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One Teams Trash Isn't Our Treasure.


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Guys, there still alot of time left before teams have to make cuts to get down to 53 players. Teams cutting players now only means there is something wrong with them, injuries etc or there would be no point in them being cut. Do we need 300 threads on bringing in every injured player/scrub being cut right now?

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But..... but..... but, could you imagine a receiving core made up of Randy Moss, Terrell Owens, Chad Ochocinco, Plaxico Buress, and Jordan Shipley? Just saying, they all could have been ours this off season.

Would we have been better off this year? Yeah, probably so. But, you're not trying to go for quick over the hill veteran bandaids when you have a superstar 23 year old QB. We need to build around Cam for the next decade, not go for quick fixes.

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I am starting to believe in Norman (I hope I don't get a big "Psyche!" once the season starts), so perhaps I'd do a little bit of leisurely dumpster diving for a defensive tackle who could get some pressure on the inside from the inside, but I don't believe any will be falling out of the sky into BOA anytime soon. Other than that, I am ready for our team to take the bull by the horns and go for what it knows. As for all the FA threads, I just think that the people who make them, and the people that react to them, should just relax.

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You may not find a pro bowl starter at this point being cut but you can find decent roleplayers that can improve the depth of a team, because there are many players that perform better in one system than another.

this. this is the time of year when these threads are the most pertinent, IMO. not only are you looking at guys who are being let go from other teams because they have such depth, but you're looking at your own guys who might be second or third string but are completely lacking by comparison to other guys available.

take a team with depth at a certain position... like us at wide receiver. we are constantly mulling over the possibility of having to cut somebody really good, like pilares and even gettis' name has been thrown around (by idiots, i confess.) if we could ****** up a pilares-caliber player at any position we're lacking for depth we'd be doing really well for ourselves. this is one of the strengths of our scouting department, i believe... picking through guys with a fine tooth comb and finding out who can contribute to the team as role players.

bring on the what-if threads.

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