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Don't expect us to run much more than we have been...


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there's paying someone, and then there's paying someone what they're worth.

should carolina have resigned williams? yes.

should they have paid him $21 million? no.

i can guarantee you that if they had let williams test the market and topped the best deal out there they would not be near the amount he was given.

nobody was going to pay that kind of money to him.

his contract rewrote the payscale for running backs...and the biggest ripple effect of them all...if stewart finishes the season as the leading franchise rb for the third season in a row, or williams misses time and stewart carries the load for him for the third season in a row....stewart's price tag to stay in carolina will go thru the roof.

as it stands right now, the least they can pay him is what williams is making right now.

i'm sure that the majority of fans and players would have been satisfied with a sincere effort to keep williams at a lesser price. if he decided to leave, then so be it.

no one expected them to jump headfirst into an empty pool to keep him, but that's exactly what they did.

Do you think we decided to pay him more than we had to? Do you think we just threw money at him for no reason? Do you think his agent had no talks with other teams and that Hurney was totally out of whack here?? I think that Richardson and Morrison both had to sign off on this. You really think they threw away money for no reason?? We have always been known to pay well for core players but we surely aren't the Raiders.


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That assumes that we would have spent the cash we used on him in other areas. I don't know that to be the case nor do you. Paying DeAngelo was done on several levels. Not signing him would have hurt Richardson's credibility with the fans and players. What do you think Goodson or Stewart would think if we dumped Williams before the season. Oh goody more carries for me?? Or you can't count on this franchise to reward a player after his rookie contract is done no matter how well you play?? Secondly who knew that Cam would learn this fast or start out so well. Common wisdom is that the defense and running game were going to be needed to keep us in games while Newton learned the pro game. This decision was made in the offseason not today in hindsight after we see how the offense is functioning.

And finally it has been 3 games which is barely 1/5 of the season. Can we wait until the season is over to decide if a multiyear contract for a running back is a waste or not???

well common sense would imply that Carolina would have used it on a weakness b/c they simply HAD to spend a certain amount. Also, Hurney and Richardson were simply going to committ to spending money on talent for the new coach. I doubt they would have used Williams' money to sign a middle of the road RB and S with it if they let him go.

Even without hindsight....the deal looked dumb. That is why most outside of Carolina didn't understand and only half our fanbase did.

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Do you think we decided to pay him more than we had to? Do you think we just threw money at him for no reason? Do you think his agent had no talks with other teams and that Hurney was totally out of whack here?? I think that Richardson and Morrison both had to sign off on this. You really think they threw away money for no reason?? We have always been known to pay well for core players but we surely aren't the Raiders.


I think we paid him more than we had to....and he isn't the first or the only one in recent history.

I think there was a reason for it.....they paid him for what he did in the past.

Little reason to believe in today's NFL, a 28 yr old RB w/ the recent injury bug would have sniffed that if he left here this offseason. He might of gotten a decent short term deal....but nothing like Carolina paid him.

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