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2011 Draft Re-Do? (NFL.com article)


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I don't hate Dalton... He's just a "Matt Moore" type QB that flashes at times, but otherwise is very mediocre at best.

He's certainly no Cam Newton!

there is literally no comparison between the two quarterbacks. please defend your statement.

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there is literally no comparison between the two quarterbacks. please defend your statement.

Hmmm... Let's see here:

Dalton has AJ Green

Moore had Smitty

Moore threw some pretty spectacular balls at times

Dalton has done the same

Dalton has dual threat RB's (excluding the Benson suspension)

Moore had double trouble

Moore threw Off his back foot a lot while on the move

Dalton does the same

Shall I go on, or will that suffice?

And yes, I mentioned RB's while giving my analysis, because if Cinci had no running game... Dalton would be exposed for being pooty.

Watch him play a game and tell me how he's better than Matt Moore before u come at me like I don't know what I'm talking about!

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So much Dalton hate.

There is no "Dalton hate". The media's MO is transparent.

They're trying their best to build the "Dalton for Offensive ROY" momentum, as if Dalton's the reason Cincy is 5-2. What has he done individually?

That's what I thought. It's still a team sport regardless of what people want to believe, and they haven't lost games because their Defense gave up over 30 when their offense scored enough to win like the Panthers' D has.

If your offense scores 29, 27, and 23 points...YOU NORMALLY WIN...unless you're the 2011 Carolina Panthers, because your Defense gave up 30 or more.

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Dalton is the king and if he keeps up his winning ways he should be the story of the draft if not the season.

That's a bit of overkill but it's to be expected. I'd like to see him perform when his D is outmatched and have to put points on the board. too much like Mark Sanchez right now

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I seriously hope he does great (except when playing the panthers) and harbor no ill will towards him. People tend to overreact because of the usual suspects touting another QBs quals.

How many games have we all watched of his? Do we see anything there besides a record? (blah blah blah thats all that matters. ask the ravens)

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I have only seen Dalton in two games so far this year, but he looks pretty good so far. He gets the ball out quickly and accurately, and those are two very important things for a qb. And he keeps the interceptions to a minimum.

He has two less interceptions than Cam. If u think about it, him and Cam have the same interception to TD ratio. And Cam does have rushing TDs also.

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Dalton is the king and if he keeps up his winning ways he should be the story of the draft if not the season.

I say Cam, Dalton and Ponder are doing great with their respective teams. But, I'll give Cam the advantage because he is on the worst team from last season and he's expected to do more than just be a QB. Dalton and Ponder don't really need to do more than QBing. They have better defense teams and their teams seem more out to help them grow as rookies. The attitude towards Cam seems to be, he's there to make the team winners, instead of helping them win.

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