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After some cooling off today...


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3- Cam has a lot of growing up to do imo... His post game interviews after losses are horrendous to watch, and I hope that we won't have to watch many more of them, as I'm hoping we can start actually winning.

I agree with this 100%. I love Cam as much as the next Panthers fan but I really hope he grows out of that. Losing sucks but don't whine in press conferences and especially on the field. As the QB and star of the team that attitude rubs off on teammates.

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This. :) He has alot to learn about being a leader

Losing sucks but don't whine in press conferences and especially on the field and you have guys paying 1 million dollars a year to be a superstar.

3- Cam has a lot of growing up to do imo... His post game interviews after losses are horrendous to watch, and I hope that we won't have to watch many more of them, as I'm hoping we can start actually winning.

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It is safe to say that less that half of the current roster will make up the team next year. People that play hard every play and act like they care. I want to see more out of Shirley, and Kearse. They both have seemed to be playing hard and seem to be in the backfield a lot. Along with Neblett. I think they are all better than Fua and maybe better than Mcclain. With Ron Edwards coming back I'm not sure how Dline is going to shake out. I know that Applewhite needs to be back. His ability to play ML, OLB, DE, and DT is awesome. He does them all well. I see most of the secondary gone besides Gamble, Godfrey, and Hogan and possibly Munnerlyn. I wouldn't be surprised if he was gone though. I really hope Beason returns to 100% and plays like the Beason of old. Hardy has to take his game to the next level.

But anyways, a lot of people are going to be gone. Especially on the defensive side of the ball. I have no doubt about it.

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Rivera better be busy as hell this off season. As he said we have like 5 starters, which is kind of pathetic, this isn't basketball or baseball, there are 22 starters on the field.

I get worked up over excuses.

Last year the main one (among hundreds) was we didn't have a QB, now it's something else. We weren't a 2-14 team, that was just our record...but now our record shows we suck...even though we have a QB. This is just one of many many many examples.

Excuses are irritating why is everyone so scared of saying we just aren't good enough? I sure hope at least Rivera isn't becasue we are not and the solution is to find players who are, not find excuses.

Most of those reasons why we dont have starters is because of Hurney. IDK what John Fox did but he turned the organization off of vets and put a MUST PLAY ROOKIE mentality into Hurney and Richardson.

Hopefully they will come out next year and do what they did with the offense this year. Surround our few young stars with experienced Vets. We dont need Super stars we just need guys that can make plays.

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Everyone talking about Cam's demeanor after a loss is really annoying because its obviously coming from individuals who have NEVER played any kind of sports outside of pee wee. Cam is acting the way he should. You people need to get over it. I suggest you go join a local rec softball team so you can at least try and pretend like you know what he's going through. Either that or just shut up about things you know nothing about.

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Everyone talking about Cam's demeanor after a loss is really annoying because its obviously coming from individuals who have NEVER played any kind of sports outside of pee wee. Cam is acting the way he should. You people need to get over it. I suggest you go join a local rec softball team so you can at least try and pretend like you know what he's going through. Either that or just shut up about things you know nothing about.

GTFoutta here with that non-sense dude... Seriously! 90% of the people on this board have played competitive sports! You dont see Brady, Breese, or Rodgers (although it's been a hot min for him) sulking like a fuggin 2 yr old after a loss. You see them focused, and owning up to their mistakes with a new-found focus! He needs to grow the fug up!

I LOVE Cam!!! But He can't continue this poo as the face of our franchise. ^He sulks like a 2 year old. He's better than that and should act accordingly!

"obvious you haven't played competitive sports"


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