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Gym rats...

Darth Biscuit

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What kind of supplements do you take/recommend?

I don't really want to put more muscle on, but I'd like to keep what I have an lose some fat... if I add some muscle in the process, wouldn't hurt my feelings too much.

I workout about 5 days a week as it is and I've been doing more cardio than lifting the last two months. I am starting to tell some difference, but as Saltman reminds me, I am getting older and it's harder and harder to lose that fat.

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<<<<old guy. Hate to break it to you, but since I've quit drinking during the week, its alot easier for me to keep lean. :D I'm also running alot more than I used to. Never did supplements other than protein powders. Now I just make sure I eat enough protein-rich foods.

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Yeah, I don't drink as much as I should... :lol: so that's not really an issue.

My diet is getting better but that is an issue. I've cut sodas out... well, mostly. I regress on that sometimes. I generally eat healthy now. I don't do a lot of running, mainly because it kills my knees.

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I should have said I take a bunch of vitamins/ minerals every morning. I guess those are supplements, technically. Might be wasting $ but eh.

I drink a soda maybe once a month. Only water, or beer. :)

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Me? 38... 6'0", 215

Ok at 215 even at your age you should still be able to drain about 15 - 20 lbs off with relative ease

What kind of stuff do you usually do .. I know you said cardio but if you could be specific like .. do you run? Plyometrics ( jumping , jump rope yada yada ) ?

BTW Chad Ochocinco said it best if you workout like you're supposed to , you can eat or drink whatever the hell you want :p

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What kind of supplements do you take/recommend?

I don't really want to put more muscle on, but I'd like to keep what I have an lose some fat... if I add some muscle in the process, wouldn't hurt my feelings too much.

I workout about 5 days a week as it is and I've been doing more cardio than lifting the last two months. I am starting to tell some difference, but as Saltman reminds me, I am getting older and it's harder and harder to lose that fat.

I really like using this website, bodybuilding.com, and they generally have some pretty good deals compared to other places and they really have a lot of info and member reviews that really help. Just go to set up your plan and it will give you a video overview and a list of products that will be best for you.

Personally I really like Gold Standard as a source of protein and multi-vit and NOW vitamins are also pretty good. If you have more specific questions after that I can try and help, but usually everyone has their preferences. If you are not looking to really add muscle, I'd just stick to vitamins and omegas and go from there.

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If you go balls to the wall with all your workouts your diet isn't that big of a deal unless your eating 20+ bigmacs a day or something. Just eat like regular and maybe lessen the soda intake and you'll be fine. I lost 30 pounds running and lifting weights and i ate whatever i wanted including burritos and hamburgers every once in awhile.

But as for supplements you can take Jack3d 3d pre-workout and drink muscle milk post workout. These are the too most common supplements.

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