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Someone found it and posted it on Testyourmight.com(Mortal Kombat Forum)

And I just started spreading it because I laughed so damn hard.. "comere mr whiskers xD "

At least I know you don't have my missing hard drive... I kept that video in a secret place for years... Glad it's finally going viral. Hit me up ladies.

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I get ur point as a HOMER, but not going to happen buddy.

In the NFCSOUTH, I see us winning both TB games, and splitting each vs the Falcons and Saints**. That's 4-2 record in our division.


(W) Washington, NYG (L) Philly, Dallas


(W) Denver, Oakland, KC, SD

(W) Seattle (L) Chicago

2012 Regular Season Record: 11-5

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You know... I'll probably get flamed into oblivion for this post, but fug it I'm doing it anyways and the chips can lay where they fall...

Looking at our schedule... You can find it here:


I only see two legitimately tough games for us.

Assuming that we can stay healthy... It's possible***** that we can legitimately go 14-2

If the Saints** were at normal strength I'd say 13-3 but they're not.

I really only see losses to Denver and Philly...

Yes... I realize that it may sound crazy to some... And that's because it is... But in a League where anything can happen, we could theoretically go 14-2

This is not any guarentee or a bold prediction on my part so let's make that crystal clear...

Yes I'm a homer, yes I realize we could also go 0-16, 8-8, and so forth but I could see it being realistically possible. Why did I pick those two games as losses? I'll tell you

If there's a QB who can make a secondary look flat out silly it's Payton Manning... While we don't know how he's gonna look or even hold up that long, I am under the assumption that he's the same old Manning until proven otherwise...fair enough?

On to Philly... Andy Reid has NEVER lost a game after a bye week... Not saying that we can't accomplish it, but the odds aren't in our favor. To boot it will be Cams first MNF game... He has a history of playing Big in big time games, but has yet to prove it at this level.

I'm not short changing the Falcons, Cowboys, or Bears... They're good teams and we could easily lose to them, but we can easily win against them as well.

Now I know half of you have stopped reading by now, but for those of you who haven't listen up...

Has TCF finally fallen off his rocker? Maybe... but maybe despite our shortcomings as a team:

DT position, CB situation, uncertainty of returning players due to injury, one could even argue lack of depth at DE position as well... Despite all of that, I believe that this team can win and win THIS year. I know many of you still think that we may be a year or two away, and I'm not necesarily disagreeing with you, because in the end you may be right... but who says that we can't be ahead of schedule? Who says that we can't replicate the success of what the Packers did after they're lackluster season?

I know it's just July... and I'm probably guilty of drinking the spiked Kool-Aid...(Purple flavor, not to be confused with grape) but dad gum it, I believe this year..that we can get what Kalil said we'd get....and if I'm wrong, it wont be the last time.

Unlike Kalil, I'm not making any guarantees... I'm simply challenging all of you to get out of that regular "foxball" mentality. The reality is that we have an extraordinary player leading this team, a solid roster, and great coaching staff... Why rely on conventional wisdom when our team is anything but conventional?? The Annexation of Puerto Rico... in an NFL game.... for a TD!? C'mon man... It's time to start thinking outside of the box ladies and gentlemen, and whether you agree with me or not, this team will move forward. I'm not doing this to get popular here or get pie...in fact you can keep all of that. All I'm saying is why not??

ANYTHING can and will happen to any NFL team this year... why not with this team? Why not now? Who says we need another year? Cam and Rivera are here now... It's no longer "it is what it is", This ain't Foxball...Why not here? Why not now? Why not us? Our players and Coaching staff have ushered in a New Era in Carolina... It's time we alter the way we think as fans, just as our beloved team has!

Aw, crap - why not. Pour me some of the Koolaid, too! It's August, and the long, dark offseason is about to be over, and despite the numerous question marks surrounding our boys, I can't help but feel a giddy degree of optimism about the upcoming season. I think the culture of getting by is gone, and I think the guys who suit up each Sunday are fast becoming True Believers. I see no reason why a guy like me, who bleeds blue-silver-black (don't ask me how - I have a complicated circulatory system) shouldn't take a ride on the Homer Train too. I see strong leaders in the places where it counts, and a ton of raw talent that is looking to make its mark at a lot of positions. So I say "we few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers. For he who drinks the Koolaid with me surely is my brother. And when this season is over, Saints*, Falcons and Bandwagon fans asleep in their bed will tremble and wail, that they were not there with us, when the world heard Panther Nation ROAR!!!"

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I get ur point as a HOMER, but not going to happen buddy.

In the NFCSOUTH, I see us winning both TB games, and splitting each vs the Falcons and Saints**. That's 3-3 record in our division.


(W) Washington, Dallas, NYG (L) Philly


(W) Denver, Oakland, KC, SD

(W) Seattle (L) Chicago

2012 Regular Season Record: 11-5

I know this is no big deal, but... If we sweep TB, and split with Atl and No. Would that not make us 4-2? Which would make us 12-4. Not bad either way.

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This is how I see our schedule. As I said above:

In the NFCSOUTH, I see us winning both TB games, and splitting each vs the Falcons and Saints******. That's 4-2 record in our division.


