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Kicker battle getting serious!


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He missed 2 relatively easy FGs, one of which was a game winner, the other was to tie a game. Like I said in my original post, if you're hating on Mare because there was a possibility of the team being 7-9 instead of 6-10.... all I can say is, "Wow..."

I'm guessing you have a road, home and alternate John Kasay jersey in your closet and you're just pissed because he's no longer in Charlotte.

A win is a win dude. And i aint said a damn thing about Kasay hes not hear anymore, i just want to know my kicker can hit a FG from at least 30 -40yards, even when Mare hits it looks like it barely goes thru and we need to score at the end of the day. Just not comfortable about him. So calm down and quit being so sensitive to other peoples opinions.

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Medlocke is younger and will be cheaper....Because Mare missed 2 chip shots that could possibly have been game winners is what most delusional fans will remember. So, let's say one of those was a certain game winner and the team ends up 7-9 instead of 6-10... does that make you feel better?

You mentioned the only important factor why Mare is a risk to be released...MONEY. Kasey, I doubt, was even making the kind of contract the Panthers singed Mare to. He sucked & lost games for us. If he took a 'serious' pay cut, I would not be so pissed baout him...but he won't so, let's get a kicker who won't miss freaking 40 yard kicks...they weren't 50+ yarders we are mad about...remember.

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He missed 2 relatively easy FGs, one of which was a game winner, the other was to tie a game. Like I said in my original post, if you're hating on Mare because there was a possibility of the team being 7-9 instead of 6-10.... all I can say is, "Wow..."

I'm guessing you have a road, home and alternate John Kasay jersey in your closet and you're just pissed because he's no longer in Charlotte.

We're hating on Mare b/c a top paid kicker should not miss those 2 FGs (that is job #1 for a kicker). 22/28 is not worth over $12 million (if I recall correctly).

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"He sucked & lost games for us."

He lost one game for certain, and you're absolutely correct, not another single player on this team made a single play that cost "us" a win last season.

"...so sensitive to other peoples opinions."

Not sensitive to opinions, just sensitive to the notion that some opinions have no basis in fact.

And yes, I think Medlocke gets the nod over Mare unless Rivera/Hurney goes conservative and is afraid of taking a small risk. Of course, there is the small detail with Mare's contract which pays him over $2M per year for the next 3 seasons and the Panthers will take a cap hit. Not a huge ht, but a hit nonetheless.

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"He sucked & lost games for us."

He lost one game for certain, and you're absolutely correct, not another single player on this team made a single play that cost "us" a win last season.

Really? We are down to an elementary school reasoning level?

He is a 'kicker'. There is only room for ONE on the team. A kicker is under more scrutiny than even a QB for his performance, b/c at the end of the game it ultimately can end with them & they don't get extra chances. A WR, RB, LB, etc. all get opportunities to redeem themselves; kickers know that this is the career choice they have made.

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Almost every panther fan hates Mare. Why the hell would you keep the guy? "oh he can kick touchbacks!!" big sshit. if you cant rely on the guy to make an important fg, then that guy is crap. Clutch is key. Medlock has a leg, with practice on technique he will be booming touchbacks too. fug Mare... fug him rrreeaaallll hard man

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Almost every panther fan hates Mare. Why the hell would you keep the guy? "oh he can kick touchbacks!!" big sshit. if you cant rely on the guy to make an important fg, then that guy is crap. Clutch is key. Medlock has a leg, with practice on technique he will be booming touchbacks too. fug Mare... fug him rrreeaaallll hard man

Which comes first the chicken or the egg?

Confucious says:

In order for Mare to kick the touchback, he must first make the fg.

Sign Medlock

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I'm rooting for Medlock.

Its strange that he has not kicked touchbacks as he was doing so consistently in training camp.

To me every time Mare makes a FG, you feel a sigh of relief, which is not the feeling you want to have from your kicker. We should know who wins the battle after the next game.

Sadly I think if they are still even Mare will win out. :(

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