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My Jimmy Clausen Scenario:


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He get's sacked every play. Most of the time it is on him for not getting rid of the ball. He just freaks out and curls into a little ball. Why on earth would we want him playing against other team's starters? I can't believe you would imply that Jimmy's surrounding cast makes him look bad and not the other way around. I feel bad for everyone that has to take the field with him.

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He get's sacked every play. Most of the time it is on him for not getting rid of the ball. He just freaks out and curls into a little ball. Why on earth would we want him playing against other team's starters? I can't believe you would imply that Jimmy's surrounding cast makes him look bad and not the other way around. I feel bad for everyone that has to take the field with him.

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Why would any team trade for clausen after him having one good preseason game (assuming he even does well which is highly unlikely)? You think they will forget about the other 15 AWFUL ones he had. He's damaged goods at this point and we can find a better third stringer out there. Cut him and roll with 2 qbs this year and keep an extra WR.

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What dirves me crazy is that Clausen is not & will never be a starter or primary backu in this league. We screwed up & took him (+way too high). We are wasting practice & Pre-Season reps on a guy who is not worthy of them. There are undrafted guys who could possibly be legit backups, but we don't have any of those guys even to compare Jimmy to.

D. Anderson did not look good last night, but we are stuck with maxed out QBs (except Cam) where pre-season & practice reps are being wasted. DA is a good backup & had a bad night, but...he's been in the league for years, so why not have an upside develomental guy on the team?

Clausen is never going to amount to tradebait or anything else. Some of these other teams have guys we should swoop on during the cuts to 53.

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TCF is the Jimmy Clausen of the huddle. You keep wanting to let him run with the 1's in hopes that SaintsReport or AFMB will send us some jambalaya or a varsity hot dog for him


This also must be why I have recruited over 25 new Huddlers in the last two weeks alone.

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So start Jimmy to see if he would be worth a 3rd string QB roster spot?! I saw him with ones before...called the 2010 season in which the Panthers were unwatchable...mainly because of the play of Jimmy.

Derek Anderson is the number 2 and thats all they need to carry.

Exactly. We have all the evidence we need. There is no more lipstick left in the tube to put on this pig.

He will be cut when his contract is up and we will never hear from him again.

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