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Video Evidence That Beason Is Beastin' Once Again


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I dont know where he is mentally but physically he looks to be close to 100% and we havent even started camp yet. And you might wanna read some other posts.....some people on the huddle claim he is behing Otahs lazy a$$ what a crock of sh*t

Your "analysis" of a youtube video doesn't mean crap as to whether Beason is recovered or not.

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Your "analysis" of a youtube video doesn't mean crap as to whether Beason is recovered or not.

where is your logic? The man is going 100% all out on those drills. His injury is not an issue and his speed is incredible. I dont expect you to know how fast a MLB should cut and change angles. Now if there was a twinkie eating contest then hey man, have at it.....sounds like you might be able to break that down pretty well.

Tell me.....does it look like he is going through the motions lightly or going 100%?

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Must have amazing eyeballs to calculate with that much precision. Is beason at 99.7% then or is it 99.778%?

Just let the man do his thing and when he comes back, be very very impressed. Stop overestimating and underestimating, whats the point?

yeah bro, it takes amazing ability to look at a video and see if someone is pushing them self to the limit or going through the motions. Stay on your coach and WATCH sports bro OK?

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I also can't believe that he was drawing comparisons to Otah either. Granted it was just a few posters, but NOwhere in that thread did anybody even mention this video. I thought that it was crazy, and myself not having seen this video yet, was surprised that those individuals weren't called out for their bullpoo opinions

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yeah bro, it takes amazing ability to look at a video and see if someone is pushing them self to the limit or going through the motions. Stay on your coach and WATCH sports bro OK?

How do you know what 100% looks like though? I know you want to sound smart like the rest of the "chakras" but youre over guessing dont you think? Any idiot could just as well say "It looked like he was lacking explosion in that video". Why dont you just be optimistic and save the bullchit. We all want to see the Beast back in form. The achillese injury is known to be one of the worst sports injuries. Theres nothing wrong with acknowledging that.

Ill go WATCH some sports now in hopes that I develop an internal chronometer and xray that reveals exactly what percentage of muscle mass an athlete has in specific parts of his body. . . . . bro.

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You guys are fuging hilarious...

As to the video, I had the same reaction as the first time... by the way is it gay to get a hard on after watching the video?

If Jon Beason is in it It is actually 120% more hetero there is so much testosterone in that video... Be excited! But stand a few back please...

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This video was buried in an irrelevant thread, and I believe everyone should see this and hear him speak about a Carolina Dynasty at the end.

Enjoy! I know that I did. I was wincing while watching it thinking he shouldn't be going that hard... That just goes to show you that we (as fans) know a whole hell of a lot less than we think we do.

Well like you, I didn't see this before. I don't have the access to hit this website EVERYDAY like some. Those that bitch about repost, bumping or whatever else need to get a life. I don't go back too far. If it isn't on the front page I don't go digging. If you don't like what I post.... DON'T Reply pretty easy.

Thanks again

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For those making comments about Otah versus Beason, the reason the coaches and FO are saying Otah is back 100% while Beason is not as far along, has nothing to do with who is working hard or being lazy but the nature of the injuries. Otah had meniscus repair surgery 10 months ago and the usual rehab time is a few months. Beason had achilles surgery roughly 8 months ago and the rehab time is usually 11 months or longer. So the issue is one injury and rehab was significantly longer and more serious than the other, Similar to why Ron Edwards is considered fully recovered as well. A torn tricep muscle is not nearly as difficult to treat or rehab as an achilles tendon. So obviously the recovery is quicker.

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