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Cam Newton is a TRUE Leader!


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This was another frustrating game with sub par play calling....and sub par execution.

We have had many games over the past 1 1/2 seasons where the offense has had the ball needing one drive or to kill the clock.... Only to come up short.

They need to learn how to be clutch and finish games. And....that includes Cam.

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Not only is he the best QB in the league, the best clothing designer in the league, he is the best OC in the league and probably the best HC in the league. Richardson could probably just fire the whole staff. Does not matter that they have many years doing what they do, Cam is fresh out of college, has a new line of clothing, and can coach circles around all of them. Who needs a coaching staff anyway?

Our team needs nothing in the form of instruction on how to block, tackle, run proper routes, play special teams, because we have Cam, nothing more needed. Fire em all. We have Superman

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Shut the hell up. Nothing will get done about it UNLESS he goes public. He's saying what all of the fans are thinking. To sit up there and not say anyting would be suicide.

What's the worse that can happen to him? They sure as hell aren't gonna bench him. If you're gonna lose, at least lose while trying to get better. That option bullshit was luck last year; he knows that the defense has exposed it.

You adapt or you lose out. Chud needs to be called out by somebody, and Ron Rivera is too scared to call out anybody but rookie players.

Are you kidding me?

If you have a problem with your boss at work do you start poo talking him to all your coworkers and calling him out in front of them all or do you settle it privately?

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Are you kidding me?

If you have a problem with your boss at work do you start poo talking him to all your coworkers and calling him out in front of them all or do you settle it privately?

Are you kidding me?

Do you not think this was discussed behind closed doors during the bye week?

This had to be done...

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This reminds me of a Michael Irvin story. After he spent a few years there with the losing culture in the late 80's, many players on that team in the locker room would be like its okay they are getting paid and the culture of losing stayed around. Michael Irvin wrote down every player that said those statements. When Jimmy Johnson became the headcoach, he gave the list of all those players that were lazy and there for a paycheck because he wanted to win. I want people that isn't afraid to call out people and want to win. We've heard stories of all this potential laziness. Hopefully our culture change starts after today.

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I am happy to see Hurney let go. It has been a long time coming and this team needs a new direction.

I will have no issue if River/Chud are let go this season as well. Rivera's game management has been sub-par and Chud's read option experiment has been a colossal failure.

However, all of you idiots who continuously believe that Cam's poo does not stink....that he never does anything wrong....and is not part of the reason that this team is struggling are laughable.

Cam is an incredible talent....his upside is huge....and I believe that he WILL be a franchise calibre QB....but he has a lot of work to do (both on and off the field) to reach that potential. He is immature.....I truly believed that the success he saw last season would come back to bite him. Too often, young players like this need to have struggles early to remind them that they have not arrived and need to put in the physical AND mental work to become great.

I hope Cam understands the improvements that HE needs to make more than so many of his mindless supporters on here.

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This offense has had the ball....with 3-4 minutes left...needing a FG/TD to win or run out the clock....and has NOT been able to ever get it done.

Some of that is on play calling. But a ton of that is on the players on the field....and that starts with Cam.

He has NOT made the plays when they have been needed.

Make excuses for that all you want, but it will not change that fact.

This team has forgotten how to win at the end of the game. Each and every player needs to look at themselves in the mirror and KNOW that they are a part of the reason for that. Until then, same poo will happen.

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Completely agree MadHatter... But I feel that the scheme being implemented is hampering his ability to grow. I could make a list of the blunders that this coaching staff has made by not using the talent we have... But it would take too long.

I think that we'll see a drastic change in philosophy in the coming weeks.

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I'm not going to beat around the bush. But Cam is not showing true leadership right now. The guy is still young I understand, but Cam needs to grow up some. While watching the game yesterday. I saw a hugh difference between Romo and Cam. Romo: was sitting on the sideline with his coach and teammates looing at photos and correcting his mistakes on the bad drive he had before. Which lead to his team getting the win on the very next drive. While Cam: was sitting on the sidelines with a towel over his head as usual. Cam needs to take off the towel and grow up and be a true leader. He needs to grab his teams mates and photos and find out where he made the mistake and correct it and then go out there and fix it. Cam can become a good leader of this team if he would stop acting like a child over on there on the sidelines with a towel on his head after every drive. You don't see guys like Manning and Brees doing it. That shows the difference between an elite QB and wannabe elite QB. Cam said he wants things to change so he can win games. Well it needs to stat with his own self. He needs to change his own ways and become that leader for this team. Plain and simple.

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