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Would you trade a 4th/5th for Brandon Lloyd?


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For everybody coveting the sacred fourth or fifth round pick, what kind of player would you hope to realistically get with either of those pick next year? I'm not arguing, just looking for a true outlook on your expectations of what we'll get with a 4/5.

Here is our 4th or 5th round pick list from the last 10 years:

Chris Weinke

Jarrod Cooper

Dante Wesley

Randy Fasani

Kyle Johnson

Colin Branch

Kindal Moorehead

Drew Carter

Stefan LeFors

Adam Seward

Geoff Hangartner

Ben Emanuel

Nate Salley

Jeff King

Ryne Robinson

Dante Rosario

Tim Shaw

Gary Barnidge

Nick Hayden

Mike Goodson

Tony Fiametta

Duke Robinson

Eric Norwood

Brandon Hogan

Kealoha Pilares

How can we, even as a young, 'rebuilding' team, not acknowledge that Brandon Lloyd, even at 30, is better than every single player on this list? I know that defense is what we need most, and I'm not condoning giving up a high pick for the guy, but we are losing games by a TD or less. BL can make that difference between losing by 3 and winning by 3. Spend our first 3 picks on D, not to mention next year with the further development of our young DT's and Hogan and some free agent pickups we could have a powerhouse team.


How many great receivers have we drafted since 2002 at any round in the draft??? Our two best prospects are still developing.

Meanwhile the best way to find our number 2 is trade for one who is already proven. Lloyd is one of the possibilities.

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I'd so a 5th... not sure about a 4th. He strikes me as a guy who could be playing hard for that big payday and then he'll shut it down again. He wasn't anything special until last year.

I'd do a 6th in a heartbeat, see what he's got, and then let him walk if he's not worth it. But for a 5th you'd expect him to at least stick around for a couple years.

Given our history I would rather give up a fourth than a sixth. Seems our sixth rounders turn out better than our fourths, LOL.

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I would not do this for a fourth rounder

also if we were to trade for him, Armanti is virtually a lock to get cut




Lloyd (assuming he signs an extension)

Naanee or Tutu (no way Rivera gets rid of both of his guys)

Pilares or Edwards- who has shown more by next training camp

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I would not do this for a fourth rounder

also if we were to trade for him, Armanti is virtually a lock to get cut




Lloyd (assuming he signs an extension)

Naanee or Tutu (no way Rivera gets rid of both of his guys)

Pilares or Edwards- who has shown more by next training camp

LOOOL!! Funny, but true.

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I would not do this for a fourth rounder

also if we were to trade for him, Armanti is virtually a lock to get cut




Lloyd (assuming he signs an extension)

Naanee or Tutu (no way Rivera gets rid of both of his guys)

Pilares or Edwards- who has shown more by next training camp

Armanti is bound to be cut. Just like Brown was. Just saying.

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Trading a 5th because Hurney would just waste it is like for years not going #1 on a QB because Fox and Co couldn't develop one.

I don't think it's just Hurney, I think it's the NFL in general. Who are we going to get in the 5th, realistically, that is going to outproduce Lloyd? Could we get a DT version of Hardy or Munnerlyn that becomes an eventual starter? Absolutely. It could happen. But I'd be willing to roll the dice to see what we could get out of Lloyd. Oakland got Curry for a 7th for the same reason. Giving up what eventually became Ras-I Dowling for Armanti Edwards sucks. Hurney has made some bad draft pick trades, but I don't think if we gave Denver a 5th and Lloyd shits the bed here we'll be saying "Aww man we gave up [insert rotational special teams player who sometimes is on the active gameday roster here] for Brandon Lloyd!!" like we do with the Armanti pick. Just my opinion.

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btw as much as I'd like to have Lloyd year I think it's pretty much a 0% chance

Titans have a 3rd rounder and another team that could jump in on this is the Texans(if they already haven't). we don't have the ammo to pull off a trade like this unless Fox has a crush on a player we have and really wants him(not gonna happen).

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I like the way Gill Brant put it down. If Fox really did move to take Pickles, then he should want him for the Broncos as a serviceable backup at least. An even swap is all it would take to get this deal done. Your roster spot would be clean, so no issue there.

Remember all the reports from camp about being unable to find a real #2?

That hasn't gone away.

To think that to even trade for a late round pick for a good receiver is cutting our noses off is really humorous. Cam is great right now, give him the weapons and we will score 30+ a game and can overcome a poor defense (see the Colts) who is going to take the lions share of draft picks for the foreseeable future. Take your DVR and watch all the drive killing drops Naanee and LaFell have had and tell your self..

We lost every game by no more than 7.

That tells me that 1 good receiver can make a noticeable difference in the W-L stat.

I'd like to see us take a #1 receiver who can grow into his role as Cam grows into his, but I've often heard that it takes about 3 years to grow a receiver into starter shape. Gettis and LaFell very well may never get there, so you need an insurance policy for the short term and Brandon Lloyd can fill that #2 very well.

As for the contract ninnies, he would be restructured and signed to a long term deal before being traded (another potential delay). There would be no deal for a half year player, even Marty knows that.

The key is to keep signing players and to keep cutting players until the team forms.

We are not even close to the end of that yet..

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btw as much as I'd like to have Lloyd year I think it's pretty much a 0% chance

Titans have a 3rd rounder and another team that could jump in on this is the Texans(if they already haven't). we don't have the ammo to pull off a trade like this unless Fox has a crush on a player we have and really wants him(not gonna happen).

Is Nick Hayden still on the team? Foxy must've had a hard on for that guy for not cutting his ass each preseason.

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