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newton has a boot on his ankle


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He's fugING FINE

nothing but a bunch of Overeacting period bleeding MFers in this thread. Its not a sprain its not a break its not a high or low or anything its a fuging tweak. Have you ever tweaked your ankle walking down the steps? how long did it take to heal? two days max. You people and your overeacting natures make me sick.

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So u rather take a chance on a kid who is so far more media hype, than stick with a kid u at least see has the skilz...Strange....But maybe not....

Homerz support, doubterz doubt, haterz hate.

Cameron has made the Luck issue mute. Might as well sit back and enjou the commentary.

Just a thought, and GO Pantherz!

Might wanna turn on your sarcasm detectors.

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hell I wouldn't even call a lot of his runs on Sunday scrambles since a bunch were just runs up the middle..

How many is a bunch? I didn't count so I am asking. 2 is a couple, 3 is a few. How many times did he run a designed play up the middle? 6, 7 or more times??? If protection is breaking down and he runs up the middle because the hole is there, it isn't designed. If he goes on a designed run or quarterback draw then it obviously is intentional.

So how many times did he run on a designed play up the middle?

With context we can decide if this is a problem or not..............

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Probably only enough to count on one hand, but why do that when you have 3 capable backs of doing that? I'd rather have cams runs delegated to fleeing the pocket for yards on busted pass plays or very, very short yardage needs. Otherwise let those backs earn that money.

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