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They sprinkle the option in quite a bit. But they also still stick to the roots of the west coast passing game and zone blocking run scheme.

Watch this Alfred Morris highlight video and you'll see RG3 take more snaps from under center in this video than cam has all year.


They are running about the same mix we did last year.....which % wise works out to be a majority over anything else I would wager.

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Guest Tom Cat

Right........ Everyone look at me for giving an outstanding player his due.

Doesnt belong on the Panthers forum numb nuts- you said so yourself but said it wouldnt get any attention in the NFL forum where it belongs so you posted it here - youre an attention slut

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They are running about the same mix we did last year.....which % wise works out to be a majority over anything else I would wager.

RG3 biggest runs, as well as Cam's, came when things broke down in the pocket, not on designed runs.

Cams long TD run against Tampa last year, may be the only time he's scored off the read option.

I'm cool with QB Draws, and QB Power, but not so much the read option. Definitely not with the amount we've been running it this year.

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Hmm... May I ask why?

While RG3 has been outperforming Cam here lately, I don't think that he will continue to do so going fwd. moreover RG3 has already suffered a cuncussion in his short career. He will be more susceptible to them going forward. RG3 is also smaller and IMO more fragile. Cam is a specimen. Once the League figures out Rg3 I expect him to struggle as well.

Cam is struggling due to the system that we're running this year...once they figure out to let Cam be Cam we're going to see an offeñse even better than it was last year.

Just my opinion, I have more to say but my iPad is being gay while I. Typing right now

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I give you Cam's size, that's a big advantage he is and I prefer Cam as a runner but RG3 is the better passer right now. He also is showing signs of a true leader, putting the game away today and already leading some comebacks. He doesn't lose his composure, I'm not putting Cam down I think Cam is going to be VERY GOOD but RG3 is going to be elite.

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Nothing surprising about RG3 playing well, that is if you watched him in college.

He's a better passer than Cam but that's mainly because Cam still has a footwork problem he needs to fix. Cam's the better runner though.

The Skins offense is much better than ours in terms of scheme. They have a average O-Line but they run a lot of short passes and stuff like that to alleviate pressure. That's a huge reason why RG3 has the highest completion % in the league iirc. They run the ball well and their PA game is a killer.

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