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We better figure something out


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Cam after a year of getting it down. If the defense steadily improves through the season and we can get the O on track quickly then perhaps we can be in the playoff hunt at the end.

Hope u are right, but I still think we are a year away.

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I think it's funny as hell that people were expecting 10 or 11 wins. I'm still on that 6-8 win train. What did you 10-11 win folks see to make you think that!

Absolutely nothing...

But at the same token, the defense looked pretty good all day. We only allowed 16 yds in the air the entire 2nd half. That stat is a little misleading due to the fact that they were up and played conservatively by running the ball. That said we didn't allow a 100 yd rusher.

Offense was just non existent accept for a handful of plays. Refs were pooty, and so was our offense.

I don't know man.... I just can't help but think its going to be another long year. I want to think that we will turn it around, and hope like hell that we do. We will have our work cut out for us next week. The offense will need to find itself this next week for sure.

Yep... Frustrated... Deflated... Dumbfounded!

We didn't have any major injuries... So that's a good thing I guess

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I hated the play calling in the first half. I wish we would run the ball out of a more traditional set and then use the option once we have established some type of balance. We had maybe 1 or 2 screens today....i mean screens are a good counter for a defense sending constant heat.

and the special teams is...i dont even know....i mean its almost unwatchable...

we dont do the little things....we lose that battle most of the time....other teams aren't as sloppy as us...i dont know what its from...coaching? personnel?......

shaking and scratching my head...

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