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AWESOME article about LeBron choking!


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Any time someone starts a post with "I'm not trying to start anything," they're trying to start something...

As Simmons alludes to, LeBron is probably the greatest athlete the NBA has seen, but the greatest NBA players of all time had a competitive fire about them. They wanted to beat the best players in the league, not join forces with each other to win rings. They had a "killer instinct" that helped them close out games and opponents, not letting a clearly inferior opponent crawl back into games to make a series 2-2 when it should be a 4-0 sweep.

LeBron COULD be the greatest NBA player of all time not named Jordan, he just doesn't care to live up to that potential, and that is what makes him such a polarizing figure.

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Motherfuger why do I have to be out of the country for these finals

I don't know bro... But you're missing the best finals in a long long time. The series should be over... Seriously should have/could have been a sweep but LeBron has been an absolute no show in the 4th qtrs offensively. Wade has carried us through up to this point. Heat need to win tonight. Otherwise, they'll have to close it out at home, but that's only if Dallas can't close. If the Heat end up losing this series it will be epic!

I still have faith in my boys to get it done. My question is this though, and I guess it won't get answered until tonight, perhaps late in the 4th period... How much more can LeBron take? Will he be dominant tonight? We'll see tonight.

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I don't know bro... But you're missing the best finals in a long long time. The series should be over... Seriously should have/could have been a sweep but LeBron has been an absolute no show in the 4th qtrs offensively. Wade has carried us through up to this point.

Wade had an opportunity to win the game in Game 4 at the end and either bricked or lost the ball on that very last possession. Not to mention a missed FT to tie it. The fact he takes no criticism for it all and is able to "hide" behind the LeBron hate lets you know who's team this is, and the star of the show. Even in Game 3, Wade was MARVELOUS and easily the best player on the floor, but the talk of the game was all about what LeBron didnt do, not what Wade did. If Wade was the leader and the face of this league, nobody would mention LeBron at all. If Wade was the alpha dog, he wouldnt've lobbied for Bron and Bosh to come to "his" team. He wouldve tried to win with J O Neal, Beasley, and Q Rich again. He won 1 playoff game last year with them.

Yall act like LeBron & Bosh just bogarted their way into being Heat players. Wade & Riles BEGGED THEM! BEGGED THEM to come down there and make that franchise relevant again. Wade hasnt been out of the 1st round in 5 years and even missed the playoffs one year, and got swept the year after they won in 06.

LeBron carried this team to the Finals and isnt performing his best right now, but its just funny how Wade can be a no show virtually all year against Boston (averaged less than 15 points) and mentally check out of the Chicago series, now he's carried them. LeBron is still leading them in every category including minutes, and taking on the tough defensive assignments so D Wade can exploit his mismatches. He's making sacrifices for the team and gets criticized for it unfairly. Bron's given up a lot of individual things to win as a team and still gets hated. Jordan never faced this kind of hate or scrutiny for being a "team" guy.

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Wade had an opportunity to win the game in Game 4 at the end and either bricked or lost the ball on that very last possession. Not to mention a missed FT to tie it. The fact he takes no criticism for it all and is able to "hide" behind the LeBron hate lets you know who's team this is, and the star of the show. Even in Game 3, Wade was MARVELOUS and easily the best player on the floor, but the talk of the game was all about what LeBron didnt do, not what Wade did. If Wade was the leader and the face of this league, nobody would mention LeBron at all. If Wade was the alpha dog, he wouldnt've lobbied for Bron and Bosh to come to "his" team. He wouldve tried to win with J O Neal, Beasley, and Q Rich again. He won 1 playoff game last year with them.

Yall act like LeBron & Bosh just bogarted their way into being Heat players. Wade & Riles BEGGED THEM! BEGGED THEM to come down there and make that franchise relevant again. Wade hasnt been out of the 1st round in 5 years and even missed the playoffs one year, and got swept the year after they won in 06.

