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8 1/2 hrs in the ER


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So I woke up randomly at 5:26 am... I go to check on my son, and He was fussy, when I went to pick him up, He was weasing very badly, struggling to breathe... I woke my wife up and we drove to the Ft. Bragg ER (we're back in NC for the Holidays)

We got there and were seen immediately. They began breathing treatments and initially concluded that He had Croup (upper respiratory infection) ^He responded well to the breathing treatments initially but He was still laboring to breathe. After missing his breakfast, and morning nap... He started to get a bit temperamental. At this point we still weren't released. ^He ended up having a temper tantrum due to lack of sleep... And of course the nurses rushed over.

They started running all lnds of tests for RSV, but thankfully they came back negative. Finally at about 12:40 a Pediatrics DR was called in for assistance. They X-rayed his lungs to check for pneumonia but the X rays also came back negative. At this point they decided to stick my 10 month old with an IV, for fluids and a steroid to open up his lungs... My wife immediately started crying... The DR hit his vein on the first attempt which I thought was pretty miraculous.

Anyways to make an even longer story more short, it ended up with him just having an upper respiratory infection... I'm glad that they aired on the side of caution, but it was very stressful for a hot minute.

They gave us a Nebulizer to continue the air treatments until it clears up. Bottom line was this... If u ever go to the ER just request a Pediatrics DR immediately! The other ones stressed U's out by not really letting us know what was going on.

Thankfully our son is ok

Don't even really know why I posted this here... Keep him in your prayers if you could. That was our first visit to the ER, and hopefully our last, even though I sadly don't believe that it will be.

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My wife and i went through similar experiences early on with our son. Bad for him was that our ER trip was on X-Mas day In his case he essentially has asthma that only kicks up when he has a cold. The DRs wont call it asthma in a child so young though.

Hopefully it is a one time thing but if you see the symptoms again id be proactive with the breathing treatments. It takes a bit for the steriods in particular to take effect. But you have to be pushy with the docs, we had 3 ER visits and who knows how many doctor visits before they all agreed he had asthma issues

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My wife and i went through similar experiences early on with our son. Bad for him was that our ER trip was on X-Mas day In his case he essentially has asthma that only kicks up when he has a cold. The DRs wont call it asthma in a child so young though.

Hopefully it is a one time thing but if you see the symptoms again id be proactive with the breathing treatments. It takes a bit for the steriods in particular to take effect. But you have to be pushy with the docs, we had 3 ER visits and who knows how many doctor visits before they all agreed he had asthma issues

Check that peak flow every AM. That will give you a heads up. Significant drop, get him to the dr ASAP. Asthma is not to be scoffed at. Do you use cromolyn sodium before activities for preventing attacts?

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