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Unless Cam really fugs this up... He's our Starter!


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call it what you want. In terms of tools, athletic ability, talent etc. You think jimmy has more than Cam??

I think Jimmy has looked like the better pro QB so far, but I think Cam has a higher potential. Cam's got a lot to work on, but he's improving, so we'll see more of that talent every week hopefully. However, I felt the last couple weeks Jimmy has just looked more solid and more consistent, especially when it came to accuracy/ball placement. He's also impressed me with his ability to make plays when things go wrong (aka the pass to Brokel that went for 20 yards), and his ability to lead TD drives, which he struggled with last year pretty mightily.

Cam will pass Jimmy soon, I just don't think he has yet.... well, he has on the depth chart anyway. ;)

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Didnt exactly answer the question but its ok. My point of view is based on their athletic gifts/tools/talents. Evaluating them on that..grading them on that. Im not insulting Jimmy or hating on the guy. It was just a brutally honest assessment of the two players. Jimmy to me is a back up type player. A role player. Cam is a gamer changer type. Yes Cam needs to polish a few things..but I really dont see him being that far off. Will he be that guy by the end of this year? Who knows..but..Theres too much in there in my opinion. Id rather go down with Cam playing and getting experience...

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Bottom line

The front office drafted a QB #1 in the entire draft, he will be playing no matter what Jimmy does because the front office would look like total failures for him not to play. Jimmy can only hope that he himself looks good enough for a trade.

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I'll make this simple:

Cam > or < Jimmy?

Arm Strength - Cam

Size - Cam

Speed - Cam

Power - Cam

Mobility - Cam

Strength - Cam

Short Accuracy - Equal

Med. Accuracy - Cam

Deep Accuracy - Cam

Improvise when play breaks down - Cam

Experience? Who Cares????

Cam has AMAZING TOOLS and ability. Let him dive in the deep end and use them. We all watched Jimmy play last year. The guy doesnt have the athletic talent that other QB's in the league have.

Not sure yet on your accuracy assertions just yet and both power and strength are not necessarily attributes when you consider someone who may feel like he should throw himself all over the field as a franchise QB. I care about experience and so dies every other coach in every other sport at every other level in the country.

It's not as simple as you suggest. I wish it was. The first time I read your post I agreed and in principle I guess I still do but simplification loses quite a bit in translation sometimes.

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Honestly I think he's only made one or two bad decisions so far. One was last game were the ball was tipped by the defender throwing into double coverage. He was lucky it wasn't picked off, but that's the only one that comes to mind. Now he's made some bad throws, but not many bad decisions. That's one of the main things Rivera liked about Cam's play so far.

yeah, Cam decision making has been VERY good so far.

Throws is another story.....many bad throws. But his decision making and reaction to pressure has been better than I assumed it would be this early.

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I wasn't impressed with Cam against Miami. He wasn't that accurate, and he found out that he isn't as successful tucking the ball and running as he was against college players. I am not saying he won't get better and won't possibly one day be great. i am just saying I wasn't impressed with him the other night.

In FACT, I thought Claussen played better. I am not saying Claussen played a LOT better, just better. Did he wow me enough to say he should be a starter ahead of Newton? No. He did play as I expected a 2nd year player to play, better than the new guy coming in but not THAT much better. You can tell that all the players missed the time lost during the lockout, and they both have a ways to go.

How the worst team in the league got one of the toughest schedules this year is beyond me, but with reality what it is, whoever ends up being the starting QB, they are going to have a tough year.

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I wasn't impressed with Cam against Miami. He wasn't that accurate, and he found out that he isn't as successful tucking the ball and running as he was against college players. I am not saying he won't get better and won't possibly one day be great. i am just saying I wasn't impressed with him the other night.

In FACT, I thought Claussen played better. I am not saying Claussen played a LOT better, just better. Did he wow me enough to say he should be a starter ahead of Newton? No. He did play as I expected a 2nd year player to play, better than the new guy coming in but not THAT much better. You can tell that all the players missed the time lost during the lockout, and they both have a ways to go.

How the worst team in the league got one of the toughest schedules this year is beyond me, but with reality what it is, whoever ends up being the starting QB, they are going to have a tough year.

well a 2nd year player going against backups.....should look slightly better than a rookie going against starters. Doesn't mean he actually is better to a degree worth debating....

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I don't know about the biggest game of his career....this is preseason for pete's sake.

I definitely agree on this split fan base b.s.

Last week, Fox News Charlotte or something posted on Facebook asking fans if they were "Team Jimmy" or "Team Cam"

First off, this isn't Twilight, as much as I love it, this is football dammit.

Second, quit tearing our fan base further apart than we already are. How about we all come together to cheer for OUR team instead of arguing over who should be at QB.

Winning is a team effort, we should all consider that as fans too.

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I'll make this simple:

Cam > or < Jimmy?

Arm Strength - Cam

Size - Cam

Speed - Cam

Power - Cam

Mobility - Cam

Strength - Cam

Short Accuracy - Equal

Med. Accuracy - Cam

Deep Accuracy - Cam

Improvise when play breaks down - Cam

Experience? Who Cares????

Cam has AMAZING TOOLS and ability. Let him dive in the deep end and use them. We all watched Jimmy play last year. The guy doesnt have the athletic talent that other QB's in the league have.

WTF! Then why the fug can't he convert a freaking 3rd down for chriss sakes.

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WTF! Then why the fug can't he convert a freaking 3rd down for chriss sakes.

well, the fact he had no ground attack and WRs not worth a poot probably aided that.....

But it is probably more fun to act like Cam has full control over it.

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well, the fact he had no ground attack and WRs not worth a poot probably aided that.....

But it is probably more fun to act like Cam has full control over it.

BUT he is God and has all those tools. :banghead:

Surely he can just will the other players to help out a little.

It's real hard to get behind him when over half the posters here think his poo doesn't stink. In fact he has many flaws and needs a lot of work. I do think he will eventually become a good QB but now it's still a work in progress. But if you bring this up your labeled a hater and that just gets old.

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well, the fact he had no ground attack and WRs not worth a poot probably aided that.....

But it is probably more fun to act like Cam has full control over it.

I agree the team was horrible, but it does make a QB look bad when the offense doesn't convert a single third down because the QB is the leader. Not saying it was all his fault, but being the QB he will get most of the blame.

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