turns into a loss because of defensive crappiness?

He's a bonafide choke artist that lacks the mental toughness and leadership to take this team anywere. Period. 1 in 23 is no excuse.

And don't worry, as long as the attitude around here is so shitty, I have no intention of sticking around. I'm a Panthers fan, not a Cam Newton supporter and I got tired long ago of fighting this diseased mentality. He's just another guy that will come and go and so will most of his bandwagon fans. The franchise will still be here, and so will most of this team's true fans. Just wanted to let you know you have a poster here quoting my posts from other forums as his own...basically an impostor.

Good luck.

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Forget his relapse. I don't give a poo about the numbers. That's the least of my worries. I care about wins. Team wins led by a quarterback. Not quarterback wins and stats supported by a talented team. We didn't get to a SuperBowl and 3 playoff appearances with Jake Delhomme by setting record breaking numbers.

We did it with solid game management, leadership, beginning withe the coach, and clutch performance late in the game. Jake Delhomme was NOT the Carolina Panthers. He was our quarterback. He was the guy that kept to himself and as a true leader does, made everyone around him stars. Smith, Muhammad, Davis, Peppers, Deangelo...it was about THEM. Not Jake. It was about the team. It was about the fans.

That's what Cam and his fans don't get. You put the spotlight on them, and the criticism on yourself.

And I don't care how good your team is, how good your coaching is, how good your game plan is. You WILL find yourself in your share of games where you are down late in the game, and it requires you step up and take on the leadership role to put the game away.

You cannot be a winning team or winning quarterback in this league without those qualities. You have to win your share of close games under pressure. So far, after 1 and a half years, Cam Newton has not shown me that he possesses the ability to do those things. I repeat: 1 4th quarter comeback out of 23 games with PLENTY of opportunities. Huge red flag is an understatement.

A new GM is not going to fix that. A new offensive scheme is not going to fix that. And please stop bitching about this because everyone here knows we brought in Rivera and Chud created this scheme in order to SUIT Cam Newton and make it easy for HIM to transition to the NFL. They have done nothing but coddled him and kissed his ass! And a new coach is unlikely to fix that when Cam is already pointing fingers at the coaching staff in press conferences. He's in no position to do that and I'm sorry but I feel it's only going to get uglier from here. Cam is going to undermine his rookie coaching staff because Richardson gave him the backing to do that.

And even for that, I don't blame him. I still blame Richardson. He created a monster, and picked a rookie head coach, yes man, who doesn't have the power nor the resume to have the respect of the team and keep his superstar rookie in check.


You're a whiney vag, aren't you? Some real useless eaters in this fanbase.

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Guest Tom Cat

Forget his relapse. I don't give a poo about the numbers. That's the least of my worries. I care about wins. Team wins led by a quarterback. Not quarterback wins and stats supported by a talented team. We didn't get to a SuperBowl and 3 playoff appearances with Jake Delhomme by setting record breaking numbers.

We did it with solid game management, leadership, beginning withe the coach, and clutch performance late in the game. Jake Delhomme was NOT the Carolina Panthers. He was our quarterback. He was the guy that kept to himself and as a true leader does, made everyone around him stars. Smith, Muhammad, Davis, Peppers, Deangelo...it was about THEM. Not Jake. It was about the team. It was about the fans.

That's what Cam and his fans don't get. You put the spotlight on them, and the criticism on yourself.

And I don't care how good your team is, how good your coaching is, how good your game plan is. You WILL find yourself in your share of games where you are down late in the game, and it requires you step up and take on the leadership role to put the game away.

You cannot be a winning team or winning quarterback in this league without those qualities. You have to win your share of close games under pressure. So far, after 1 and a half years, Cam Newton has not shown me that he possesses the ability to do those things. I repeat: 1 4th quarter comeback out of 23 games with PLENTY of opportunities. Huge red flag is an understatement.

A new GM is not going to fix that. A new offensive scheme is not going to fix that. And please stop bitching about this because everyone here knows we brought in Rivera and Chud created this scheme in order to SUIT Cam Newton and make it easy for HIM to transition to the NFL. They have done nothing but coddled him and kissed his ass! And a new coach is unlikely to fix that when Cam is already pointing fingers at the coaching staff in press conferences. He's in no position to do that and I'm sorry but I feel it's only going to get uglier from here. Cam is going to undermine his rookie coaching staff because Richardson gave him the backing to do that.

And even for that, I don't blame him. I still blame Richardson. He created a monster, and picked a rookie head coach, yes man, who doesn't have the power nor the resume to have the respect of the team and keep his superstar rookie in check.


Theres a lot of truth in there

How many more comeback wins is Camster going to lead this team to, now that Hurney has fallen on his sword?

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