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Rivera looking engaged on the sideline, walking behind Stewart after he got his helmet pulled off after that 20+ yard run, looking pissed at times, smirking when fans booed not going for the TD on 4th down, not just standing in one spot with his arms crossed and lips never moving...that's growth.:leaving:

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The next game against the Saints will be a better measuring stick as to where we are as a team. Overall I'm thrilled with Chud and our high powered and exciting offense. McDermott doesn't have a lot of talent out there on defense, and sadly we probably missed the playoffs because of our defense. But next season we should have a lot more talent, and I think that should be the factor that gets us over the hump and into the playoffs.

I'll be interested to see if McDermott has a plan this time for stopping that giant NBA man-creature the Saints always throw to at TE. We all knew the Saints were going to rely heavily on him last time, and to see him running his routes wide open made me ill.

Won't be much of a measuring stick. The Panthers gave the first game to the Saints by not utilizing the run game after they got the ball back with a 27-23 lead and they come out throwing (a 20yd pass on 3 & 2???). Had they dedicated to running the ball then, they'd have probably won that game.

As long as Cam stays healthy (I preface every prediction by saying that), the Panthers will be competitive next week and next year.

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No matter what happens in the offseason, the Panthers are fun again and gave us a very merry Christmas present with the win at home. I wish them all a happy new year

and pray that the coaching staff knows they have something special in this team and will stay together and make more history next year !

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I agree, I think Rivera is really coming into his own. His game management has improved vastly over the season and the offensive/defensive staff are starting to get a feel for our players. I think our staff brings a winning mentality and drafting Cam has made that even more apparent b/c he won't accept losing.

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Deserves all the credit in the world for The way our guys are playing right now. I feel like our coaching staff and players have grown exponentially on both sides of the ball since Week 1.

Very true TFC. The team has really jelled. It is great to see. This year was going to be a challenge with the coaching staff change by itself, then comes the lockout, the rookie QB & most devastatingly...the injuries.

I'd especially like to recognize our Defensive Coaching staff. They have literally schemed for games with a taped-together defense. There's no need to go down the list of injuries as this thread could easily fall into the tl;dr zone. McDermott, and Meeks have done a phenomenal job with the pieces that they've had. I can't even imagine what our defense will look like if we're healthy next year, especially after you sprinkle in a few draft picks and FA signings.

They have done a good job with the pieces, but not great. It's hard to say great when we've had the rolling over Bucs twice & the Colts as the games where our D really shined. I know, they all practice...seriously tho, anyone who uses that has to be smart enough to know when certain teams are just horrid...like we were last year; were we a barometer for teams who beat us? No.

Our D has held together, which is not to say too much or too little...that in itself is quite an accomplishment. My hope tho, does not primarily come from what McDermoptt is doing, but with what Rivera will be able to help him with over the offseason. Rivera has created winning defenses whereever he's gone. I am excited to see our D next year, but we need a penetrating DT & they need to realize that Neblett & Kearse have been our best DTs...not Fua & McClain (I have hope for McClain tho); maybe Edwards can be the penetrator? Not sure.


Can you really say enough about what Chud and Shula have done with Cam Newton this year? I mean it's literally jaw-dropping! People have questioned Chud all year, and now it seems more than obvious that he has known exactly what he's been doing all year and has stuck to "the plan" Mike and DA have done a great job in coaching up and grooming Cam.

Who has been questioning Chud all year? All he's received is praise & is being talked about as a hot HC prospect. My biggest concern for the off-season is Chud being hired as a HC, but I personally don't think he will get stolen away, just yet. We have to give Hurney some credit, our O has some talented players, but Chud has really done a phenominal job...there are few with Chud's talent & creativity (he did the same things for the Browns the year DA was their starting QB too).

The players:

Have been through hell this season and have climbed from the depths of it all, to show their true heart and character. They have believed in one another, and now it seems that we will once again use a win streak to catapult us forward much like the '08 season.

Exactly. They are really bonding even more now than ever & that will carry into the off-season...look out next year NFL...that year may be our SB year!


Some of us are disappointed at "what could have been" if not for a play in this game or that game. I thought we could win 10 games this season and if not for a play here or there we're sniffing the playoffs. However, most of the fans here estimated about 7 wins this season. It looks like you guys were all correct.

I think most of us were thinking between 5-8 & that is about where we sit. The strange thing is that once we saw our 'rookie QB', a lot of us thought of bumping that estimate up where you were thinking. That's why there was such a big let down factor...that & we we so close so often. What a fun team to watch tho (O more than D).

One thing is for sure though, NOBODY, not even Cam's biggest fans could have truely believed that he would have so much success during his Rookie Campaign... It has been an exciting ride watching him grow, and I can't wait to see him next year, with a full season behind him, and a full off-season to prepare. It's just a scary thought.

I am most impressed with Cam, the man, vs. Cam, the player...that is saying A LOT. He has only had 1 real misstep from a P.R. persepctive & it gave vets a chance to help him mature. Cam is really impressive. I couldn't be more thrilled that he is, as Terrell Owns would say...(my) our quarterback.

This team has turned the corner, while it could be argued that we obliterated a horrible TB team, we all know and feel that something about today was different. Like the rest of you, I'm already looking forward to next season, and we still have another game to go. We will be a force to be reakoned with in 2012, and I "can't wait"

Yes, they have turned a corner, but yes it was a horrible TB team; we have to remember that. Our D has not been anything close to reliable & the Texans game really came down to the 2 picks (good job D), but other than that...the Texans were moving the ball on us. What happens in New Orleans will speak the most to the state of our defense; New Orleans still has something to play for.

2012 will be a blast to watch! How lucky our we to be fans of the team that is going to win it all after this year?! :D

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I agree, I think Rivera is really coming into his own. His game management has improved vastly over the season and the offensive/defensive staff are starting to get a feel for our players. I think our staff brings a winning mentality and drafting Cam has made that even more apparent b/c he won't accept losing.

I alluded to this in my last post (a few minutes ago) to, I think we saw a lot more 'rookie' in our HC than we did in our QB. Rivera is a smart man tho & he has shown the ability to win in the league (as a coord.). He still has a ways to go, but I think 'the game is slowly down' for him. Once he has it together, he can really help our DC out. I still don't really like McDermott, but I really trust what Rivera can & will be doing behind the scenes on D.

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I definitely agree with the last two posts. I don't really understand why Rivera made some game management mistakes earlier in the year though. Being a Rookie HC just doesn't make sense imo. It is obvious that he's corrected and learned from his prior mistakes though. The smirk he had in his face when we almost went for it at the goal line was priceless. Then later he actually went for it and Cam tossed it to a wide open J-Stew for 6...

I'm definitely excited to see what they will do in the offseason.

Btw, I'll be pulling for the Falcons tonight as they're already guarenteed a playoff spot. I'd rather us play a meaningful game next week. I feel that it will give our players and coaching staff a great opportunity to fine tune what they've built on, and prove it against the starters in NO.

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