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Roger Goodell: Football's Future If the Players Win


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Coming from some pisson on a message board in cyberspace that is a player kiss ass, yeah I am really offended.

Run along son.

Here's the real thing that I don't get, why do you support billionaires who want to milk the league for every last dollar, over average salaried $600K players who simply want to play football?

Think about that, dumbass.

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You are also a joke.

Neither of you are funny, you're like the really bad joke that nobody laughs at and makes everyone uncomfortable.

I think it's a great idea to pay $1000s of my hard earned dollars to watch a poo team teach the players a lesson. Dumbass!

its OK

i understand you just realized you don't have a leg to stand on and have to act like a child and not respond to the argument...it happens eventually to all of you player snugglers

I knew it about a month ago

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The bottom line is there are true football fans that as adults and having managed or owned a business understand how bad this is and support the owners because the understand.

Then you have the typical fanatical clueless fan that is a player ass kisser that all they want is a season RIGHT NOW DAMN IT! and don't care that most likely the team they love will either fold or amount to poo when the new system hits if the greedy, spoiled asses get their way.

I am through arguing with the clowns. They won't ever stop kissing the players asses so its not worth my time

I own and have owned several businesses and being an NFL owner is not the same thing. Again, it is a luxury. I have owned boats and rental properties too. If I couldn't afford those luxury items, I have sold them.

Again, the NFL owners are NOT losing money and if they are, prove it.

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its OK

i understand you just realized you don't have a leg to stand on and have to act like a child and not respond to the argument...it happens eventually to all of you player snugglers

I knew it about a month ago

Yep. You're right. Not a leg to stand on.

Hey, did you hear, the lockout was lifted by a Federal Judge? Moron!

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I own and have owned several businesses and being an NFL owner is not the same thing. Again, it is a luxury. I have owned boats and rental properties too. If I couldn't afford those luxury items, I have sold them.

Again, the NFL owners are NOT losing money and if they are, prove it.

Why should they have to prove they are losing money. Tax statements should be sufficient right?

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Again, they do not have to claim they are losing money. All they have to say is that there is not enough projected profit and that the future of rising contracts for athletes that cannot even give you an extra two weeks a year because they are so fragile does not make business sense in this economy.

...kinda like when you dump rental properties when the fed is lowered and the government makes it possible for anyone who can fog a mirror to buy a home.

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No one is forcing them to enter the draft. If they want to be employed by the league, they should follow the rules of the league.

That's the thing. They are NOT employed by the league. They are employed by the teams. The players view is that rules set by the teams under the guise of the league represent a coordinated effort by 32 separate businesses to limit them.

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Again, they do not have to claim they are losing money. All they have to say is that there is not enough projected profit and that the future of rising contracts for athletes that cannot even give you an extra two weeks a year because they are so fragile does not make business sense in this economy.

...kinda like when you dump rental properties when the fed is lowered and the government makes it possible for anyone who can fog a mirror to buy a home.

You don't have to listen to me, but you should do some research. If the owners do not show a financial loss when the books are openned, then they will be in violation of antitrust laws. A financial lockout, which is what the owners are claiming, is a lockout that is based on financial losses. If the owners do not prove these losses, then they will have violated the law and be liable.

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Hey dippoo......the NFL owners opted out of the CBA and locked out the players.....if Richardson is too sta...sta...sta...stupid to see the writing on the wall, then shame on him.

Did you actually just call someone "dippoo"? My 13 yo son stopped calling people that about 5 years ago.

Next, you will be calling someone a doo-doo head.

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Wow, someone has been saying this all along. I wonder who that was....

And for the record this IS exactly what the players are after and plan on getting. You can kiss about 4 teams goodbye within 5 years of this happening and you can forget the panthers ever contending again because JR just won't outspend Jones, Kraft etal.



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I don't know Dick, how many? Oh that's right none because they haven't lost in court yet. And that 'value' of 1 billion, is pure bullpoo and if you don't know that you are too damn stupid to continue to debate this issue with. That 1 billion is pure smoke and mirrors.

That $1 billion is based on an independent financial investigations by Forbes. It’s done by them on all businesses every single year. It’s not a report that the team sends them. Every major corporation would lie their asses off to get on FORBEs list.

We have all read your posts and understand you hate the players. I can’t say that I feel any different. Both sides to me are missing the big picture here. This CBA is bigger than the owners and the players. They both need to stop being greedy. $9Bil a year. This does not include several other lanes of revenue the teams receive. Sponsors, for one. How much do you think the owners get for their stadiums sponsors. How much did Bank of America pay Mr. Richardson’s company (Panthers) to name his stadium back of America stadium? How much did Doge pay to be the “Official” Vehicle of the Carolina Panthers?

I think this is where the players are complaining. But yes the players make way too much money. But look at this way as well. The average baseball player makes more than the some of our top football players. And which sport is more dangerous? Which sport has the higher odds of a fatal injury?

All athletes today forget one thing that they need to be reminded of. THEY PLAY A GAME FOR A LIVING!. I myself defended this country for a living. I have been shot at I have watched friends blow up from IEDs. I did it for 15 years and like most of us here, I made nowhere near in those 15 years what an average player makes in one season.

No matter who wins I have already lost some of my love for this game. In the end it’s the Fans who will lose out or is it? No game = no money for the owners or players. Then look at the repercussions of no home games. Look at the lose of revenue for small businesses that make their money on home games for parking lots or food sales. Not to mention the vendors that work in the stadiums who rent those booths. The financial repercussion of this lock out and the ever small possibility of the game never being played again are bigger than just the players, owners and fans. It could cause the current depression to go on even longer and hurt the country even more.

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things that "alter market forces," econ 101, are things like salary cap, a draft, profit sharing, shared stadium financing, trades, and franchise tags.

Who do you think wants those? Who do they benefit the most?

How come unions are never for the free market with the notion of competing unions?

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