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A Groupie Tale: Allegedly Involving Charles Johnson


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She knew he was a rich athlete

Yup and we she finally met him face to face and he blew her off, she got drunk/pissed and got herself locked up.

On a whole different level, what kind of idiot accepts a one-way ticket to Vegas for a booty call? LOL!

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I can tell you that a couple years back when I met him at Cheese Mo's, he had a pretty hot chick on his arm.

I'm thinking you can pull something off the floor of the casino that's 10x better looking than that.

The chick that was with him in that Dan Aykroyd picture was Hot.

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Although she made plenty of mistakes,

knowing this guy, having a REAL relationship with his for 2 years, he is JUST WHO SHE SAID HE IS…. a liar, and the money made it 100 times worse.

No one should fly to vegas with a man she doesnt know especially without a confirmed return flight. but knowing the bullshit he does, this doesnt sound far from the truth.

i will say this, what is done in the dark ALWAYS comes to light.

Hmmmm I wonder which one is this?

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She posted her story on BallerAlert.com. I was reading the comment section on that site, and a lot of other groupies started chiming in and sharing their stories, and a lot of them seem to think he drugged her.

Bullshit, gold-diggers will be gold-diggers, sounds like they're coming up with a way she can sue/charge him.

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I guess that's four minutes of my life I won't be able to get back.

It was better than "my neighbor's boyfriend has a car dealer whose trashman met Cam's aunt at Target and she says he was worried about CJ picking up a girl at weight watchers. . ."

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Watch out ladies! More and more of this keeps happening. Last year, I flew to LA with a girlfriend. She met up with a guy she was dating so I was stuck hanging by myself. While out, I met some young rich Black drug dealer (or so I'm guessing) at a bar. He was by himself initially and said he was waiting on friends to come later. He had ordered a few bottles of Spade but, no friends came. Though we ended up giving some out to random people in the club, we ended up drinking most of it. I was too drunk to drive my rental so I went back to his place (plus he was driving a Maserati so I wanted to see what his place looked like). When we got to his place, there were at least seven guys there. I was tired so he told me I could go to sleep in his room. All I remember after that is being woke up by six dicks at the #SameDamnTime. I think someone even tried to fug me with a bottle of Alize. Shits real. Watch your back. Don't trust any of these guys...unless that's how you get down. No judgement *shrugs*

From a comment on the story. Haha, six dicks!

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