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Cam Newton vs Andrew Luck - Now who would you choose?


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I evaluate only what I can see with my eyes therefore I would have no idea about Luck's 'mind'.

Luck does have a strong arm but Newton and Locker have elite arm strength.

You haven't seen Locker play? Even in college? Well, think Cam Newton but a little shorter.

I respect your honesty. I still don't see how Luck would grade out ahead of Newton/Locker. But, I guess everyone judges QBs differently.

Ok, first when it comes to Luck's mind, i have seen it on the field with his reading defenses and the eyeball test. i agree that his arm isnt as strong, but his accuracy is better.

As for Locker, i have seen him in college, where he was inconsistant, i just havent seen him in the pros, BUT from what i seen in college he's one of two guys. Either Jake Plummer or (if he fullfills his FULL potential) he's another Aaron Rodgers or Steve Young. i have Luck over Locker (right now) because of the smarts and i think his accuracy is much better than Locker's and he passes the eyeball test. Locker though isnt bad and i say for now because, when he does start (which could take a while now) he could play like Cam, who knows, I see all three being real good, possibly great.

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Ok, first when it comes to Luck's mind, i have seen it on the field with his reading defenses and the eyeball test. i agree that his arm isnt as strong, but his accuracy is better.

As for Locker, i have seen him in college, where he was inconsistant, i just havent seen him in the pros, BUT from what i seen in college he's one of two guys. Either Jake Plummer or (if he fullfills his FULL potential) he's another Aaron Rodgers or Steve Young. i have Luck over Locker (right now) because of the smarts and i think his accuracy is much better than Locker's and he passes the eyeball test. Locker though isnt bad and i say for now because, when he does start (which could take a while now) he could play like Cam, who knows, I see all three being real good, possibly great.

I think that draftniks/media in general have a hard time separating the player from the team around them.

Locker played for a terrible Washington team but the accuracy and arm strength and playmaking jump off the tape; most of his inconsistency is due to the horrible talent around him.

Luck plays behind a great OL, with NFL talent all over the roster with an great scheme (NFL scheme/coach).

(Locker was the only player drafted from Washington's offense and Washington hasn't produced draftable NFL prospect in years)

A college prospect is measured more for his individual skillset then he is for his stats/production.

People were actually surprised when Locker was drafted 8th and think the Titans reached, but it was almost a sure thing that if Locker was available Shanahan was drafting him, there were even rumors of trading up.

Not to keep going in circles but I'll finish with this: Locker/Newton elite playmaking/athleticism + elite arm strength; Luck: elite playmaking.

To me Newton/Locker have more elite physical traits that are sure to carry over into the NFL then Luck.

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Have you seen him play? Really watched him? He's an unbelievable player.

I too was spiteful and hoped he would fail after he didn't come out in the draft. Now that Cam has emerged as a great young player himself I don't have to feel so mad at Luck anymore so I can view him objectively.

Luck has carved up everyone he's played in college and looked great doing it. But I'd still rather have Cam.

No, I honestly don't watch much college football but the same thing u said about Luck u could have easily said it about Cam.. Plus, the argument about Cam was his transition from college to the NFL despite his talents. Yet, no such concern in regards to Luck. The talking heads are now wondering which team will tank so they can end up with Luck. Luck may end up being no better than Matt Moore... Very accurate and that's it.

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No, I honestly don't watch much college football but the same thing u said about Luck u could have easily said it about Cam.. Plus, the argument about Cam was his transition from college to the NFL despite his talents. Yet, no such concern in regards to Luck. The talking heads are now wondering which team will tank so they can end up with Luck. Luck may end up being no better than Matt Moore... Very accurate and that's it.

Cam played in a spread offense, Luck in a pro-style offense

Cam's defense was great, Luck's not very good and had to try to beat good teams in a shootout (compare how Oregon played against Auburn to how they played against Stanford)

Luck's completion percentage was higher.

Cam rushed almost as much as he passed.

And Matt Moore went to Oregon State and wasn't that good at all.

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Cam played in a spread offense, Luck in a pro-style offense

Cam's defense was great, Luck's not very good and had to try to beat good teams in a shootout (compare how Oregon played against Auburn to how they played against Stanford)

Luck's completion percentage was higher.

Cam rushed almost as much as he passed.

And Matt Moore went to Oregon State and wasn't that good at all.

I watch the entire season of Stanford last year and the 2nd half of Auburns. Luck blew me away with his poise and intangibles but so did Newton. Luck also was coached by probably the best QB coach in college football (Harbaugh). It would have been a hard choice if they had both been available but Luck would have had the edge due to him playing in a pro-style of offense but to be completely honest I always had the sneaking suspicion that Newton would have more success.

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playing in a "pro-style" offense isn't the advantage that it used to be. the pros don't play "pro-style" as much anymore. its heading to the spread. the move to a passing league all but guaranteed that would happen. QBs that come from a fast paced pass heavy spread are going to be more prepared for the speed of the pro game than those who are in a traditional "pro-style" offense.

luck will be an exception to that. he's the rare type that will excel no matter what offense he is plugged into. he'll end up being a peyton manning QB/OC type. won't mean he'll get more rings than newton, though. overall newton could very well be more successful.

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If I hear anything about Andrew Luck anymore I'm gunna neg rep you. Cam surprised all of us by being awesome and we will be in no position to even get a shot at Andrew Luck because of him. Anyone who posts the aforementioned name, it better be because he's on the team the Panthers play on Sunday.

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luck will be an exception to that. he's the rare type that will excel no matter what offense he is plugged into. he'll end up being a peyton manning QB/OC type. won't mean he'll get more rings than newton, though. overall newton could very well be more successful.
Why is he the rare type?

Evaluation at its core is about a skillset, let not make this about prediction i.e. who will be better, because to much about a prospect success depends on their situation (i.e. team, FO, coaching staff etc).

But we can talk about skillset.

What physically sets him apart to make the transition into the NFL?

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