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Training Camp prayer...


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If you're not religious, please read no further...

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We come to you tonight to thank you for giving our front office the wisdom to go out and get the right type of players to surround and make up this organization. We thank you for giving us an excitement that we have not had for some time. We come to you to ask that you give the wisdom to these coaches so that they will know exactly how to get the maximum effort from our players. We pray that you lead and direct our team with conviction that they can do anything through you. I pray that these players that you have brought to us will learn as much as they can in a shortened offseason. Please lord, keep these men alert on the field and out of harms way. I pray that this camp will unify a once broken team and provide a new found purpose and a will to be the best they can be for one another. I pray that you keep these men healthy, and injury free. Lead them as u have led me to do this tonight. I pray that anyone reading this feels your love, and that you pacify whatever problems that may be in their everyday lives. Let us come together as a fanbase and cheer together for this team that we love so much. And lord if I can be selfish, please pave the way for the most successful season in this franchises history. In Jesus' name I pray... Amen

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Maybe it will work?

I'm in the military as most of you know... It's our costum to pray before going into the poo...

I May not be perfect, but our boys are going to war, and it starts tomorrow...

I felt the need to do that... So I did it.

That is all

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