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CRUCIAL NFL Labor talks resume today... Link inside


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I just read another ESPN article in regards to this weeks negotiations...


Basically, it says that the lawyers are meeting both today and Wednesday working on the legalities of a possible deal. On Thursday and Friday the players, Smith, and Goodell will meet and I guess hash out the small stuff.

I have to believe that the deal has been struck, being that the lawyers are drawing everything up. I just think that both sides don't want to announce the deal just in case something goes sour. That would not be good PR and the fans would see a false claim that the deal has been made as a slap in the face.

I'm thinking this is already over. Everything now is just the legal verbiage if the agreement.

It's important to note that the lawyers (both sides) are present and working in this together.

Like I said. I think that the Lickout itself is in fact over. I just think that the league wants to cross it's t's and dot it's I's before the ifficial announcement has been made. I'm sure that they will have a very in depth press conference outlining how free agency will go and so forth.

I really do think it's over. The lawyers have dine nothing but fight and argue.. Now they're drawing up an agreement? This thing is a done deal. Good work on the NFL's part for not jumping the gun and reporting that the Lickout is over too soon.

Again just keeping you guys updated, but I also added my opinion to this post. Take it or leave it... The article speaks for itself though.

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Are hose supposed to be 3 complete sentences?

Worst grammar ever.

Are those supposed to be 3 complete sentences?

Worst grammar ever.

Funny how everybody is supposedly saying that I said hose when it clearly says "those" in my post. Note thatit has not been edited!

Take that rookie biotches!

ummm actually you never deleted the first thread.


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I see... I'm on my phone... I was wondering why my first response disapeared and I had to retype it. I must have accidentally sent it...

I was like... WTF does everybody keep saying that... Oh well it happens when you're at work and trying to do multiple things at once while the phone keeps ringing off the hook. My bad, and my apologies for calling u guys rookies... Can we still be frans!? Lol

Edit: make sure u read the update to thus thread a couple posts back. That's the important info. Not necessarily my opinion... But the article

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I think that a deal should be done no later then thursday or Friday. If it goes into next week we might can expect the worse and not see a deal get done or talks go real sour because the 15 is like a drop dead date. So a Deal needs to be done no later then thursday or Friday. It really is a fluent process and things can change really quick.

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here's what i've seen so far today...which isn't much.

AlbertBreer Fixing something in my story ... I'd reported last Friday that De Smith & Roger Goodell would be here today. Turns out, they won't be. ...

AlbertBreer ... So that's corrected. Also can report US Magistrate Judge Arthur Boylan will arrive Thursday, when Smith, Goodell, owners, players do.

AlbertBreer Everything else unchanged, as reported last week... Legal teams/staff here today & tomorrow. Owners and players on Thursday. Like last week.

Albert Breer about 2h ago via Echofon

MarkMaske NFL talks resume today in New York with lawyers, staff members from each side. Full negotiating teams are to rejoin the talks Thursday.

MarkMaske about 2h ago via web

AlbertBreer Lots of questions on why it's just staff/lawyers today & tomorrow. Covered that in my Total Access report last nite ... http://bit.ly/lHoyd8

Albert Breer about 1h ago via Echofon

AlbertBreer While I'm bored waiting ... One thing time-wise here on the idea of a "free agent period", don't think it won't spill right into camp ...

Albert Breer about 1h ago via Echofon

AlbertBreer ... That there will be some well-defined period for FA is very uncertain. If there's $$$ on the line, I don't think there'll be one.

Albert Breer about 1h ago via Echofon

AlbertBreer I think there will be an exclusive negotiating period for teams to deal w/their own. I don't see camps being delayed much to accommodate FA.

Albert Breer about 1h ago via Echofon

AlbertBreer My understanding is morning's going as expected, lawyers hammering out details & language, to set up deal if/when bigger issues are resolved

Albert Breer about 42m ago via Echofon

in the link that breer made to his comments on NFLN last night, he basically said that all this work with the lawyers without owners and players and goodell and smith is only setting the stage for face to face negotiations later in the week. it's all pre-work that needs to be done and discussed by the key parties. lawyers work out the little details and the big issues get worked out in the face to face meetings.

he said that a lot of the fringe and divisive stuff that had been keeping them apart fell off the table last friday and that they are closer to getting a deal done. having the deadline so close makes them work harder and more cooperatively.

SalaryCap101 MT @Russellmania980: In talking 2 some #Redskins officials today -- they are very confident a deal will be done shortly w/ no football lost.

J.I. Halsell about 16m ago via TweetDeck

MikeSilver The #NFL players and owners will settle in time for the 2011 season--and you will love them for it: http://t.co/SEdou53

Michael Silver about 10m ago via web

AlbertBreer Midday addition: NFL Sr. VP of Law & Labor Policy Adolpho Birch just headed in. Birch is, among other things, in charge of the drug program.

Albert Breer about 1m ago via Echofon

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Haters everywhere!

Don't worry about it HP.....the best comeback I have ever heard was from my son (A Duke grad-Trinity '09), when a couple of UNC fans was giving him a hard time about going to Duke, his reply was.."Where did you go to college sir?"

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that mike silver article he linked in his tweet is a pretty good (albeit lengthy) read.

a good bit of it is just fluff, but still he does a good job of looking at the big picture and what the end result of the process will be (he included jerry richardson in that group).

he talks a good bit about how negative perceptions of everyone involved will disappear as soon as football stars back up.

the thing that was the most interesting to me, though, was this part...

Though the process wasn’t pretty, I think players and owners got to understand one another better as time went on and that a settlement wouldn’t be within reach without some measure of shared respect. All of that is a good thing.

I also think that an unintended yet positive consequence of the lockout is that it provided us with a template for a saner, healthier offseason. This whole notion that players should be around for 14 weeks of minicamps and OTAs, followed by a training camp full of two-a-days, is silly and outdated, and players aren’t the only ones who feel that way. The expectation that coaches must grind it out for 11½ months a year is also a bit ridiculous, and once a deal is made I think you’ll see a collective workforce that’s fresher and livelier than in typical years.

That the new CBA will likely include a significant reduction in the players’ offseason commitment isn’t entirely coincidental; when it comes to pulling back the reins on their employees and understanding what’s really relevant, owners are a lot more evolved than coaches or GMs.

Best of all, having discussed the current state of negotiations extensively with people on both sides of the table, I’m confident that there will be plenty of provisions in a likely settlement that members of each camp will find distasteful. That’s the sign of a successful negotiation in which there is no clear winner – and the building block for a long run of labor peace, as opposed to a lopsided agreement that either players or owners would feel they have to correct the next time around.


lots of talk has gone on about how harmful the lack of OTAs and workouts will be for the players, that there will be a lot more injuries taking place, but i'm starting to agree with silver that we may actually see less. players bodies have gotten a much better chance to recuperate from the last season. players have been talking about how much better they feel after this offseason. the new CBA should/will be cutting back on the amount of work that takes place between seasons. bodies need time to recover from stress. same with the mind. with the amount of wear and tear these guys put on themselves during the course of a season and the prep for it, they need a break.

of course i think thats true for everyone. people need a break from the stresses of work. you get that in most countries...people take several weeks off every year. the US doesn't allow for that kind of luxury. typically people only get 2 weeks vacation and rarely do they ever take all of that off.


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