LeBron carried this team to the Finals and isnt performing his best right now, but its just funny how Wade can be a no show virtually all year against Boston (averaged less than 15 points) and mentally check out of the Chicago series, now he's carried them. LeBron is still leading them in every category including minutes, and taking on the tough defensive assignments so D Wade can exploit his mismatches. He's making sacrifices for the team and gets criticized for it unfairly. Bron's given up a lot of individual things to win as a team and still gets hated. Jordan never faced this kind of hate or scrutiny for being a "team" guy.

Dude... you seriously make Heat fans everywhere seem CRAZY! I dont like that you cant be real.

YES Lebron carried us through in previous series'... Nobody argues that. He has not shown up hardly at all offensively though in the Finals. WADE HAS CARRIED THIS TEAM THROUGHOUT THE FINALS! A blind man could see that. I cant believe that I have to sit here and explain shyit to another Heat fan... Or are you just a LeBron fan??? If you are, then it makes sense.

Riley and Wade Begged James to come to Miami!!??? LOL

Are you fugging kidding me!?

I think it went more like this. He knew that Cleveland wasnt serious about getting more talent around him, If he went to Miami he'd be able to ball with his best friend, and Bosh.

I think you forget that Wade could have easily gone to Chicago to play with rose and company... He's from there and I wouldn't have held a grudge whatsoever. He stayed in Miami though to play with his friend and stay loyal to an organization and fan base. not to mention the paycut he took personally to make all of this happen.

You sound so Ignorant when you say it's Lebron's team... It wont ever be his team. it will always be their team. WADE is a proven leader with a Finals Ring and MVP. yes LeBron is very talented but it's obvious that he's buckling under the pressure. I'm not even gonna entertain the MJ comments because thats just Ludacris!

Wade told him this during game 3 "I Cannot do this by myself! You are the most talented player alive! Step it up! I need you!"

I left out the cuss words. It worked for game 3 as The Heat held on... Then look at what happens in game 4! I lost a lot of respect for him in game 4... Phenomenal player overall, but when your best friend comes at you that hard, and then you don't show up... c'mon man! It's like WTF!? really bro?

Just like you did, just like most of us did, we all thought he'd come out in game 4 with gunz a blazin... again not forcing the issue to get to the basket, took shots but they didnt fall. I'm not attacking James, but I know that Wade can not continue to carry this team by himself with Dallas' bench warming up.

To end this post, just be real man. Don't let your heart tell you that what your eyes are seeing is bullshyit. Your eyes are not lieing to you! I hope that you don't take this personally and that you grow from it. maybe you needed to hear this from a fellow Heat fan for you to really get it. it seems everybody else always attacks you on this and I can see why. I hope that come tomorrow am you are on here talking for real KING shyit because Lebron ripped Dallas for 45 pts in game 5 that goes down tonight at 9.

One more thing... Wade Gracefully played the back seat to him all season long, never complained, never got jealous... James is saying all the "right" things in front of the cameras, because by now he knows better... but if he's half the man I think he is... He is hating that Wade is outshining him. Thats why he's imploding! Wade came outta nowhere and stole the show. people were counting him out for the year in the Chicago series... he was laying in wait... He's been here before. James never saw it coming, he came into this series with Finals MVP on his mind, and is now for the first time probably in his life living in another team mates shadow! He needs to get his head outta his ass by 9 pm tonight!

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This seems a little ironic since you guaranteed they would win the next 6 championships, don't you think?

TRD.. enough is enough man... How can you not even consider this to be highly possible. If they can remove their heads from their asses and get it done this year, with this barebones supporting cast and no TRUE Center to speak of... What makes you think they will not improve the roster and be even better next year?

Hell Your boy Lamar is probably missing Miami like crazy, and the opportunity for him to start is here; along with his first all star team...

For you to really think that they have no chance is being like a lil brother. You'll argue just to argue. Give me some reasons why you dont think they can win the next 6 then. i've given you my reasons as to why i think they will... You now have the opportunity to sound like you might actually know what you're talking about. I'll give you at least 8 hours to do your research as i know that the only basketball player you know anything about it Kobe. Your on the clock starting now...

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No one in the modern era has won more than 3 in a row.

