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Biggest need for Newton

Hairless Cat

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I served in the armed forces- lots of less gifted 21 and 22 year olds I served with were much more effective leaders than Newton - its the thing that worries me most about him.

go ahead , cover your eyes and flame on homers.

Well then, there you have it folks, an expert on Cam's leadership skills based on his experience with 21-22 kids in the military.

Will the tomfoolery towards this kid ever end?

It's like folks just sit there looking for any ish about this kid to start a thread and get some attention.

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Military: Trained to lead.

NFL: Trained to play football.


No, ex-military myself, 21/22 year olds in the military are trained to KILL and avoid getting killed...leadership happens waaayyy down the road after a few promotions.

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so its Cams responsibility to get the rest of the team to play like they want to win? I call Bullshit. These are all grown men. They know what their job is. They decide how much effort they put into it. Cam should not have to baby these guys to get them to perform, if they dont have the drive and motivation then they need to GTFO. And that is what Riveras new methodology will be. "Play Hard or GTFO"

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my last pay grade - yeah Ive seen natural leaders and some leaders who learned how to lead -that is what I am saying Cam needs to work on most - I hope he gets over his petulant child phase or this team and fan base are in for some not too happy times ahead.

& what I'm saying is, unless you know what Cam is doing when the Cameras aren't on him, what you're saying is irrational.

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Sorry but leaders are born. You either are or you're not.

i think anyone can lead as long as they have the ability and i think Cam will be a leader eventually, but it's rare that a rookie comes in and leads in his rookie year.

What Cam, and the Panthers need, is a defense, and oh yeah, a special teams would help too.

What the Panthers need is a defense and special teams, mainly though a DT, 2nd CB and backup linebackers and another WR would just make the offense more scary and of course get a kicker in a later round.

As for Cam, what HE needs is to worry about himself and in my book, he needs to work on decision making which isnt bad, but of course (as with most QBs) it can improve, and to improve, dont throw bad picks and really that's a great thing that's the only thing i think he should improve on most.

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Sorry but leaders are born. You either are or you're not.

Most pathetic post ever. Never been in the military I presume? Never held a leadership position?. Each individual can lead in their own way. Multiple styles of leadership, and yes, leadership can be developed. Genetics has nothing to do with leadership. Get your sh*t straight.

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theres some stupid mother fugers on this board

yeah, they're everywhere... like the OP having a hissy fit over inaccurate information..

(In regards to Cam walking past/ignoring Shula....what was your take on that?)

That was about his elbow. He hurt his left elbow and Mike was trying to get him to talk about it and Cam was trying to shake it off, that was what I understood. I don't think there was anything other than that.


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