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Playbook : Panthers vs. Packers


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Let these guys tell it, we won't even get in the redzone. Oh, and they make no mention of the Saints hanging up 419 passing yards on them.

By the way, Joe must be smoking.

And what the fuq is Matt talking about? Didn't Cam get sacked like 4 times? That doesn't sound like amazing protection to me.

Just further proves that these guys don't watch the games.

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These guys seem to know what they are talking about (last week). Every time that I hear Joe Thiesman talk, I wonder how in the hell I used to be a Virginia Indians fan. That cocksucker has had a problem with the Panthers from day one. fug him. But the others are somewhat correct... about what happened last week that is. We'll see what happens this week. Win or lose, I'm just happy to have a game to watch.

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Won't be posting here beyond this one. Just wanted to wish you folks good luck...to a point, and you know where that point is since I'm a Packers fan in NE Wisconsin. :)

I've always held Carolina fans in high esteem after meeting a whole mess of them during the week leading up to the NFC Championship game in Green Bay following the '96 season. I found each and every one that I met to be fun and knowledgeable - it was a great lead-up to a great game.

If the Pack were to be surprised this week, I wouldn't mind if it were the Panthers doing it ... but again, because of the fans. Stay cool guys.

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Hahahaaaaa you and me both man.

Him and Torry Holt both.

Joe can kiss my ass, you're supposed to be objective in that position and he makes absolutely no attempt to hide his hatred for the Panthers.

Baldinger is always a Falcon homer and used to diss us all the time, but he's gotten better the last couple of years. I do know he was a big fan of Hoover.

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No doubt "reasonable" pundits will pick Green Bay and after Rodgers shredded the Saints it would be surprising for anyone to pick us. So these predictions aren't surprising at all.

Still I am a Panthers homer and as such am not reasonable about my boys. I think that one aspect they are not talking about at all is the blitzing we are going to do to Rodgers. There were several times last week where we were 1 step away from a sack or a big play. Our defense is going to be aggressive and maybe in a hostile environment Rodgers has a bad day. It could happen. People keep annointing him as all world and maybe he will be, but maybe he won't. I think the deciding factors this week will be special teams and our defense against their offense. If we keep it close we have a shot, if we get down big early it could get ugly. We have to avoid the big missed coverages and play fundamentally sound. If we blitz we have to get there instead of giving Rodgers wide open targets like we did Kolb. If you take away those 2 blown coverages, Kolb throws for only about a buck fifty. We have to do the same thing to Green Bay as well. Keep it short and in front of us and don't give up the long play. I hate the term but we have to bend but don't break. At least this week.

I think it's close and hopefully we make a few plays to turn the game in our favor. I never predict an actually score but I am optimistic we can put together a total game plan to win.

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GB has a big divisional match up against the Bears, maybe we'll catch them looking ahead.

Everyone thinks GB is going to trounce us, I just don't see it. Capers is a good DC, but we have some match ups that we should be able to take advantage of. I like our OL vs their DL, Olsen and Shockey vs their LB's, Cam vs the rush when he can escape.

Handling their O will be the challenge, but with the new DT I see us forcing AR to win it and at least we can make them one dimensional. If we can tackle effectively I think we have a good shot and keeping the score manageable.

ST's can not give up another back breaking TD to another rookie returner.

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Why would any one take Joe's words seriously? There is a reason why he went from primetime football announcer, to espn analyst, and now just a talking head. I can't remember what it was, but almost 2 months ago, NFL network did an interview with him and he said something so dumb even people on NFL network said wtf?

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No doubt "reasonable" pundits will pick Green Bay and after Rodgers shredded the Saints it would be surprising for anyone to pick us. So these predictions aren't surprising at all.

Rodgers has a bad day. It could happen. People keep annointing him as all world and maybe he will be, but maybe he won't.

It begins and ends with Rogers.

Cut off the head of the snake, and the snake is dead.

Rodgers needs to be hit every single play, every one of them.

That is the only way to get under his skin. He needs to pay for every completion, handoff and run.

It is the same with Brady and Manning.

At the end of the day, they are human and getting hit hurts and after awhile the cumulative hits take their effect.

Frankly, I'd put Thomas Davis on him and just tell Thomas to go get him and fix other coverages to account for it.

Rogers may complete a pass, or a he may run for yardage, but, I want him to pay for every single inch he gains from the beginning of the game to the end.

Do that, and the Panthers have a good chance in this game. Don't do that, and it will be a very long day.

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