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Cam Newton vs Andrew Luck - Now who would you choose?


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After our :cam: SHATTERED Peyton Manning's passing yard mark for a player in his first game, it hit me more than ever-Andrew Luck wanted to play against Duke without his head coach that weekend instead of playing in the National Football League's opening weekend. Our guy is bigger, stronger, faster, won the Heisman and National Title, is smashing NFL rooke passing records, has "it", and wants to be playing in the NFL and for us.

Thank God for unanswered prayers, and for Andrew Luck staying in school!!!!!!!

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i said all along last year that luck was my first choice and newton was easily my second regardless of where we picked. i thought that luck would be ahead of newton, but over all not by much.

i'm glad luck stayed in because i think that newton will end up being more dynamic, though both players will be at the top of their game. i just hope luck goes to the AFC. i would love to see those two face each other in the superbowl.

newton was the right pick. no way would i go back and change that. no way do i wish we had been able to draft luck instead. we got the right one.

I specifically recall you were on the PP7 bandwagon quite a bit. So easily 2nd choice? hmmm ;) Just kidding. I was skeptical for a while, I was on the Darius bandwagon, but once Cam got drafted I jumped up and down and screamed like a little girl. :party:

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