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Any one here do Shrooms?

Hairless Cat

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This story is way old, and there was a thread already made. This happened in the town right by where I was living at the time, and had friends related to the departed. There was alot more than shrooms involved - I was told that this started over a girl. Shrooms were just the "legal" defense.

And yeah shrooms are great!!

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I did shrooms twice, and didn't really like it either time. The first time was just the plant, and I went to a rave club. I was just tense and uptight the whole time. The second time they were in some brownies, and tasted much better. Same experience though, and the only hallucination was things appeared to breath. I wasn't impressed.

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I did shrooms twice, and didn't really like it either time. The first time was just the plant, and I went to a rave club. I was just tense and uptight the whole time. The second time they were in some brownies, and tasted much better. Same experience though, and the only hallucination was things appeared to breath. I wasn't impressed.

I do not think I would want to be at a rave on shrooms. Mali, yes, x, yes, even adderall, yes. Shrooms NOOO

Yeah, the more you take, the more you see stuff. I thought the breathing thing was awesome. Looking at wood like this was AWESOME.


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the rave club was just that. a tiny little club in tha boro called Dizzy G's. it probably isn't there any more, but it was a 2 til 6 place. the music and the atmosphere was just all wrong.

the brownies were at a friends place. the only cool thing there was a piece of artwork that our friend had done. it was just melted crayons running down a piece of plywood. he'd heat one end, stick it to the board, and then melt it the rest of the way with a torch so it ran down in a thick line. he did it with at least a thousand crayons and probably several thousand, turning the board periodically to have the lines at several different angles. it was very textured and had lots of breath.

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My favorite acid story was laying on my bro's couch and staring at the carpet for 4 hours. I went on a ride through the fibers of the carpet totally awesome. My next trip a couple days later was a bad one, last time I ever tripped.

That dude obviously had some serious mental issues shrooms are not the root cause of ripping someones heart out.

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I did shrooms twice, and didn't really like it either time. The first time was just the plant, and I went to a rave club. I was just tense and uptight the whole time. The second time they were in some brownies, and tasted much better. Same experience though, and the only hallucination was things appeared to breath. I wasn't impressed.

yeah dude, I only take them with a few friends and chill at my place or someone else's.. club would be the last thing I would do. not sure what all you did the 2nd time, who were you with and what activities were going on..

there's a lot my attention/focus won't let me do.. also, it's not as intense as acid so you won't be seeing things walking around. you should definitely have visuals though.. walls change colors, breathe.. you won't see a green fairy walking on your friends shoulder flipping you the bird.

as long as your past experiences haven't been bad trips, it would be worth trying at least one more time. I wouldn't though if you think you'll have a bad trip.

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when i took them at the club they were just given to me, and I was like ..ah what the hell. second time was at a house with friends and music and what not, but i was still unimpressed.

funnest trip i had was on acid while camping. i still never did it again though.

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Tried em about 10+ times and have pretty much done all I want to do...with only one bad trip. That feeling of everything being new and knowing all you need to know is awesome.

My only mistake was tripping at a Halloween costume party...oh yeah that was crazy.

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Tried em about 10+ times and have pretty much done all I want to with only one bad trip. That feeling of everything being new and knowing all you need to know is awesome.

My only mistake was tripping at a Halloween costume party...oh yeah that was crazy.


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