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Just Heard A Cam Reference On First Take


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So they were talking about the Jets and the whole The Golden Calf of Bristol/Sanchez drama. The converrsation was like you would expect mostly, but then Merrel Hodge began talking about how watching the coaches film (from the endzone cams) really showed that no matter how good The Golden Calf of Bristol's mechanics and throwing motion is during practice, he said that every game last year when the lights came on on Sundays that The Golden Calf of Bristol's mechanics reverted to his old self.

Then the woman (cant remember her name) had said something about him having a complete offseason and that he might have changed. Merrel got loud and was like... WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???

Cam Newton came in with NO offseason preperation whatsoever as a ROOKIE and is way better than this The Golden Calf of Bristol kid is going into his 3rd year in the league! He went on to say Cam Newton had no preperation and his throwing motion is way better than The Golden Calf of Bristol's and the guy delivers!

The segment then ended and I got out of the truck. Just wanted to share this, I know it's not a big deal, but it's nice for people to finally recognize what Cam did last year was next to impossible.

I also hope that they don't go trying to compare RG3 and Luck to Cam's rookie season because it's not even a fair comparison. if they do; they damn sure had better include the fact that CAM did all of those things with NO offseason as Merrel did today on ESPN Radio's First take.

Another homer, feel good story during this slow part of the offseason.

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Mr Touchdown... Please remove your hideous Signature. That guy has been creeping me the fug out for the last few months. I thought you would change it after the season but you haven't.

Please make this happen, you know you're my boy right? but C'mon Maaan!

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After re-reading my OP my intent was not as clear as it sounded mentally while trying to hide what I was doing with people in my office.

I basically was glad that somebody on a Major network has Finally pointed out the fact that you can't compare QB's who've had offseason programs to what Cam has accomplished during a Lockout with no offseason programs. It's been mentioned as a small deal prior to this interview I happened to over hear, and I hope we hear more of it this offseason.

It was not my intention to make it sound like Cam is better than The Golden Calf of Bristol... We already knew that!

Sorry for the confusion.

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One think about Hoge that has made me respect him more is he has owned up about being wrong in regards to Newton. It's hard for media "experts" to admit when they strikeout with out a subtle jab at someone or skewing the facts. Hoge has done neither.

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Before I opened this thread and just read the title.....I was going to post that I bet 50 bucks The Golden Calf of Bristol was also being talked about.

Show should be called The Golden Calf of Bristol Take. What a joke

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One think about Hoge that has made me respect him more is he has owned up about being wrong in regards to Newton. It's hard for media "experts" to admit when they strikeout with out a subtle jab at someone or skewing the facts. Hoge has done neither.

This whole post was based off of the pretense that everybody already knew the history with Hodge and his negativity. I forgot taht some people may have not known about this. Thanks for pointing it out.

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Mr Touchdown... Please remove your hideous Signature. That guy has been creeping me the fug out for the last few months. I thought you would change it after the season but you haven't.

what was the sig?

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