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Against all options, Newton makes most sense for Carolina


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A cold shiver runs down my spine whenever I think about the FA QBs we might bring in to lead our team next season. The only thing worse would be letting Moore or pickles take the lead. We're between a rock and a hard place, and yet Hurney keeps his job. He's good with contracts after all.

The kid in me wants us to draft Cam Newton. I want to see that big 'African American' out there scrambling around and making something happen. Freeman shed our LBs/defensive lineman and burned us (and most other teams) down field with good but not great accuracy. But Newton can't do that? The truth is we don't know. We're all in the same boat. Like a kid on Christmas Eve who eyes a massive present under the tree. Could be the greatest gift of your life, or a crushing disappointment.

The adult in me has come to terms with the likelihood that no matter who we draft, next season will be painful early on, and then boring once we're mathmatically eliminated from the playoffs. Newton, Dareus, idc who we draft, pain is on the way. So do we gamble, or go for the safer pick? As an adult, I usually take the safer route, but the kid in me wants Cam.

I would say that during fox's years our "adult sides " have been favoring and now its time to endulge our "Kid sides" a little. sort of like frosted mini wheats.....

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maybe it's me being an anti-qb jerk but I just don't see how a rookie helps us win now.

sure, in the future. but now?

b/c Cam likely will be more effective than either Clausen or Pike.....he will likely be significantly better as a rookie than those 2.

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From where I sit, I'd rather take a chance on a franchise QB and miss than not take the chance and watch him become a franchise QB for someone else.


Cam's arm is underrated imo but based off his running ability alone I think he'll be productive as a rook.

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Would you say the organization was not successful between 2003 and 2008?

There's a difference between the organization being a success and winning it all.

Not every year that ends in playoffs but no championship is a failure.

You don't need to be content with a playoff loss, but you shouldn't overlook the fact that getting into the playoffs is still a big accomplishment... enough or not, the team was pretty darn successful in that time span

Is 3 winning seasons, and 4 losing seasons in 9 years successful?

No. Hell no. Not even close.

Yes, we had a handful of fun years. And we ALMOST won it all. But almost doesn't cut it. It's not success.

And yes... the only team that wins the Superbowl can claim success for the year. Why? Because that's SUPPOSED to be every team's goal.

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What are you Newton haters smoking?

Read the article. It makes so much sense it is unbelievable you can still say no.

What do you want? Jon Fox football? If the other team shuts down the run we struggle to win?

I am tired of Jon Fox football. I want some excitement. I want a quarterback that can make some things happen. I haven't seen that since Delhomme was there, and even he was sub par.

Newton is the best possible chance for the panthers to progress. All you Newton haters are just angry that it isn't Luck. Well, suck it up! Luck is drafted next year, and not by us. SOMEONE is going to do worse than us this year.

Newton is our answer, he has the ability, and if you just do some homework you can realize that he is not as much of a risk as, say, Jamarcus Russell. Can't wait for the draft to see Newton hold up the carolina jersey.

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How many games does peterson help us win according to your theory? The kind of impact this team needs can't be selected on the defensive side of the ball. They just don't make enuff plays. Being that there are questions about all of the top players. I 'd go with the one with the most potential. Peterson might be to big and have to move to saftey and no one even knows how dareus will transition to nose.

Throwing away from a corner is easy and cloging holes with no sacks isn't my idea of the first pick in the draft.

PP has the ability to return as well... so he can help in 2 of 3 phases of the game. I think he def makes us better right away.. But I still like Dareus, because our LB core is our strength... and having that guy will help us both against the run and pass, so maybe we can get off the field.. I am still worried about 3 and outs though. But do not give up on Moore Clausen and Pike... but who knows. If we draft Newton and hes awful, I'll just say I told you so.

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Yea, whether or not we draft Cam, I'm not buying into the whole "shiny new car" routine that he describes in his article. Drafting based on revenue or excitement level does not win championships nor does it guarantee coach longevity. Fans may get excited about a new QB, but ask Oakland or Niners fans how much good that does. I'm also not so sure one of the figureheads in the campaign to decrease veteran and rookie salaries is going to let fly the largest payout in the league as mentioned in the article. I'm not saying for or against Cam, I am saying this guy is full of BS and does not represent the sentiment of this fan. I am fully able and willing to support Newton if we draft him, however, I am hopeful that a 1st overall pick/QB is more than just the most athletic or best player on the team. I need an unselfish leader, an example to the other players, a play-bookworm, and a contributor to the community. I don't see that guy in this years QB class. I hope newton can be that guy if we take him.

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From where I sit, I'd rather take a chance on a franchise QB and miss than not take the chance and watch him become a franchise QB for someone else.

I'm not sold that he'll be a franchise QB anywhere.

If the team is, they'll take him. If they aren't, they shouldn't.

Whichever they do, I hope they're right.

Success is not being a consistent winner but failing short when it counts no matter how you look at it what we did in the past DIDN'T WORK why continue to follow the same trend?

Doing something different just because it's different doesn't make sense unless what you do is also wise.

I don't think taking any of the QBs in this draft would be wise.

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For the record, I would pull the trigger on Cam if it were my decision knowing everything I do now. Why? Because I've taken some big gambles in my chosen career (acting) that have paid off and I make a pretty good living getting on stage or in front of a camera & performing or teaching others how to do the same.

Notice how that has NOTHING to do with judging football talent?

Again, I make a pretty good living with ^that, but the people who are making the decisions in this draft are making 5-10 times more than I am (likely more) because while I was training to trod the boards, they were training to investigate the poo out of football players & finding out if they fit the team or not.

Has Hurney made mistakes? Sure. Will Rivera make mistakes? Yep, but either one of them could bitchslap this entire board with their football knowledge using one hand, a smart phone, & eating dirty rice in less than 10 posts.

Also, they likely have twice the information than us. I'm not saying that we shouldn't voice our opinions, but being rational dictates that we remember that we are a bunch of yahoos who may or may not have played as far as college ball & there is a reason none of us are going to be in the Panthers' war room come the 28th.

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