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NOT a big fan of the Army right now


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JBER (Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson) is one of the larger more modern bases you could be assigned to. It is not unusual for military personnel to try and extend their assignments up here in Alaska. Quite a few people consider it their favorite military assignment. The biggest hurdle is adapting to what any base/community has to offer and not hanging on to what you think you'll miss about the last place you were assigned, Alaska is no different.

Haven't bothered to look recently but even if all your monetary compensation for living in Alaska were federally taxed you would likely still be compensated the equivalent of one rank higher than you are in Florida. Most of the on base housing is new along with the Commissary, BX and child care facilities.

If separation by thousands of miles from grand parents/relatives is the issue, I know that can be tough, especially if it is the first time. Most people that join the military have to face that challenge sooner or later. If you anticipate making the military a career this is something you and your family need to come to terms with. Emphasizing the positive will go a long way in acheiving that goal.

Note: It is not unusual to see Panthers gear up here during the season. Talked to a young soilder last season in the Commissary wearing a Panthers jersey about how nice it was to finally get a franchise quarterback for the team. Plenty of people from the Carolinas up here in the military.

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have and won't sugar coat it. I've sponsored plenty of people over my career and would be happy to help out in any way I can. Just let me know.

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Of my 20 years in the Navy I had little, if anything, to say about where I was going until I had nearly 10 years in. Got a couple crappy assignments, but every one of them was a new beginning. If I kept the mindset I was getting screwed and didn't want to go, I would have never made a career of it.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by Anchorage. It'll be a far cry better than either time I saw Alaska when I was in the Navy. One of those was on a ship anchored off Adak in the Aleutians for nearly a month.... in February. Spent two winters in Maine, too- coldest I've ever been in my entire life. Dude, I'm from the beaches of San Diego, so I know what you're thinking.

I'd count your blessings and be very happy you're not headed to Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea or Germany- all of which suck hugely in comparison to where you're headed. New adventure, new beginning and as they all are- a new life experience. And some day your son will be telling his friends- who never even left the county they grew up in- that he lived in Alaska for a few years.

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Had a cousins son stationed in AK. He loved it, married a local and later the cousin and the rest of her family moved up there to be close to him and absolutely love it. They would never come back here to live. Try to keep an open mind. If you like the outdoors at all, as your skiiing seems to indicate, you might be surprised.

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Quit your bitching. :lol:

Alaska is actually a good duty station. Was stationed at Ft Richardson for 2 years and loved it. Getting climatized will be the biggest issue for you. Stepping off that plane in the middle of winter will give you a shock to you. But once you get used to the cold it isnt bad. Sucks they are doing away with COLA as the cost of living is high up there.

Couple of suggestions go with a open mind and make the best of it. Take advantage of the summers they are awesome up there. I would suggest leaving the wife and kid in the lower 48 if you can. That is the biggestproblem I saw up there wifes cheating on husbands and vice versa.

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For those of you who didnt already know, I'm in the army and stationed down in Florida....

Well all of this sunshine and basically my entire life is about to change possibly.

I just got orders for Alaska!!!! That's right, fuggin Alaska. Not usually one to air out my issues here... But damn... WTF!?

Hopefully I will be able to get out of them. I have some connections will well placed individuals, and of worst comes to worse, I'll likely come back to Bragg in NC.

I really love it down here and I hope it all works out. I've begun researching Alaska, and preparing my wife and 18 month old son for the possibility of us having to move. I'd rather be proactive and prepared than not do anything and have to be reactive.

This really really really sucks! My wife is distraught right now...she wants to stay here badly... I'm just gonna pray and hope that it all works out. If God wants me in Alaska for some odd reason, then that's where I'll end up. I'm going to try everything in my power to get this changed.

I guess I posted all of this for some added prayer and maybe someone has lived there. I'd hate to be the only Panthers fan in Alaska, but if I am I will represent to the fullest!

I'm from Miami man... I can't be fuggin with Alaska... The military like any job has a lot of advantages and disadvantages; unfortunately for me this is one of the disadvantages. I'm grateful for what I have been blessed with, especially when some people don't even have a job.

Just need some perspective and a pick me up I guess. Like for real. I know that I'll get the "pack a jacket" response... But this is really my life and immediate future so obviously it's important to me right now.

Thanks for reading

My Brother In Law is a pilot in the Air Force and has been stationed all over the world with his family....including Alaska. He had the same knee jerk reaction that you did when he received his orders. However, they will now admit that it was one of their FAVORITE places they have ever lived.

My advice....go into it with an open mind and you might just enjoy the opportunity to see some of the most beautiful areas on earth.

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Thanks to most of you for the good advice. I especially want to thank the vets for their service and paving the way for us today.

For those of you who lack knowledge on the subject and it's apparent that you do... There are things you can do to change your assignment.

I have been in for just over 10 yrs, so it's not like I'm a young private crying about the situation. It will be a major change going from the beach and 90' weather to the Arctic with subzero temps in the dead of winter.

I have served proudly and been deployed numerous times to both Iraq, Afghanistan, and several more to other countries that I can not disclose. I have never turned down or dodged anything in my entire career. I will more than likely be going to Alaska, but if I had a preference, I would rather not. We'll see what the rd ahead has in store for myself and my family.

Alaska is just honestly not a good career move for me at this point, an takes me further (both geographically and realistically) from my ultimate goal. Unfortunately for me... The Army seems to need me and my skill set there. My fear is that I will be under utilized for the rigorous training that I have gone through. It seems to me that I'm just filling a slot, just another #. It's just Army life. If you've served then you know what I'm talking about, if not then you don't unfortunately but this is the best I can explain it.

I look fwd to my continued service and I know that no matter what happens, it will all work out for the best.

Again thanks for the pep talk

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