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Strength Of Schedule Rankings For Next Year.


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Two things to keep in mind.

The first is that this is based off last year's records, and is not predicative of how teams will do this year. Obviously teams rise and fall.

Second, with the exception of two games, the NFL schedule is set in stone. It is.

1. 6 games against your division (home and away)

2. 8 games against one NFC and AFC division (4 home, 4 away)

3. 2 games against teams which finished in the same place as you in the same conference in their respective division you're not playing in its entirety.

So no, the league is not screwing everyone over to make it easier on the Pats.

Panthers are 10th.


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I've always thought SoS to be overrated, much like Time of Possession. In a league where teams can go from the cellar to the highest peak and vice-versa, I think it is just a gimmick the talking heads like to throw out there.

Not ragging on you Fiz, just the importance the media likes to put on the subject.

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Exactly. People saw the 2-14 2010 Panthers on their schedule and thought it was an automatic win, and then everything changed and we actually challenged teams like NO and GB. People also saw a 6-10 2010 49ers team and they steamrolled to a 13-3 season. Teams that see the Colts record or Washingtons record from last year now gotta deal with Luck & RG3 instead of Painter and Beck. Changes every year.

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I've always thought SoS to be overrated, much like Time of Possession. In a league where teams can go from the cellar to the highest peak and vice-versa, I think it is just a gimmick the talking heads like to throw out there.

Not ragging on you Fiz, just the importance the media likes to put on the subject.

Time of Possession I still think to be very relevant. When you are able to keep the ball away from another team's offense, I always see that as a good thing. It also means you are moving the chains on a consistent basis and wearing down the other teams defense.

While I see your point, I don't think the stat irrelevant.... Especially not as irrelevant as SoS

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To Fiz's point... It sure doesnt make it easier to stomach when they get every single call and even ghost calls! I cant count how many games I've watched where the announcers go back to the replay in which the "alleged" infraction took place and are simply dumbfounded because there was no infraction.

If you haven't noticed it before, and I find it hard to believe that you havent, then pay more attention this year. It is happening.

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Valid point Clark Cam. And yea, keeping the opponents defense on the field is important. I just think it is emphasized too much that ToP is uber important. I've seen 45 to 7 games where the losing end has the ball much longer than the team ppsting 45.

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You can determine SoS just fine but you cant use statistics to do it. Statistics, as said a billion times before, do not determine how good your team was, is, or going to be. If you really want to determine SoS you need to not be a dumb ass and have "followed" every team for a couple of years. The eyeball test never lies as long as your not blind.

Statistics are for fantasy football and/or people who lack the understanding of game who are looking trying impress someone (or themsevles).

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