FA's will go where the money is and where the PT is. The Heat simply won't have the cash to sign the necessary FAs to build a consistent winner.

The Heat are not a "team" and it takes teams to win championships.

Wade will be 35 at the end of that run and after 5 years of carrying LeBron, he won't have it anymore.

LeBron will be 32, Kobe's age now, and will be slowing down. He still won't have a jump shot and by that time his ability to drive will be gone. The reason Kobe still gets it done is because he has the ability to beat you anywhere on the court, same with Wade.

Bosh will be 33, meh.

There are a lot of young teams that are getting better each year that will likely contend including the Bulls, Knicks, Thunder, Hawks, Grizzlies, etc then there are the old teams that need just a bit of retooling to contend again including the Celtics, Lakers, Mavs, Spurs. With any number of free agent moves, these teams could become dominant.

The Lakers simply need a PG and possibly a SF to be the favorite again. If they get Dwight, it'll almost be unfair. The Lakers will not waste the rest of Kobe's years without chasing more titles.

The Bulls simply need one more scorer and they will contend.

The Knicks need a new coach and Paul and they will be better than the Heat.

The Heat are under so much pressure they are going to crack eventually, it's already starting to show in this series.

LeBron is afraid of the moment and always will be.

You want any more reasons?

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nope.. those were all pretty good. Im actually a little surprised. I agree that thye wont waste Kobe's years left... The future of the NBA looks bright again for the first time since Jordan though. Like that article said... Stern is doing cartwheels right now. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

I do still think that its highly likely that they win the next 6. the pieces there have a year under their belt. i think you're wrong about the FA's though. people will come to miami and take pay cuts to be a part of this. The only way this doesnt happen is if there's another BIG 3 created in the offseason this year, which i doubt because of the lockout next year. Time will tell, but You just gained some respect from me. I thought for sure that all you knew how to do was argue. I think the lakers need more than a PG though to be honest. All of the ages you gave for Miami players are 5 years from now... Which is my point. They could win the next 5 inlcuding this one which would make 6.

Had Jordan not went to baseball we would have witnessed more than 6 in a row.

I disagree about the Heat cracking. LBJ is cracking. The Heat are playing as they have all year, and it's gotten them to the brink of a title. I think we are all just disappointed that they arent blowing people out of buildings and running them off the floor. I know thats what I expected... Instead they hand games to opponents in the Finals on silver platters...Tonights game will go a long way towards Lebrons rep... I wont say legacy because he's still too young for that. If he bolos again tonight though... I'll be at a loss for words. If he bolos again tonight I think that Jordan should do a LIVE interview with Magic and tell the world that there will never be another him... and then throw his mike down and walk off the damn set! That would be gangster!

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Dude... you seriously make Heat fans everywhere seem CRAZY! I dont like that you cant be real.

YES Lebron carried us through in previous series'... Nobody argues that. He has not shown up hardly at all offensively though in the Finals. WADE HAS CARRIED THIS TEAM THROUGHOUT THE FINALS! A blind man could see that. I cant believe that I have to sit here and explain shyit to another Heat fan... Or are you just a LeBron fan??? If you are, then it makes sense.

No doubt Wade has been the guy this series, I just dont think its right or fair to prop him up when he wouldnt even be here if not for LeBron or Bosh. He hasnt been in a Finals in 5 years. When he was posting 9 TOs a game against Chicago last series and shooting under 40 percent, I didnt see Heat fans telling Wade to get his head out of his ass or even call it "choking". Wade choked at the end of the game 4, but because LeBron had a real bad game, no one hardly mentions it. All Im saying, as a leader, if he is, that wouldnt happen. I think both of these guys will ball out tonight.

Riley and Wade Begged James to come to Miami!!??? LOL

Are you fugging kidding me!?

No Im not, no way does LeBron and Bosh come to Miami if Riles and Wade dont want and lobby them to. Its why LeBron didnt go to Chicago, Rose and management werent high on it. And no way does D Wade sniff the 2nd round or beyond without them. Which is the main reason they're there now. Wade is 28, with an injury history, he needed help just like they did. Its a 2 way street.

