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E60 - Steve Smith (Full Length Video)


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I thought the opposite. Voters, fans, etc. know the stories about the fights with teammates. The video shows his remorse and reasons behind them. Granted, they're still mistakes, but he opened up about it. I never knew the cancer scare about his wife for example.

Overall, awesome stuff. I <3 89.

i think voters would see this and be "put off" by his pause and treatment of the interviewer.. the fact is he really wasn't Open about it.. he tried to stare him down and was waiting for him to move onto the next question

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I thought the opposite. Voters, fans, etc. know the stories about the fights with teammates. The video shows his remorse and reasons behind them. Granted, they're still mistakes, but he opened up about it. I never knew the cancer scare about his wife for example.

Overall, awesome stuff. I <3 89.

He punched 3 teammates. He can't control his emotions....heck, look at the Seahawk game and tell me a guy who completely ignores the offensive play to go after a DB isn't looking for trouble. Smiths's actions on the field vs words off the field never matchup.

Great WR from a skill standpoint. In his prime I would take him over most. But you get baggage and problems with Smith and that will never change

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He punched 3 teammates. He can't control his emotions....heck, look at the Seahawk game and tell me a guy who completely ignores the offensive play to go after a DB isn't looking for trouble. Smiths's actions on the field vs words off the field never matchup.

Great WR from a skill standpoint. In his prime I would take him over most. But you get baggage and problems with Smith and that will never change

Football is the most violent game we have today. DBs want to knock Steve Smith out. He is a warrior and as he said in his interview, he isn't going to ever get a black eye again. I'd say he is playing the right game and in the perfect position. Not one DB in the league will disrespect Steve Smith more than once. He lives by the old school standards of respect. You do not disrespect him without being dealt with. This was the way it was back before everyone got so in touch with their feelings and started making excuses for their anger.

Should he have hit those three teammates? No. Did he pay the consequences and grow from it. Obviously he did. Do I want him getting personal fouls against opposing DBs for plays away from the ball? Absolutely, because the next 10 plays he makes after that are so intense and driven, that he can literally take over the game. He is the most inspiring WR other than Jerry Rice (because of his work ethics) that I have ever witnessed and I'd take him over EVERY WR in the league. Homerism or not....He is pound for pound the best in the league.

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Great interview... confirmed what I already knew about Smitty... great man with an anger management problem. He genuinely tries to deal with it, but it's not easy. My temper gets the best of me sometimes... it's like a ball of fire that just explodes. It's not easy to deal with. I have a ton of respect for him despite his failings.

If Smitty could bottle some of that fire and drive he has and give it to the rest of the team, we would never lose.

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Great video. Sometimes it's easy for us as fans to place higher expectations on athletes, which is unfair. Yes they are millionaires/famous, but they are flawed individuals just as we all are. Only their mishaps are broadcast for the world to see, while ours are local to our family and friends, and sometimes not even to them. Steve obviously has anger issues but at least he attempts to change.

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Crappy video:

  • So glad they spend a fuggin minute and a half showing every second the pregnant pauses. I really, really hate when journalists do that. The only situation where it's acceptable in my book is when 1) you ask a politician a question and absolutely stump them, or 2) you're interviewing an alleged criminal and catch him in a lie. It's like when they asked Clint Eastwood on 60 minutes about how he has like 17 kids with different mothers and then showed the pregnant pause after. I know exactly what that pause was in the Eastwood interview, and I know what it meant in the Smith video. It means, "I'm not on fuggin trial here. This is supposed to be a fluff bio piece, how about you ask me about my playing career, or about our struggles this season, or something relevant." Instead he ambushed him with questions about fights that took place between 4 and 11 years ago, then left his silent reaction to paint him as I-don't-know-what? A maniacal psychopath? What was the point of it at all? I'd have rather had a minute of a half of something that was, you know...something. Thanks for squandering the only facetime Smith will get this year, and probably the rest of his career.
  • Nice fact-checking, dumb-ass, the game winning touchdown in St. Louis was in DOUBLE OVERTIME.
  • Serious facepalm when the female reporter piped in. I mean, I try so hard to not be sexist, especially because I knew so many female sports journalists in journalism school who really, really knew their shiz. But female sports reporters just make me roll my eyes.

Love Steve Smith. There will never be another like him, on the Panthers or otherwise. My love of NFL football will take a small but noticable dip when Smitty is no longer in it.

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He punched 3 teammates. He can't control his emotions....heck, look at the Seahawk game and tell me a guy who completely ignores the offensive play to go after a DB isn't looking for trouble. Smiths's actions on the field vs words off the field never matchup.

Great WR from a skill standpoint. In his prime I would take him over most. But you get baggage and problems with Smith and that will never change

Someday you may come to bleed through strife and hard work or otherwise only to have some ungrateful person spit in your face and belittle you . . possibly in front of your peers. . . if you do, you may understand a thousandth of what Smith was going through.

You cant change what you were born with, you play the hand youre dealt. For 89, that includes an explosive temper that was grown over decades of ridicule . . .and yet he keeps still proving idiots like you wrong.

Ever the boss, ever the servant. . thank you 89, for everything you do and every emotion you inspire.

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