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Playbook : Panthers vs. Packers


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I am kind of over the fact that all we get is negative press, particularly when, in programs like this one, they break down the Xs and Os and try to use that as reasoning why we will lose week in and week out.

Of course they don't watch our games. If you notice, typically (not all the time, mind you) towards the end of the week, analysts become a bit more fair with their assessments of us. This is because they may happen to see the replay of the game and not just the highlights or the big plays by the other team on SportsCenter.

We won't get anything "good" from the media until we string together some wins (like, 4-5). Just something we need, as a fan base, to go ahead and accept.

This is football. There is probably a more likely chance we get whooped up on pretty bad, but there is still a good chance we can keep it respectable and we CAN win...we just have to play damn near perfect. I just want to see us compete. A win is nice, but it is the fuging Packers. You all know I think we stand a good chance to win this one, but I choose to focus on that fact rather than accepting that we will get our asses kicked. Not even going to entertain the thought of us getting blown out until it happens, IF it happens.

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Personally, I don't care what Packers' fans predict.

I don't care what the 'talking heads' say.

I care about what the Panthers players believe they can do and hopefully that transfers to execution on the field and after the past 2 years, look like they belong in the NFL.

If we want to concede the game to the Packers, then why play?

Win or lose, this is a good measuring stick for Newton and the Panthers.

I believe they will represent themselves well, why do I feel that, I could not tell you other than it's their home opener, the crowd will be well behind them, Netwon excites people, and I think the veterans on this team are sick of losing and sick of being laughed at.

Sometimes, that is enough.

No one expected Seattle to take out New Orleans in the playoffs either.

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The Redskins beat them last year so anything can happen.Seriously, I am looking for team progress more than a win though it would be nice.I am just so happy with a new coaching staff and exciting games.I hate to beat a dead horse but I really hope we can run the ball and stop the run.

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I almost spewed my coffee all over the screen when they talked about how well our O-line protected Newton.

WTF? I'm thinking they figured since no one really pays attention to the Panthers, they can just watch 2 plays, draw their conclusion, and hope they're right on the money.

I'd say the pass blocking was 50/50 in terms of being good/bad. Maybe a little worse than that, but it wasn't completely bad. There were times when Newton had plenty of time. The run blocking, on the other hand, was 10/90 in terms of good/bad (that 10 came mostly off a couple plays).

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