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Hairless Cat

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"sacrificial lamb" implies that the coaches have no faith in this team even being competitive.

To me, I have a tough time imagining any team going gang busters 4 weeks after getting a new coaching staff and a new offense. I'd think even if you had Pro Bowl players at every position, the team as a whole would not perform as it will 6-8 games into the season. There's gonna be a learning curve, and putting a QB that's experienced with the offense in while EVERYONE is learning while playing can't hurt.

In my book, you're reading more into my comment than was meant. Having Cam start once the team is at least doing the offense correctly will go a long way towards him having success.

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ncbobcat's posting is similar to that of a retarded person who literally regurgitates poo due to an intestinal blockage.

I am not, however, saying that ncbobcat himself is ACTUALLY a retard who vomits up his own poo in the form of text on a message board, just that he posts like one. Gotta stay in line with the new rules.

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A probowler sucks - yeah - right-

anyone with half a clue to the game could see Anderson is ready to lead this team now, whereas the 2 and 3 guys arent even close to having his poise - apparently the teams management is willing to let the fans suffer through another abysmal season so we can hope for the future. sorry but Im done hoping for the future - I want to win now damnit! I aint getting any younger!!!!!

Start Anderson!

Stupid post is stupid.

Anderson cracked under pressure in Arizona. While I'm a little warmer about the idea of him being on our roster, he is in no way shape or form "ready to lead this team now". Can he be a great #2? Sure. I'm all for him unseating Clausen at that spot.

But Newton is our starter. Get over it.

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Stupid post is stupid.

Anderson cracked under pressure in Arizona. But Newton is our starter. Get over it.

Anderson went to Arizona, watched Leinart get starter's reps all fall through preseason game three, had two weeks to learn a system that catered to Kurt Warner's strenghts, had three or four days practice with a recuperating Fitzgerald (knee injury) before the season started and played behind a pourous O line that couldn't protect any Arizona QB. He got in 7 games as a starter, it was later mentioned he had internal bleeding and a concussion from the beatings he took in the backfield. Yep, he cracked, he still had the best stats of any Arizona QB that year.

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