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Would you trade a 4th/5th for Brandon Lloyd?


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In two words: Hellz yeah!

Would be a short to mid-term fix at the very least. This year the only way we are going to beat anyone is to outscore them. Lloyd on the opposite side of Smith would give Cam another legitimate weapon. Smith, Lloyd, and Lafell in the slot would be heaven as compared to what we have now. It might almost alleviate a need to draft a WR and concentrate ALL the top picks on defense, plus give Gettis, Pilares, Ajirotutu, etc. time to actually learn the game.

BTW, we have been confirmed as one of the teams interested by an ESPN report.

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For everybody coveting the sacred fourth or fifth round pick, what kind of player would you hope to realistically get with either of those pick next year? I'm not arguing, just looking for a true outlook on your expectations of what we'll get with a 4/5.

Here is our 4th or 5th round pick list from the last 10 years:

Chris Weinke

Jarrod Cooper

Dante Wesley

Randy Fasani

Kyle Johnson

Colin Branch

Kindal Moorehead

Drew Carter

Stefan LeFors

Adam Seward

Geoff Hangartner

Ben Emanuel

Nate Salley

Jeff King

Ryne Robinson

Dante Rosario

Tim Shaw

Gary Barnidge

Nick Hayden

Mike Goodson

Tony Fiametta

Duke Robinson

Eric Norwood

Brandon Hogan

Kealoha Pilares

How can we, even as a young, 'rebuilding' team, not acknowledge that Brandon Lloyd, even at 30, is better than every single player on this list? I know that defense is what we need most, and I'm not condoning giving up a high pick for the guy, but we are losing games by a TD or less. BL can make that difference between losing by 3 and winning by 3. Spend our first 3 picks on D, not to mention next year with the further development of our young DT's and Hogan and some free agent pickups we could have a powerhouse team.

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wait I thought hurney was this masterful draft genius and now all of a sudden it's ehhh who cares about trading away picks we'd just screw them up anyway

Hurney is an average GM. He has hit some home runs, and he has struck out horribly too. I don't think he is a draft genius and maybe he could come up with a diamond in the rough with this pick, but Lloyd is at minimum better than every receiver we have not named Steve Smith, and has proven he can at least ball. Maybe he's only had one great and one decent season, but that is 1,000x more impressive than any other receiver we have outside of maybe the potential of Gettis. I don't think he's a savior, but he would be a good stop-gap for the next few years worst case scenario IMO.

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I'd so a 5th... not sure about a 4th. He strikes me as a guy who could be playing hard for that big payday and then he'll shut it down again. He wasn't anything special until last year.

I'd do a 6th in a heartbeat, see what he's got, and then let him walk if he's not worth it. But for a 5th you'd expect him to at least stick around for a couple years.

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