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Still disrespected...


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so they should mention us to be nice?

the reason they didn't was because the panthers have done nothing to show that they are relevant. as far as most people in the league are concerned there are only 3 teams in the NFCS to really talk about being contenders this year and none of them are the panthers. the team has to show that they are worth discussion. they are going to have to prove that they are relevant.

i'm just not going to be bothered by a so-called "lack of respect" when the panthers have done nothing so far to show they deserve it.

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Ummm... That's simple: we should be mentioned because we are in the NFC South.

As for the rest of your post I didn't see a reason in quoting it. All you did was say everything that I did in the op but in your own words.

I'm not being a homer here, all I'm saying is this... If you're going to talk about a Division, and not even mention one of the teams whatsoever... That is a bitch slap to that team. I hope our boys are tired of being the recipients of said bitch slaps, and I hope they're ready to start dealing a few out on the football field. And I'm sure they will.

As usual though, the first responses in any thread dictate the tone (until TRD derails it) unfortunately the first responses were not what I was expecting, so this thread spiraled out of control very very fast.

Iamhubby seems to be the only one agreeing with a sentiment that should be more popular than ever. Optimism. Brand new start for us on many fronts.

1) The Panthers will be discussed as a competitive football team when we start winning football games. Immediately.

2) We're already being talked about alot because of Cam Newton.

3) Why do you care in the first place?

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I'm dying of exciting waiting on Joe Buck to talk about the Panthers. We're talking about Joe Buck here.

Nevermind shoring up the CB position or properly using Newton, what the teams really needs is his attention. That will be the turning point.

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U motherfuggers are all retards! I'm not begging or asking for attention for the Panthers. You really should learn how to read sentences. Those sentences form paragraphs in which a general purpose or idea is conveyed. There is NO arguing or excuse to be left out of any conversation involving our division.

Razor you have thoroughly disappointed me tonight. I have specifically answered u 3 times and u still don't get it.

Maybe I'll just start posting in Spanish. More people will understand it that way.

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Lol look at the QB debate. It's a very old topic, but at least after every game there is something new to talk about based on there performance. There is nothing new about the media ignoring us. You can add more examples, but it's still the same exact thing.

I think I'll pass.

I will say, I think lesser treatment of smaller market teams by sports media is worthy of conversation, though.

This obviously isn't the thread to discuss.

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I don't know... Maybe since the "facts" are that we haven't even been mentioned would be a pretty good focal point in which to come together on something. Try to build a lil camaraderie amongst Huddlers. Granted not a positive issue to concentrate on...

I guess I'm the only one tired of it though. I guess I'm the only one here that expects our team to realistically be good. It's cool.I'll just keep high fiving myself for now.

yea that really sounds thread worthy

OP: Hey guys not a homer here but i really think the panthers should be mentioned in an Eagles/Steelers preseason game

RE: yea i know i agree we should be mentioned especially if they mention the bucs and and the saints and and the falcons.

RE (2): yea i agree too i mean if you're going to mention every other team we need to be mentioned too

RE (3): OMG I saw that on TV and thought the EXACT SAME THING


RE (5): Yea that's just it we don't get respect ffs dammit


the end

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There is NO arguing or excuse to be left out of any conversation involving our division.

They weren't playing a game of list the teams in the division. You said they were talking about the competitive teams in the NFC South. They all had at least 10 wins, are returning successful to great QBs and have the same coach returning. The panthers were 2-14, have a rookie QB and a new staff. Take a guess as to why the Panthers weren't included in that discussion. Take 3 guesses if needed.

If the argument is that these guys don't know poo, then why would if give you warm happy feelings it they did mention the team?

Why the hell get angry? Nothing you can possibly do affects how good the team is and nothing they do is a reflection on you so why take it personally?

This stuff is sorted out on the field.

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I think I'll pass.

I will say, I think lesser treatment of smaller market teams by sports media is worthy of conversation, though.

This obviously isn't the thread to discuss.

I agree. However, when that conversation gets repeated every week, it gets boring quick

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U motherfuggers are all retards! I'm not begging or asking for attention for the Panthers. You really should learn how to read sentences. Those sentences form paragraphs in which a general purpose or idea is conveyed. There is NO arguing or excuse to be left out of any conversation involving our division.

Razor you have thoroughly disappointed me tonight. I have specifically answered u 3 times and u still don't get it.

Maybe I'll just start posting in Spanish. More people will understand it that way.

They weren't playing a game of list the teams in the division. You said they were talking about the competitive teams in the NFC South. They all had at least 10 wins, are returning successful to great QBs and have the same coach returning. The panthers were 2-14, have a rookie QB and a new staff. Take a guess as to why the Panthers weren't included in that discussion. Take 3 guesses if needed.

If the argument is that these guys don't know poo, then why would if give you warm happy feelings it they did mention the team?

Why the hell get angry? Nothing you can possibly do affects how good the team is and nothing they do is a reflection on you so why take it personally?

This stuff is sorted out on the field.

This. You said they were talking about how competitive the NFCS teams are. Last year we were not competitive so we were left out the conversation. If you can't understand that then you are the retard not us.

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just saying it isn't a big deal. not worth getting bothered over.

2-14 season....no back to back winning seasons....those are things worth getting bothered over. doing nothing to be considered relevant the last two years...that

s something to be bothered over. being a fan of a mediocre team....that's something to be bothered about.

it's not a lack of respect or even being ignored that bothers me. it's that this team hasn't deserved it for years. it's this team that bothers me and has for years with their desire to play it safe, accepting mediocrity. now it's up to them to turn all that around. i think they have taken many of the steps needed to turn things around and when they do i think it's going to be a thing of beauty...but that's all wishful thinking until it's reality and it could take time for that to happen.

if other people think the problem is in other people's perception of this team...fine. i just see the problem being the panthers themselves.

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