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According to Adam Schefter...


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"From antitrust attorney in the know. RT@JasonLReimer: If I were a player, I'd show up tomorrow at team facilities to argue for workout bonuses"

" NFLPA emailed players tonight suggesting they report to work Tuesday. email to follow..."

"Unless and until judge issues an order for a stay the teams will be in violaton of Judge Nelson's order if they don't allow access"

These are his latest tweets from oldest to newest. last one 30 min old

INTERESTING developments to say the least... This is gonna be a poo show for sure. It's unfolding right before our eyes.

Too much info in less than a 6 hour time period


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DeAngelo Hall:

Hall also said in the interview that he is not concerned about missing games this coming season because of the labor standoff.

“Zero, zero,” Hall said. “I don’t know if I’m being naive about it or what, but I just feel like it’s so much money out there. You know what I mean? To be honest, to be giving these fans, you know, releasing the schedules on time and having the draft, and having all these things and all this buildup, you’re not going to build up, build up, build up and then pfffft, nothing.

“I mean, the deal -- like any other deal -- it always gets done the last minute, the last second. I remember the year I came here, that half a year, and I was about to go to free agency, and I’m like ‘Man, the Redskins haven’t called me and we’re trying to get this deal done,’ and I literally had flights booked to other teams to start visiting because free agency hit at 12 o’clock, and finally at like 11:59 with seconds left we reached a deal. That’s how it happens.”

I wonder what percentage of the Players feel this way?

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If players from every team go to the buildings to workout tomorrow the NFL is toast! They will have to cave. At that point it becomes obvious that the players and fans want football... There is no Good PR move for them here other than just calling it a day and trying to spin it as something positive came from all of this... If they don't let them in... poo's gonna get crazy! I seriously think there will be riots by angry fans... Just another thought.

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