(W) Washington, NYG (L) Philly, Dallas


(W) Denver, Oakland, KC, SD

(W) Seattle (L) Chicago

2012 Regular Season Record: 11-5


Washington: RG3 is a Rook and the Skins has no true running game. Defense looks good on paper but its mediocre on the field. They also loss their best player in the secondary in Laron Landry. Game will force RG3 to win it by his arm and thats not going to happen.

NYG: Its a Thursday night game on our field where the momentum will be on our side bc the HYPE will be so high in trying to upset the Super Bowl Champs. No running game yet with the Giants and I dont see no way that Front Seven of the Giants will be able to contain or stop Cam. Remember this the the Regular Season Giants, not Playoffs Giants.

Philly: A close game but I see the Eagles squeezing out of this one. Desean Jackson and Maclin will be too much for our secondary. And this is a team with "Lesean McCoy", a RB.

Dallas: Could go either way, a "W" or a "L". Dez and Austin is too much, and their Defense will be too much.

AFC WEST: (Big Sweep)

Denver: Foxy is back in town. NO RUNNING GAME! We will beat Manning.

Oakland: An under-performed Carson Palmer with no true WRs, and a new coaching staff.

SD: NO RUNNING GAME, and mediocre defense. Chico and Chud knows this team inside out.

KC: Great defense but no QB play.

(RR and Chud knows this Division well)

Chicago: Remember Forte? yes thats a "Running Game". Defense is old, but Brandon Marshall and Yes!, Alshon Jeffery will be a handful for our secondary.

Seattle: Easy win. Whos playing QB? Tarvaris? Flynn? or Russell? Who cares.

As you can see, all losses will be bc the other team has a "running game".

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You know... I'll probably get flamed into oblivion for this post, but fug it I'm doing it anyways and the chips can lay where they fall...

Looking at our schedule... You can find it here:


I only see two legitimately tough games for us.

Assuming that we can stay healthy... It's possible***** that we can legitimately go 14-2

If the Saints** were at normal strength I'd say 13-3 but they're not.

I really only see losses to Denver and Philly...

Yes... I realize that it may sound crazy to some... And that's because it is... But in a League where anything can happen, we could theoretically go 14-2

This is not any guarentee or a bold prediction on my part so let's make that crystal clear...

Yes I'm a homer, yes I realize we could also go 0-16, 8-8, and so forth but I could see it being realistically possible. Why did I pick those two games as losses? I'll tell you

If there's a QB who can make a secondary look flat out silly it's Payton Manning... While we don't know how he's gonna look or even hold up that long, I am under the assumption that he's the same old Manning until proven otherwise...fair enough?

On to Philly... Andy Reid has NEVER lost a game after a bye week... Not saying that we can't accomplish it, but the odds aren't in our favor. To boot it will be Cams first MNF game... He has a history of playing Big in big time games, but has yet to prove it at this level.

I'm not short changing the Falcons, Cowboys, or Bears... They're good teams and we could easily lose to them, but we can easily win against them as well.

Now I know half of you have stopped reading by now, but for those of you who haven't listen up...

Has TCF finally fallen off his rocker? Maybe... but maybe despite our shortcomings as a team:

DT position, CB situation, uncertainty of returning players due to injury, one could even argue lack of depth at DE position as well... Despite all of that, I believe that this team can win and win THIS year. I know many of you still think that we may be a year or two away, and I'm not necesarily disagreeing with you, because in the end you may be right... but who says that we can't be ahead of schedule? Who says that we can't replicate the success of what the Packers did after they're lackluster season?

I know it's just July... and I'm probably guilty of drinking the spiked Kool-Aid...(Purple flavor, not to be confused with grape) but dad gum it, I believe this year..that we can get what Kalil said we'd get....and if I'm wrong, it wont be the last time.

Unlike Kalil, I'm not making any guarantees... I'm simply challenging all of you to get out of that regular "foxball" mentality. The reality is that we have an extraordinary player leading this team, a solid roster, and great coaching staff... Why rely on conventional wisdom when our team is anything but conventional?? The Annexation of Puerto Rico... in an NFL game.... for a TD!? C'mon man... It's time to start thinking outside of the box ladies and gentlemen, and whether you agree with me or not, this team will move forward. I'm not doing this to get popular here or get pie...in fact you can keep all of that. All I'm saying is why not??

ANYTHING can and will happen to any NFL team this year... why not with this team? Why not now? Who says we need another year? Cam and Rivera are here now... It's no longer "it is what it is", This ain't Foxball...Why not here? Why not now? Why not us? Our players and Coaching staff have ushered in a New Era in Carolina... It's time we alter the way we think as fans, just as our beloved team has!

You had me at 14-2.

Kalil set the bar.

This is our year. "ALL IN!!!!!!!!!!!", was our first huddle chant at TC.

Fug anybody here or anywhere else that tells you different.

TCF is no dummy, he has the ability to assimilate information. His AFSC code would surprise a lot of you (it's like an IQ test).

Keep Pounding TCF. Win or loose, you MUST have this mentality as a fan base or a player to reach greatness.

Lead, follow or get out of the way.

I will be able to go to 6 of our 8 home games this year. I will not sit down in the lower bowl, I will not stop yelling on every play, I will not passively support this team anymore.

I will believe and I will belong to a fan base that OWNS 2012 with a resurgent D, an unstoppable offense and the #1 ST in all of football.

I will not give up on this, our most promising year in Panthers history.

BOA is OURS, and all of professional football will be witnesses.

GOD BLESS the Panthers.

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