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A closer look at the Smitty scuffle (Video)


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Haha that is what you came here doing in the first place. You are a such a tough guy cutie pie. I need a tough man in my life. ;)

Nope.. I never tried to start anything. I actually came in here and said that our guy was in the wrong.

Tough guy? lol..

Alright, well this isn't getting anywhere. I'm not sure why I expected it to. So, take it easy folks. Good luck with the rest of your season. Cam is going to be great once he gets the hang of the system.

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Yeah, because trying to break someone's neck (who didn't even hit you, or do anything) is "cool". He should have been ejected from the game for that stunt. If he was mad about what Harper did, then he should have got in his face, instead of picking on the smallest person on the Saints D.

StFU, Smitty can fight he would have did the same thing to Harper punkass, and he can take a hit, ask merriweather

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I really dont know where Harper got the nerve to try some poo like that on our home field along wit Mark Ingram taunting in front of veteran players like he is a fuging all pro, but the Saints started some poo today that they wont be able to FINISH down the road. I had respect for them before this game just for being a good team, but now i could care less what happens to any of them ass clowns and hope they crash and burn any kind of way from here on in. Totally classless team today, and it even showed from last year. I remember in particular after Seattle had beat them some of the saints players tried to cheap shot after Seattle kneeled to end the game so this is not new from them at all. Karma is a bitch and they will get bit real soon. Hopefully by us.

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I think people are forgetting that if Malcolm Jenkins didn't want to get manhandled then he shouldn't have been starting stuff with the some of the Panthers. As you can see in the video he was in the middle of some panther players pushing and shoving. He could have out-wrestled Steve...but he didn't. I know this has nothing to do with actual play on the field but Steve would tear apart anyone on the field in a fight. Like Gruden said, "He reminds me of Freddie Cruger, he scares the living sh;t out of me"- something like that

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I'm not going to sit here and be childish about it, or argue over a few pounds of body weight. Ok, so Jenkins is a littler taller, and weighs more. Who do you think is stronger where it counts in a contest of trying to rip a head off?

Harper was wrong. Period. He should have been penalized for what he did. But, trying to pick someone up by the face mask is insane. I have no problem admitting what Harper did was wrong. The problem that I have is you guys can't seem to do the same. Smith was wrong for what he did, and he could have seriously injured a player that wasn't even involved.

Guess what? None of it would've happened if Harper didn't take a cheap shot at Smitty. There's your problem. You're mad your player got jerked around and thrown like a rag doll by his facemask? Tell his teammate to be a professional next time, no problem.

If anyone should've been ejected it should've been Harper.

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Guess what? None of it would've happened if Harper didn't take a cheap shot at Smitty. There's your problem. You're mad your player got jerked around and thrown like a rag doll by his facemask? Tell his teammate to be a professional next time, no problem.

If anyone should've been ejected it should've been Harper.

Yes, end the b*tching and listen to this man

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