I think it went more like this. He knew that Cleveland wasnt serious about getting more talent around him, If he went to Miami he'd be able to ball with his best friend, and Bosh.

I agree.

I think you forget that Wade could have easily gone to Chicago to play with rose and company... He's from there and I wouldn't have held a grudge whatsoever. He stayed in Miami though to play with his friend and stay loyal to an organization and fan base. not to mention the paycut he took personally to make all of this happen.

You sound so Ignorant when you say it's Lebron's team... It wont ever be his team. it will always be their team. WADE is a proven leader with a Finals Ring and MVP. yes LeBron is very talented but it's obvious that he's buckling under the pressure. I'm not even gonna entertain the MJ comments because thats just Ludacris!

I dont see it as LeBron buckling under pressure, I think he's deferring to D Wade & Bosh too much and just facilitating, and as we see, the Heat dont win or barely do when he does. The Heat are at their best when LeBron is running the offense. If he doesnt come out agressive tonight, it doesnt matter if Wade drops 40, they wont win. Wade dropped 36 in Game 3, but it was Bosh who hit the clutch shot to win it. If he doesnt, Heat more than likely would've lost that 1 too.

Wade told him this during game 3 "I Cannot do this by myself! You are the most talented player alive! Step it up! I need you!"

I left out the cuss words. It worked for game 3 as The Heat held on... Then look at what happens in game 4! I lost a lot of respect for him in game 4... Phenomenal player overall, but when your best friend comes at you that hard, and then you don't show up... c'mon man! It's like WTF!? really bro?

LeBron will step it up, but again stop acting like LeBron didnt say the exact same poo to Wade last series. You're getting caught up in the moment. Dude was posting 7-9 TOs a game and acted like he felt bad about beating his hometown team. He barely averaged 17 a game in the conference finals when Keith Bogans and Kyle Korver were checking him. Did you just suddenly forget the "whats wrong with D Wade" stuff from 2 weeks ago? Go look up his #'s that series. This selective memory stuff is crazy. I just dont remember you calling D Wade out about that or making a "D Wade is choking" post.

Just like you did, just like most of us did, we all thought he'd come out in game 4 with gunz a blazin... again not forcing the issue to get to the basket, took shots but they didnt fall. I'm not attacking James, but I know that Wade can not continue to carry this team by himself with Dallas' bench warming up.

To end this post, just be real man. Don't let your heart tell you that what your eyes are seeing is bullshyit. Your eyes are not lieing to you! I hope that you don't take this personally and that you grow from it. maybe you needed to hear this from a fellow Heat fan for you to really get it. it seems everybody else always attacks you on this and I can see why. I hope that come tomorrow am you are on here talking for real KING shyit because Lebron ripped Dallas for 45 pts in game 5 that goes down tonight at 9.

One more thing... Wade Gracefully played the back seat to him all season long, never complained, never got jealous...

Wade started the season hurt, and didnt play well against the top teams the Heat faced. Call it what it was. I agree he and James have shared the spotlight well, but if we're gonna crucify James when he plays bad, you better damn sure do it when Wade does which has been more than James this season.

James is saying all the "right" things in front of the cameras, because by now he knows better... but if he's half the man I think he is... He is hating that Wade is outshining him.

He said so himself a few days ago, all he wants to do is win. If he could score 8 points and they win and the media would shut up, he'd take it. But thats not enough, he has to be "selfish" and play outside of what he's being asked to do to appease people.

Thats why he's imploding! Wade came outta nowhere and stole the show. people were counting him out for the year in the Chicago series... he was laying in wait... He's been here before. James never saw it coming, he came into this series with Finals MVP on his mind, and is now for the first time probably in his life living in another team mates shadow! He needs to get his head outta his ass by 9 pm tonight!

Wade needs to get his head outta his ass at the end of games. He choked at the end of Game 4, and if LeBron wasnt on his team, everyone would acknowledge it. I dont care if he drops 50, the Heat wont win unless LeBron plays well. Bosh had 22 points last game and played good, but it didnt matter because the team goes as LeBron goes. When he plays well, they wont lose.

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